Topic: OMG!!! LMAO!!!
JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 11/27/09 07:00 PM
So..I am hanging out on a " Social Networking Site " that will remain nameless...

I look on the right side of the page and what do I see???

An advertisement for " Chubby Singles ".


Who's job is it to determine " chubby "???

As a side note...I read a comic the other day that pointed out that the " Social Networking Sites " we mainly created by social misfits who had trouble making

njmom05's photo
Fri 11/27/09 07:02 PM
Well thats better than the herpes dating site that appears on this site as an advertisement. whoa

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 11/27/09 07:12 PM

Well thats better than the herpes dating site that appears on this site as an advertisement. whoa

Hey now. People with Herpes need love too.

Besides...what better way to control the spread of Herpes than to have the ones who have it hooking up with each other rather than spreading it to people who don't have it?

njmom05's photo
Fri 11/27/09 07:16 PM
I get it, but its creepy to have it on here.

BlueyedOne60's photo
Fri 11/27/09 07:43 PM
Is the site BBW???...You know...the chubby people need love too!!
"Every" inch of them!!! LMAO!!!!

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Fri 11/27/09 08:07 PM
lol that is funny,
just that when do we start to catorgorize people for dating in groups like that? I might have to check it out and put my profile out there..I'd fit right in....(for the chubby site that I have to make that clear...hehe)

Goofball73's photo
Fri 11/27/09 08:25 PM
I want a site dedicated to crazy, insane, unstable flakes like myself.:tongue: laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 11/27/09 09:01 PM

I want a site dedicated to crazy, insane, unstable flakes like myself.:tongue: laugh laugh

You're on it right now.tongue2

HawaiiMusikMan's photo
Fri 11/27/09 09:13 PM

I want a site dedicated to crazy, insane, unstable flakes like myself.:tongue: laugh laugh

You're on it right now.tongue2

I agree with you on that one! laugh

JustAGuy2112's photo
Fri 11/27/09 09:16 PM

lol that is funny,
just that when do we start to catorgorize people for dating in groups like that? I might have to check it out and put my profile out there..I'd fit right in....(for the chubby site that I have to make that clear...hehe)

Meh. I didn't click on the link, but I assume that it's a pay site.

I refuse to pay for someone to tell me I'm chubby. I already know it and it doesn't cost me a dime..lmao

no photo
Fri 11/27/09 09:28 PM

I want a site dedicated to crazy, insane, unstable flakes like myself.:tongue: laugh laugh

You're on it right now.tongue2

I agree with you on that one! laugh


Goofball73's photo
Fri 11/27/09 10:35 PM

I want a site dedicated to crazy, insane, unstable flakes like myself.:tongue: laugh laugh

You're on it right now.tongue2

I agree with you on that one! laugh

It's official....Mingle2...where all the crazies are.laugh

no photo
Fri 11/27/09 10:36 PM

I want a site dedicated to crazy, insane, unstable flakes like myself.:tongue: laugh laugh

You're on it right now.tongue2

I agree with you on that one! laugh

It's official....Mingle2...where all the crazies are.laugh

I bet membership would triple if that became their new tagline....

Goofball73's photo
Fri 11/27/09 10:39 PM
No doubt! They could even give away free upgrades to entice all the crazies.

no photo
Fri 11/27/09 10:46 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl