Topic: R-e-S-p-e-c-t............
no photo
Fri 11/27/09 11:23 AM
Edited by iam4u on Fri 11/27/09 11:46 AM
If I gave you some helpful advise,

YOU would think me very nice.

If I said you were so pretty

YOU would think me flirty.

If I put YOU down,

YOU wouldn't want ME around.


Many come here, many leave,

Many don't have ANY DESIRE to please.

They USE their words, like a killer with a gun.

Shooting their projected bullets, all as fun.

If YOUR feelings get a little shattered.

Then THAT just makes THEM feel flattered.

Don't PLAY their games and be aware.

With each new hello, its only their dare.

Some will come, and some will go.

I wrote this here so you would know.

Respect is what we all, should think and do.

Fun is fun, and cheap laughs are silly to.

But disrespect is wrong for me, or for you.

Share everything you want to express

Love, dreams, hardships, romance, and stress.

Just don't say anything if its not good to hear.

Then everyone will fit right in, and your be a dear.

Respect,,,,carries many releases, to just hold-in.

But through respect, you will ALWAYS,,,,,,WIN.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I am NOT PERFECT,,,and I have shown my bad views,,
but its always in defense as to one being hurt...
I have LIVED a life of KNOWING disrespect, and put-downs.
They destroy,,,,hearts, minds, and spirits.
And all who allow it as fun
to be turned into someone their BE COOL..
and its through all THAT,, I have lived.
And grew and know it as only Cruel to do..:wink:
This,,,is just MY opnion......:smile:

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 11/27/09 11:25 AM

If I gave you some helpful advise,

YOU would think me very nice.

If I said you were so pretty

YOU would think me flirt.

If I put YOU down,

YOU wouldn't want ME around.


Many come here, many leave,

Many don't have ANY DESIRE to please.

They USE their words, like a killer with a gun.

Shooting their projected bullets, all as fun.

If YOUR feelings get a little shattered.

Then THAT just makes THEM feel flattered.

Don't PLAY their games and be aware.

With each new hello, its only their dare.

Some will come, and some will go.

I wrote this here so you would know.

Respect is what we all, should think and do.

Fun is fun, and cheap laughs are silly to.

But disrespect is wrong for me, or for you.

Share everything you want to express

Love, dreams, hardships, romance, and stress.

Just don't say anything if its not good to hear.

Then everyone will fit right in, and your be a dear.

Respect,,,,carries many releases, to just hold-in.

But through respect, you will ALWAYS,,,,,,WIN.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I am NOT PERFECT,,,and I have shown my bad views,,
but its always in defense as to one being hurt...
I have LIVED a life of KNOWING disrespect, and put-downs.
They destroy,,,,hearts, minds, and spirits.
And all who allow it as fun
to be turned into someone their BE COOL..
and its through all THAT,, I have lived.
And grew and know it as only Cruel to do..:wink:
This,,,is just MY opnion......:smile:


no photo
Fri 11/27/09 01:18 PM
drinker Thak you Mirror,,I have seen a great deal of RESPECT from you,and thats real,,,COOL....You have IT!!!!! Thanks for posting..

BYondLife's photo
Fri 11/27/09 02:17 PM
Nicely put.
I woulda done the holds thumbs up thing..
..but that's so Mirrors. :D

heartbreaker123's photo
Fri 11/27/09 02:20 PM

If I gave you some helpful advise,

YOU would think me very nice.

If I said you were so pretty

YOU would think me flirty.

If I put YOU down,

YOU wouldn't want ME around.


Many come here, many leave,

Many don't have ANY DESIRE to please.

They USE their words, like a killer with a gun.

Shooting their projected bullets, all as fun.

If YOUR feelings get a little shattered.

Then THAT just makes THEM feel flattered.

Don't PLAY their games and be aware.

With each new hello, its only their dare.

Some will come, and some will go.

I wrote this here so you would know.

Respect is what we all, should think and do.

Fun is fun, and cheap laughs are silly to.

But disrespect is wrong for me, or for you.

Share everything you want to express

Love, dreams, hardships, romance, and stress.

Just don't say anything if its not good to hear.

Then everyone will fit right in, and your be a dear.

Respect,,,,carries many releases, to just hold-in.

But through respect, you will ALWAYS,,,,,,WIN.

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

I am NOT PERFECT,,,and I have shown my bad views,,
but its always in defense as to one being hurt...
I have LIVED a life of KNOWING disrespect, and put-downs.
They destroy,,,,hearts, minds, and spirits.
And all who allow it as fun
to be turned into someone their BE COOL..
and its through all THAT,, I have lived.
And grew and know it as only Cruel to do..:wink:
This,,,is just MY opnion......:smile:

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: smooched very well put:angel: waving

dnc4Him's photo
Fri 11/27/09 02:28 PM
shared wisdom...priceless, thanks!