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Topic: WTF Is The Deal With Black Friday?
michiganman3's photo
Fri 11/27/09 09:27 PM

All I can say is I work retail sales on a commission basis...we live for these days....I made a bundle today and hope it continues! It gives me hope for the economy...

:banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Fri 11/27/09 09:46 PM
There were a few good deals online for Black Friday as well. You can race around the website and try to get them in your cart before they are sold out...laugh

seahawks's photo
Fri 11/27/09 09:47 PM

It's a marketing ploy that has turned into a nightmare! Manners go out the window today! Not that society had much to work with!
xactly.!!! cheers mate.!!!drinker frustrated

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