Topic: Does the Bible foretell the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? | |
![]() ![]() ![]() You make it sound like a bad thing? ![]() |
The misery at the beginning will be entirely the work of men. God will eventually send curses against the people who follow the Anti-Christ, but only because they will know that He exists and continue to blaspheme His name. Christians will be spared from the curses, we are not appointed to receive the wrath of God. God will not be playing with anyone. When a winged angel flys over your city yelling "Repent" and you instead curse God, you should already have a pretty good idea about what is going to happen to you. When two prophets in Jerusalem heal the sick and breath fire on anyone who tries to hurt them, it's time to put disbelief aside. I would suggest you start with NIV or NASB. KJV and NKJV are both nice, but a little more difficult to read. |
![]() Many will call 'lord, lord'.... Not all christians. |
All Christians, just not everyone who says they are a Christian. A
Christian is someone who follows Christ, if you aren't truely following Christ, then you aren't really a Christian. |
Good point.
AB, if you were talking to me I am sorry. I didn't mean to seem like I
was coming off in a bad way. I try not to push. Everyone is on their walk and if we were all on the same sidewalk it would get a little boring. We would all just nod in unison like a bunch of bobble heads. My change was a very radical and personal one and I simply choose to keep it off the internet. I would be happy to explain it in e-mail but putting it on the board would be akin to donning a steak suit and juping into the crocodile pit. lol Aye? ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
No spider, then you are a carnal Christian.
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Aye zap and if you do feel the urge to share... I listen well.
Spider you misunderstood my post. I was reminding you of the 'lord, lord...' paragraph in the bible, because I have seen many that profess his teachings with their lips and do nothing by his teachings. The next sentence was a shorthand way of saying that not all the saved will be christian. God will save by works. There are many on this planet that do works as if they were the very spirit of Jesus. Those also will be saved reguardless of the name on their lips. |
AB, you might want to check that. For by grace are you saved, not by
works, which is not to say...... aw crap! I'm not getting sucked into this. I love all of you guys and I value your opinions but religion gets too heated and I value my friends as much as my faith. I'm going to the naughty chair for a while. ![]() ![]() |
Spider knows what I am talking about. He knows those scriptures way
better than I do. The disciples speak on that subject many times. Grace aye, but grace without works is a hollow thing. |
Gotta let the eyelids slam shut for the night. You guys have a good
one! ![]() |
You are talking about James 2, verse 20 in particular. It's nothing new, a good vine puts forth good fruit. People who are truely saved put forth good fruit, they are good people who do good things. That doesn't mean that you can be saved by doing good things, it means that someone who is saved will show it through their works. |
Ah but will God care which branch of the vine the good fruit are on when
he comes to collect the harvest. Rather will he do as any owner of a sweet garden and pluck forth ALL the good fruit and leave the vine to seed the next crop. |
Jesus is the vine. We are the branches. Only branches that grow off
the vine will produce the fruit that God desires. |
Abraham was a Branch.
Krishna was a Branch. Zoroaster was a Branch. Jesus is the green Branch from the offshoot of Jesse. You are a Branch. The vine is greater for the multitudes of its branches. The Most Great Branch is the Human race. With out each of us the harvest would be but small dismal thing. The field is Gods. That which is Gods allways produces in abundance. |
As Bible prophesy goes (IMO) we have looked at the end of this age all
wrong. One thing why would Yahshua say that the temple would be destroyed and in 3 days raise it up? he did exactly that . The Holy spirit came and man became the Temple of Yahweh. Then around 70ad the physical temple was destroyed. So why do we all believe thier will be another temple built? We are the Temple. So what is the abomination that makes desolate? What is happening in the middle east today? Are they not trying as AB quoted Ps 83 you are surrounded by your enemies.Is not thier whole agenda to push Israel into the sea? Total destruction of it's people? Desolation? The Abomination what or lets say who is this? Does not rev. say where the anti-messiah is? Where satans seat is? I do not believe thier will be a physical temple built. I believe it is already thier. The Dome on the Rock. What is Yahshua called? The foundation of the truth.The Rock. Even deut.32 speaks of 2 Rocks. It speaks of yahshua and a rock that can not stand. This time of the Abomination that makes desolate i do not believe will be a Temple built for Yahweh that the Anti-messiah will stand up declaring himself Elohim. No He will do it in The Dome on The Rock. Mockery. He will claim to be an Arab Diety. He will claim Allah as The Most High. If history proves it self true the jews would never allow anyone to enter thier Temple who was from Hagar. They would fight to the death not flee. The war in Iraq can clearly be seen as the 3rd seal of Rev. with the rider having a pair of scales in his hands. What are we forcing on the world? Is a pair of scales not our symbol for justice/ Are we not dealing out so called justice to spread democracy? The 3rd seal is almost over and the 4th seal will come quickly as i have tried to warn about. Death, hunger, brother against brother to feed thier family. Why do I say that? Ethanol Production as I have posted many articles from agricultural experts on the dangers that we are putting us in with the depletion of our corn supply for fuel. The advantages of this new fuel over food is a disaster waiting to happen. China in jan. of 2007 outlawed all Ethanol production because of fear of widespread hunger if we have a bad corn year. Our groceries arealready going up. Experts are saying very likely we may see 6 to 10 dollar corn by fall. 4 dollar eggs by august. Yet we hear nothing of this from our own govt. They continue to push for more production even though in thier own reports show that Ethanol fuel will only decrease Green house gasses by 2/10's of 1 % by 2017. Wow thats alot of eviromental gain? But who really gains from this fuel. ADM this year projects a 5 billion dollar extra profit from ethanol. In 2008 they will make an extra 7.5 billion extra profit. Who is the real winner that no one hears aboiut? Also the Billionaire Bronson( the one who owns irgin Airlines) has announced he is building 7 new large Ethanol plants in the midwest right now. Did you know that? The Billionaires know where the money is. So see the 4th seal i believe is right around the corner. When Iraq settles down look for a major drought. I may be crazy but I believe we should be stocking up on canned foods to prepare ourselves. To not only feed our families but to feed others around us, so that they will praise Yahweh (as foretold) because of our preparing. I must sound like an alarmist. But ask yourselves and do some searching on the web, why has China banned Ethanol production in thier country? What would happen to corn prices if we have a bad drought? An extra 15% of our farmland this year has been dedicated to corn production as the farmers jump on the bandwagon. So 15% of our farmland is not being used for soybeans, milo ect. So if a drought would come what would happen to corn prices? What would happen to beef,hogs,chickens anything that uses corn prices? The Ethanol producers see make contracts with farmers for all thier corn before the crop is even planted. No matter what they get the corn or say maybe goodbye to the family farm? Don't believe me do your own research on the subject and come to your own conclusions. take care .... Miles |
Spider -- re. Bible versions, what is 'NIV or NASB'?
Thanks, Oceans |
NIV = New International Version NASB = New American Standard Bible TNIV = Today's New International Version If you can get one, I would go with an NASB (it's not like it's hard to find, but you will probably have to go to a Bible store or a large book store to get one). Also, try to find a Strong's Concordance to go with it. A Bible dictionary would also help, especially if you get one with the original words and meanings. Or you can just go to and use their resources. |
Thanks for the info, Spider.
Oceans ![]() |