Topic: kids in crash
queenbee34's photo
Wed 11/25/09 11:38 AM
anyone know of victims assistance for single mom with injured kids the ins, com. is pulling my leg and i cant even get my kids the care they need because im a student on low $ and they are suffering from it
its screwed up that because i don't have the money to get them what they need they suffer till the other drivers ins gets off their ***. if i cant get them to the dr and pay the rx bill then its a joke to say we will be reimbursed. where to go now?

im in the albany areatears

no photo
Wed 11/25/09 11:45 AM

anyone know of victims assistance for single mom with injured kids the ins, com. is pulling my leg and i cant even get my kids the care they need because im a student on low $ and they are suffering from it
its screwed up that because i don't have the money to get them what they need they suffer till the other drivers ins gets off their ***. if i cant get them to the dr and pay the rx bill then its a joke to say we will be reimbursed. where to go now?

im in the albany areatears

You should have a clainm no.Just tell the doc to bill then!

franshade's photo
Wed 11/25/09 11:47 AM
OP not sure I follow, but this is what I understood, you have kids who were injured and you are having difficulties getting them health care and prescriptions because you're a student?

If I understood correctly I found the following:

Victim Services Directory
Services for victims and survivors are provided by a variety of public and private non-profit agencies throughout the state. In addition there are private psychologists, social workers, members of the faith community and other counselors who provide services. Each District Attorney's office in Oregon has a victim assistance office which can provide you with local information regarding services if you are unable to otherwise locate a provider. For a list of these county based victim assistance programs, follow the link below.

In addition, the following link a federal website will provide a list of Oregon providers who receive federal Victims of Crime Act funds. This website can assist you in locating a specific type of service in a particular county or city in Oregon. While it does not include all providers it is a fairly extensive list of providers who can assist with child abuse, domestic violence, sexual assault, elder abuse, homicide and other types of crime.

The following is a list of all the certified county and city victim/witness assistance programs located throughout Oregon:

good luck to you and your family

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 11/26/09 03:58 AM
Edited by PacificStar48 on Thu 11/26/09 04:02 AM

anyone know of victims assistance for single mom with injured kids the ins, com. is pulling my leg and i cant even get my kids the care they need because im a student on low $ and they are suffering from it
its screwed up that because i don't have the money to get them what they need they suffer till the other drivers ins gets off their ***. if i cant get them to the dr and pay the rx bill then its a joke to say we will be reimbursed. where to go now?

im in the albany areatears

I would assume the driver of the car you were in is insured and they should be helping you handle this. They are the responsible party for people injured in their car.

Depending what their needs are I might give you more specific resource list but if you look on the Parenting Thread I have added a long list of resources under the Parenting forum called Resources For Special Needs Families.

If they are in need of medical care a publiclly funded County hospital is your best bet. If you have a accident report, which the police department should give you, the hospital may assist you in billing the insurance company.

If you are a student at a state funded school there should be a Special Student Services coordinator who can help refer you to school and community resources. If you bought the student insurance and opted for family coverage they would be helping you. If you are getting public grants/scholarships that is considered a legitimate school expense.

If you are low income it is highly likely that your children will qualify for state Medical. Which will cover Rx's .

Since glasses are frequently broken in accidents I would encourage you to contact the Lions Club for assistance having them replaced.

If you want to email me I will look at the overall situation and make further confidential referrals. Sorry this has happened while you are trying to better yourself with education. You probably know your school can offer you counseling.