Topic: the kill song
jimz's photo
Tue 11/24/09 04:20 PM
shoot me
back into the womb
so i can start again

shoot me
when i smile
for im so phony

shoot the world
many times over
for it takes death
to be alive

the will of man
if you can find it

shoot god
and the bullet
will fall
into your mind

if you shoot nothing
you shoot

no photo
Tue 11/24/09 07:55 PM
All I could think while reading this was ..."shoot the breeze"

kc0003's photo
Tue 11/24/09 09:31 PM

HuckleberryFinn's photo
Wed 11/25/09 06:12 AM
for it takes death to be alive

^the realization hit me one day, I thought I was afraid to die, quite the contrary I was afraid to live.....

Loved this, and don't all men wish to be shot back into the womb:) warm and comforting there...ha ha

jimz's photo
Wed 11/25/09 11:59 AM

for it takes death to be alive

^the realization hit me one day, I thought I was afraid to die, quite the contrary I was afraid to live.....

Loved this, and don't all men wish to be shot back into the womb:) warm and comforting there...ha ha

i like reading stuff like this that you write. it teaches me some.

jimz's photo
Wed 11/25/09 12:00 PM
Oh thank you ainjel and KC, you guys are cool

no photo
Wed 11/25/09 01:52 PM
If only...wouldn't it be great if it was possible? New starts and changes-luckily we have the power to alter what isn't working.

What wise words Jimmysmokin