Topic: Western Slope | |
I'm from Thornton o.O so hi? Well hi to you too Ms ! Gee i thought one of these nice young men would answer you back in a minute Hope you are making some nice friends as well KiK ![]() |
Apparently not, there's a lot of guys from other countries that are big into talking to me though, which is sort of odd to me.
Well you are a smart woman so just be cautious
Welcome and i see a lot of night people are young ? Maybe you can check that out ? ![]() |
I'll look into it,at this point in time I don't think I will be around much at night.
I'm sorry if you are not having fun in here
Gee you are certainly cute ? Hope you find someone nice ![]() KiK |
Lol, I don't have time to be on right now. And thank you (:
think all the people fell off the western slope ?
From the replies that don't exist...they may have....but...less challenge I guess. o.O
Hi there Ms !
How are you ? Nice to see you again and hope you found someone nice to be friends with ![]() KiK |
![]() KiK |
Edited by
Sat 03/09/13 09:22 PM
Urban Cowboy
By Yours Truly Local Talent Well he was dressed in a shirt That at best came from sears Not a REAL cowboy shirt That much was clear And his blue jeans had a pocket With a tag on the back That said "BUGLE BOY JEANS" Now who the hell was that ? He had a shiny pair of boots And a "DRESSY" lookin' hat You know the kind you get in big stores Like those city folks have And a buckle so big it looked like ...The grill of a truck With a shiny horseshoe turned up just for luck Well to clinch the deal He had no spurs and no gun You know them city boy types Seemed to never wear one And the room exploded with laughter As he patted the old Bull And said I'd take a little ride ...If that would be cool ? HA HA HA HA HA ! "Better go back to the city {chuckle} "COWBOY" One of them said And we laughed real hard While his face was turning red Embarrassed i suppose "YEAH you got me" he said Well i may look like a city boy y'all That much is clear But i got news for you folks I grew up right out here Where my Mom and Daddy raised me And where last year daddy died So i'm taken over the ranch Cause a Cowboy has his pride Now we've had a good laugh But ALL BS aside I got a hundred bucks right here There aint a cowboy i can't out ride ! ...Or a cowgirl if you ladies like ? {Respectfully tipping his hat} A Cowboy busted out laughing And said Imagine THAT ! This feller aint no cowboy Just LOOK at that hat "If i had the money city boy" As he knocked on wood ... City looked him up and down And said "Your credit is good"! I could use some extra hands For a while at the ranch And so those a you who lose When we dance this little dance I expect a cowboys honor MAN to MAN {or Woman} To show up for a couple days And lend me a hand ...OKAY THAN !...I'm in...ME TOO Yeah Fire up old "TORNADO" Gus ! Gus: Remember Y'all Nearest Hospital is thirty miles! ....... ... And just to be fair I'll be the first to take a fall Else i'll ride for my time We'll let the Bull make that call Will you set it to "3" Gus ? "NO AMATUERS HERE" But before i take my ride Could i get me a beer {Throat was dry} "On the House City Boy" GOOD LUCK ! {Yeah city hope you can turn that buckle over Cause you about to run outta luck} {The end with the horns is the front City} Well he stood there a while And sipped on his beer Than he said "Is everyone in" Who wants to "RIDE" the Bull here ...Than it got really quiet As with a devilish grin He said "LEt's cut the crap here Cowboys...GUS"! Turn it up to "10" ! WHOA THERE CITY ! {OOOOOOH the crowd went "Holy ****" another one said} {Gus} I DON'T KNOW...CITY ? {He won't do it a cowboy snorted} ...Well i think it fair to warn THAT BULL will wipe your grin There aint no one ever rode "TORNADO" Turned all the way up to "10" ! ....... Cept this kid i once knew .... And last year ....His PAPPY... died Is that you "JOHNNY" ? As he jumped on and said "Let's RIDE" ! {Yer a dead man city} One of them cried Well it bucked like a truck And it kicked like a Mule It was shakin' so hard People were falling out of the stools He just snarled and let out A hearty YEE HAWWWW! {Ride em CITY !} Some Country Gal called Well i laughed as i heard the first one Sayin' "I QUIT" ! And than others followed suit As they threw in their chip By the time Tornado stopped He just got off and said "sheit" There aint none a you "good ol' boys" Wanna have a go at it ? ![]() ...See ya tomorrow than Thank you ladies an' gents ! ...... My name is JOHNNY MILLER My ranch is to the south BIG WINDMILL ,WATER TOWER 5:00 sharp boys and girls Breakfast and coffee WILL be waitin' ....IF yer on time ... . YES SIR COWBOY ! We'll be there {Gus: I knew it was him !} Bye! ![]() "KiK" Warren Miner |
Hi, I'm new too, from Fruita.
im from grand junction colorado