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Topic: Cheated
chestermarcius's photo
Wed 12/02/09 09:51 PM
Are there any men or women on line who have been true,faithful,honest,trustworthy,to their spouse and not ever thought about cheating on them. Even when the relationship was not going well. All comments are welcome. Thank You.

IndnPrncs's photo
Wed 12/02/09 09:52 PM
So I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess you've been cheated on.. Either recently or if in the past then you just can't get over it...

Sorry for what happened to you but the posts asking women if they can go without cheating are really getting old.. huh

Monier's photo
Wed 12/02/09 09:53 PM
I have never cheated on a woman in my entire life. My character ego would be crushed if I ever did laugh

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 12/02/09 09:56 PM

Are there any men or women on line who have been true,faithful,honest,trustworthy,to their spouse and not ever thought about cheating on them. Even when the relationship was not going well. All comments are welcome. Thank You.

Yes, I have, true blue 'till the end, at least my conscience is clean. Wish I could say the same for the last 3 women in my life. But then the Karma god paid them a visit, so it's all good.

chestermarcius's photo
Wed 12/02/09 10:09 PM
This topic will never get old unless you CHEATED.So you just answered the question for everyone. You have cheated before. Use your brain positive and not negitive when you read my topics or you will get caught.

IndnPrncs's photo
Wed 12/02/09 10:11 PM

NO I have NEVER cheated... I just happen to think you need to um well get a grip and deal with ONE thread on the same topic and possible READ the posts in your thread so that you actually pay attention and comprehend what others are saying in response to your reiterating, verbal vomiting threads...

no photo
Wed 12/02/09 10:15 PM
I'm confused, since when do men of honor and integrity go around accusing women they don't even know of cheating? Something stinks in here.....mad

IndnPrncs's photo
Wed 12/02/09 10:16 PM

I'm confused, since when do men of honor and integrity go around accusing women they don't even know of cheating? Something stinks in here.....mad

laugh laugh laugh oh yeah and that too!!!! although, I think we did establish the lack of honor in that thread.. whoa

Updawg's photo
Wed 12/02/09 10:22 PM
Why is the topic so important to you, what pleasure do you derive from the subject matter?

When were you cheated on, How did it make you feel inside? What did it do to your manhood?

What would it do for you if you did it to someone or with someone you knew was commiting the act?

DMW57's photo
Wed 12/02/09 10:24 PM

This topic will never get old unless you CHEATED.So you just answered the question for everyone. You have cheated before. Use your brain positive and not negitive when you read my topics or you will get caught.

Oh hell yeah i've cheated ... I'm always ****ing ******* behind my significant others back. It's a great game. You should try it. Especially the part about not getting caught. Never forfilling the girls needs but getting my own taken care of is a different game entirely. Never the less it's worth your attention.

SitkaRains's photo
Wed 12/02/09 10:24 PM

Are there any men or women on line who have been true,faithful,honest,trustworthy,to their spouse and not ever thought about cheating on them. Even when the relationship was not going well. All comments are welcome. Thank You.

I have to agree with princess here.
I will also be real honest Sure I thought about cheating in the death throes of my marriage I didnt' though, I decided I wouldn't go to that level.

Updawg's photo
Wed 12/02/09 10:25 PM
Says the boy

be a man

Atlantis75's photo
Wed 12/02/09 10:26 PM
Yep, I have been cheated on, but it didn't come as bad or a surprise, due to the fact that I knew about it and she played all along, since I play dumb and she actually believed that I was dumb. Good thing I was already planning to drop her, but i wanted to confront her with her with her lies. I even called the guy she cheated on me with..and he was surpised that she had a boyfriend. And who would have thought she ended up cheating on him too down the road..whoa Leopards don't change their spots...

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 12/02/09 10:33 PM
I think many here now know what to do with a cheater, we may not have known then, but we do know now. Here are a few suggestions.

1. Take them on a vacation with you and then ditch them and leave them stranded thousands of miles away.

2. After they have had a shower, lock them outside when it is sub-zero outside.

3. When they go to work, or off to bang their illicit affair, throw all their stuff outside, and change the locks.

4. Say you're going to the store to pick up some milk, and then never return.

5. Never under any circumstances EVER forgive them and try to pretend it never happened. The price of betrayal is termination of the relationship, no matter how long it was.

DMW57's photo
Wed 12/02/09 10:42 PM

Says the boy

be a man

It was a joke man. Don't get pretentious on me. frustrated

IndnPrncs's photo
Wed 12/02/09 10:44 PM

Says the boy

be a man

It was a joke man. Don't get pretentious on me. frustrated

dmw I don't think he meant you...

Updawg's photo
Wed 12/02/09 10:47 PM
sorry dude thought you were serious, sometimes you get the newbies wanting to act like a arse thinking he'll get more

CatsLoveMe's photo
Wed 12/02/09 10:57 PM
Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a counselor!

DMW57's photo
Wed 12/02/09 11:10 PM

sorry dude thought you were serious, sometimes you get the newbies wanting to act like a arse thinking he'll get more

Naw I understand. I probabbly should have said I wasn't serious. Sorry for the confusion.

The cheating thing just seems so simple. But we all make it so complicated. It all depends on how the cheating happened and how much you care for the person. If you care a lot and are a sucker you'll forgive no matter what. If you don't care at all you'll dump it like it was nothing. If there was an outside influence like drugs or alcohol then you may be more forgiving ... if it was concious you might not be. Its so specific to a certain situation that's its hard to generalize.

As for me ... my girlfriend of a year got stoned and drunk and cheated on me with an idiot with a minimum wage job and no aspirations to move forward with his life. While I could make excuses for our sake and say it was just the outside influence I know that she was mostly in control of what was going on influence aside. I let her go. It was hard ... but cheating isn't something I'll stand for. I value myself more than a relationship with someone who would do that to the other person.

Sorry it was kind a rant. There you have it. My real input.

no photo
Thu 12/03/09 02:05 AM

This topic will never get old unless you CHEATED.So you just answered the question for everyone. You have cheated before. Use your brain positive and not negitive when you read my topics or you will get caught.

First thought from a cursory look at the context of your posts and your profile, sex addict, probably accuses every woman of cheating before too long. Nothing in your profile seemed to suggest a desire for any level of commitment, and yet, you expect loyalty?

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