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Topic: true or false?
no photo
Tue 12/08/09 01:02 AM

i dont eather but thats good to here i email people and never get a response. like im a creep or somethin

Think of it a lot like you are meeting someone on the street, do you right off the bat go into telling them what you like/dislike? It is no different here, you jump right into a full-blown 'I want to date you' in the first e-mail and people get jumpy.

SO TRUE! :thumbsup:

I get emails wherein the person doesn't even introduce themselves; they call me "hon" or some other ridiculous pet name; and start a conversation in the middle! slaphead

If they saw me in real life -- their approach would be different. I expect the type of manners and advance via email as if they were seeing me at the gym or store.

Unfortunately, that is one of the down-falls of online dating. Social skills are lazy. sad2

So true and well said!!! flowerforyou

What? It's a downfall to be called "hon" in a letter?

Try to go out on a real date, in nine inch heels, and fall down by accident on the pavement.

Now, that's a downfall.

In my opinion if you don't know a person, and it's a first contact, it's inappropriate to call someone "hon" or use a term of endearment. The gesture is too familiar.

If "you" don't know "my" first name -- what makes "you" think it's OK to call "me" whatever comes to mind? slaphead

The first thing I ask is, "What is your name" or "what may I call you" so I am not guilty of using a misnomer -- and calling them by a name they dislike.

I loath the nickname "Mel" but so many people assume its OK to call me by that name. I think it's impolite to assume things this personal.

"Hi! What's your name" is not a bad thing! :laughing:


HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Tue 12/08/09 01:16 AM

that someone can meet there soulmate on here?

Could happen

Beachfarmer's photo
Tue 12/08/09 01:24 AM
I've met several

Pureinsanity's photo
Tue 12/08/09 02:47 AM
never know.
miracles could happen i guess

windwalker65's photo
Tue 12/08/09 02:51 AM

If you believe in a soulmate as I do, then you can meet them
anywhere. I met mine online not long ago and its hard to explain, its like finding a missing piece of yourself you never realized you were missing. Its actualy quite wonderfull!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dict8's photo
Tue 12/08/09 02:52 AM
I flew 1200 miles to meet someone I met on here. Didn't work out but...hey, what can ya' do? :tongue:

slykatt13's photo
Tue 12/08/09 12:45 PM
it could be possible...i thought i did... she seemed sooo perfect...well i guess,when you talk on the comp. or the phone you can be anyone you want. id say it is possible and i hope so.

SitkaRains's photo
Tue 12/08/09 12:50 PM
I think you can find the partner on here as easily as you can in person.

I think one should keep all options open ya just never know when they are going to be right in front of you.

JohnInAshfield's photo
Tue 12/08/09 01:24 PM
Interesting subject.

After reading this thread I feel I have learnt a thing or two about writing messages to members. Being new to this I have to admit I would not know where to begin when approaching somebody by text.

There is another angle though: Since this is a dating site it also makes sense to get straight to the point and suggest a possible date - even if it is in the first contact. Why not? What's the point of exchanging endless emails and not getting very far? Life's too short. It's far better to chat in person, either by phone or face-to-face.

So, if I offered my phone number after only one or two emails, would this put people off?

Maybe I'm just playing devil's advocate. I too would not wish to jump straight into something. It's knowing where to draw the line.


MelodyGirl's photo
Tue 12/08/09 01:34 PM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Tue 12/08/09 01:35 PM

Interesting subject.

After reading this thread I feel I have learnt a thing or two about writing messages to members. Being new to this I have to admit I would not know where to begin when approaching somebody by text.

There is another angle though: Since this is a dating site it also makes sense to get straight to the point and suggest a possible date - even if it is in the first contact. Why not? What's the point of exchanging endless emails and not getting very far? Life's too short. It's far better to chat in person, either by phone or face-to-face.

So, if I offered my phone number after only one or two emails, would this put people off?

Maybe I'm just playing devil's advocate. I too would not wish to jump straight into something. It's knowing where to draw the line.


John, actually you are spot on! :thumbsup:

I am suspicious if a member offers his number -- in the first contact which happens often -- because I think "manwhore" or desperate or no common sense; however, if there is mutual, immediate interest, I would rather meet sooner than later. Endless emails, unless there is a long distance consideration, is a waste of time. If we vibe in the first few contacts, and we chat on the phone, ask me out already! :laughing:

As with everything, there is a balance. Also, regardless of all else, people will either attract or they will repel.

Life is short -- go for it -- but don't expect too much and get to know the people you date before jumping in head first. winking

yellowrose10's photo
Tue 12/08/09 01:35 PM

that someone can meet there soulmate on here?


Many have and have gotten married or engaged.

XenomorphEyez's photo
Tue 12/08/09 01:40 PM

I've met several
rofl rofl rofl

I don't believe in soul mates...BUT I do believe that Christian Louboutin is my sole mate. smitten

no photo
Tue 12/08/09 01:42 PM

Interesting subject.

After reading this thread I feel I have learnt a thing or two about writing messages to members. Being new to this I have to admit I would not know where to begin when approaching somebody by text.

There is another angle though: Since this is a dating site it also makes sense to get straight to the point and suggest a possible date - even if it is in the first contact. Why not? What's the point of exchanging endless emails and not getting very far? Life's too short. It's far better to chat in person, either by phone or face-to-face.

So, if I offered my phone number after only one or two emails, would this put people off?

Maybe I'm just playing devil's advocate. I too would not wish to jump straight into something. It's knowing where to draw the line.


A man sent me his telephone number in the first email a couple of months ago. I deleted his email and wrote him off as desperate, pathetic, a loser, a possible psychotic, and an idiot- no way in hell would I trust some random stranger with my telephone number if I was him. He had no idea who else I gave it to. So yeah, to answer your question, it does put some people off, but good luck finding someone who sees life the way you do.

no photo
Tue 12/08/09 01:42 PM
I hope so!biggrin

no photo
Tue 12/08/09 01:43 PM

that someone can meet there soulmate on here?

I know people on this site who have met "the one" here. So it can happen.

But there are a lot of factors involved -- distance can be a huge issue, for one.

Everybody's situation is different. I've been here 3 years as of yesterday and have yet to run across anyone compatible. So you never know.

JohnInAshfield's photo
Tue 12/08/09 02:31 PM

A man sent me his telephone number in the first email a couple of months ago. I deleted his email and wrote him off as desperate, pathetic, a loser, a possible psychotic, and an idiot- no way in hell would I trust some random stranger with my telephone number if I was him. He had no idea who else I gave it to. So yeah, to answer your question, it does put some people off, but good luck finding someone who sees life the way you do.

Agreed. Always better to be safe than sorry.

Anyway, if someone is genuinely interested they will keep in touch.

Taking things one step at a time or rushing into things: To be honest I think I am somewhere in the middle.


RKISIT's photo
Tue 12/08/09 02:33 PM
Edited by RKISIT on Tue 12/08/09 02:33 PM
did a r&b singer and an australian breed to create this so called "soulmate" i keep seeing and hearing about?

SitkaRains's photo
Tue 12/08/09 04:24 PM

Interesting subject.

After reading this thread I feel I have learnt a thing or two about writing messages to members. Being new to this I have to admit I would not know where to begin when approaching somebody by text.

There is another angle though: Since this is a dating site it also makes sense to get straight to the point and suggest a possible date - even if it is in the first contact. Why not? What's the point of exchanging endless emails and not getting very far? Life's too short. It's far better to chat in person, either by phone or face-to-face.

So, if I offered my phone number after only one or two emails, would this put people off?

Maybe I'm just playing devil's advocate. I too would not wish to jump straight into something. It's knowing where to draw the line.


Hi John and welcome to Mingle.

I personally would be put off if I got a phone number in a first or second email. If we are clicking then yeah I am one that likes to move to phone.

Since I prefer I to do the calling in the beginning just to be on the safe side.

When distance is an issue then yeahI do go to phone after a few emails.

When they are close I like to meet with in a couple to three weeks.

no photo
Tue 12/08/09 04:29 PM
flew around 1300-1400 miles to meet her--she did the same--and it was great--sure missed her since we're still far apart

aladytoo's photo
Tue 12/08/09 04:47 PM

I get emails wherein the person doesn't even introduce themselves; they call me "hon" or some other ridiculous pet name; and start a conversation in the middle! slaphead

If they saw me in real life -- their approach would be different. I expect the type of manners and advance via email as if they were seeing me at the gym or store.

Unfortunately, that is one of the down-falls of online dating. Social skills are lazy. sad2

I try and have a conversation,in the format,I would at a social event.Many tend to get way to personal, for me it's a red flag.And I will back away.

As for finding a soulmate, anything is possiable. You have to be open minded,as well as a open heart.

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