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Topic: I want to move...
aLittleBird's photo
Thu 12/03/09 05:36 PM
...out of this state and was wondering if anyone has ever just up and left and started over in a whole new place.

It's a scary thought to me, but honestly, there is no work in this place.

I'm thinking Arizona because of the climate.

Any suggestions?

no photo
Thu 12/03/09 05:41 PM
Insanity isn't always a bad state to live in.

tanyaann's photo
Thu 12/03/09 05:43 PM
My mom did it (don't know how she is doing) but she left the country a few years ago.

Save... plan... visit places... secure a job (if needed)... and just go! I'll miss you! You will have to stop down in Ann Arbor and see me before you jump ship!

aLittleBird's photo
Thu 12/03/09 05:43 PM
True, I'm more in the state of confusion right now though!

laughsandgiggles's photo
Thu 12/03/09 05:44 PM
Yep!!! i found a job in Ohio and packed up everything and uprooted my child and moved into the great unknown!!!- we've been here a year- the schools are great!! sure i miss my friends but i like it here!!

DO IT!!! if you really need a change its the best thing to do!!

aLittleBird's photo
Thu 12/03/09 05:44 PM

My mom did it (don't know how she is doing) but she left the country a few years ago.

Save... plan... visit places... secure a job (if needed)... and just go! I'll miss you! You will have to stop down in Ann Arbor and see me before you jump ship!

awww...thanks! I'm sure I'd still be on here anyway!

aLittleBird's photo
Thu 12/03/09 05:45 PM

Yep!!! i found a job in Ohio and packed up everything and uprooted my child and moved into the great unknown!!!- we've been here a year- the schools are great!! sure i miss my friends but i like it here!!

DO IT!!! if you really need a change its the best thing to do!!

how did you go about finding a job with an out of state address?

laughsandgiggles's photo
Thu 12/03/09 05:47 PM

Yep!!! i found a job in Ohio and packed up everything and uprooted my child and moved into the great unknown!!!- we've been here a year- the schools are great!! sure i miss my friends but i like it here!!

DO IT!!! if you really need a change its the best thing to do!!

how did you go about finding a job with an out of state address?
I found it online- when i went for the interview- i told them if they hire me i'll move up north. I wanted to move anyway so it all fell into place-they don't care where you are from if you know how to do the job and are willing to relocate- you should have no problem

aLittleBird's photo
Thu 12/03/09 05:49 PM
Where did you move from though? Arizona is a bit a drive from

fastlinnie's photo
Thu 12/03/09 05:52 PM
Yes i have. and i think it!s time to do it again.frustrated

laughsandgiggles's photo
Thu 12/03/09 05:52 PM
I moved from Florida to Ohio- not really a short drive but it was interesting and i did it in the snow!!! ive been here 1 year as of 12/1/09!!

aLittleBird's photo
Thu 12/03/09 05:55 PM
Snow...ick...It snowed here today.

cherie091279's photo
Thu 12/03/09 05:57 PM
I would love to move...if I could I would do it tomorrow.

fastlinnie's photo
Thu 12/03/09 05:58 PM

I would love to move...if I could I would do it tomorrow.
Where would you move too ?

cherie091279's photo
Thu 12/03/09 06:06 PM
Anyplace I can find a man to be my sugar daddy. I am just kidding. I am just ready to get away from here. There isn't anything here and I'm tired of it. I would like to find a place that has good schools for my girls and a decent job for me, other than that I'm not too picky.

aLittleBird's photo
Thu 12/03/09 06:08 PM

I am thankful my boys are all grown up so I don't have to worry about that part.

cherie091279's photo
Thu 12/03/09 06:09 PM
Edited by cherie091279 on Thu 12/03/09 06:09 PM
The only thing that really stops me from just up and taking off is my kids. If it weren't for them, I would have been gone a long time ago.

mrjimmy1972's photo
Thu 12/03/09 06:10 PM
what about poor little old me, im stuck here in scotland. i would love to just pack a suitcase and move to the usa. my big problem is that i dont know anyone in america.

aLittleBird's photo
Thu 12/03/09 06:12 PM
Well, I don't know anyone in Arizona

laughsandgiggles's photo
Thu 12/03/09 06:13 PM
I didn't know anyone in Ohio- just do it if you want to- its an adventure!!!

if you have the ways and the means to get out there! make it happen.

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