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Topic: the police thread
FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 11/29/09 09:12 AM
Could be the community, but I just think most of them become corrupt out of necessity rather than reason. I've been to a lot of states and a lot of communities and they never fail to reach that low standard, one...maybe two here and there. The rest? Corrupt.

HuckleberryFinn's photo
Sun 11/29/09 09:37 AM
Some truly want to help and serve a purpose in the community - others enjoy abusing the authority they are given.

^yes like politicians some have a great view and vision when joining the force, but over time their attitudes usually suffer and they become just like the other a.s.s.holes in their fraternity....

Do you know what job has the most women abusers in it......ask a cop, I'm sure he'll be delighted to answer it....hmmmm

only thing a cop can do for me is write my ticket, that is if he can catch me....other than that, I'd much rather talk to a crackhead

misswright's photo
Sun 11/29/09 10:10 AM
Perhaps I have a unique perspective having been on both sides of the proverbial coin. As a youth, I despised the police. Seemed they were always lookin' to impose on my 'fun'. As an adult, I used my experiences from youth to become a member of the police "family", although not an officer. I worked nearly 10 yrs hand in hand with 'em as a 911 call taker/dispatcher.

They say it takes a special kind of individual to be a cop and they're right. Joe Citizen doesn't comprehend the sacrifices these guys and gals make, far beyond just the danger inherent in the job. When you see young teenagers splayed across the pavement after a horrific wreck and have to go tell their parents the news, it leaves a mark. When they pull your speeding arse over, they see those kids bodies and the parent's faces. They write you a ticket in hopes it will remind you to slow down and prevent that tragedy.

They approach your car not knowing whose really inside. Could be you fit the description of a guy that just robbed and beat the old lady down the road. You don't know what's going on. Most...and I say most, not all...are there to protect and serve Joe Citizen, the good guys.

There are politics at work that force them to make decisions they wouldn't normally make as a human beings and this fact was partially to blame for my early exit from the so called family. But you can't blame the police for this, blame the politicians and society for not voting their conscience, if such an animal still exists today.

They're underpaid, over worked, dedicated people that just want to go home to their families every night like everybody else. Unlike most, they are at a much higher risk of not doing so and pay an incredibly high personal price even if they do. Those images of heartache, tragedy, pain and suffering on a daily basis make an impact. They do it for the little old lady that got beat, who might just be your mom.

If you made decisions in your life that put you on their shiiit list, well my friend, I suggest you pull yourself up by your bootstraps and rethink your philosophy in life. If you need to place blame somewhere, look in the mirror. People make mistakes, and they atone for them, or try to. You served your time and now biotch about having a tough time finding a job...welcome to the real world. Non-convicts can't find a job, college educated upstanding citizens are going through tough times. You can wade around in your crappy life and blame others for where you're at or take some responsibility for your actions.

If you're a marine, an admitted trained killer, saying all police are horrible people is like saying all marines are heartless killers, something that's just not true. I truly hope your life gets better but only you can do that. flowerforyou

HuckleberryFinn's photo
Sun 11/29/09 10:41 AM
for the most part I feel what you are saying, but as one who has worked hand in hand with inner city youths and how they are blatantly disrespected by the police it falls on deaf ears. Cops used to be community oriented and did their jobs without much fanfare, now they are just part of a society that has been caught up in the system and for the most part they've bought into it lock stock and barrel and have become part of the problem instead of the solution. Yes there are some good cops, just like there are some good crooks, I mean politicians. It's a thankless job, but no more than our public school teachers who in todays society probably risk their lives almost as much as a cop....I'm a rebel by nature, but also smart enough to know that we need cops or else there would be utter and complete chaos, yet we don't need most of the ones we have now, because as I said, they are part of the problem,.

FearandLoathing's photo
Sun 11/29/09 11:10 AM
You can't just protect and serve one class of civilization and pull the "high and mighty" card. They don't care about the inner-city, the hood, the ghetto...whatever you call it, riddled with crime and criminals become the police simply because the police are too busy watching over the rich area of town. This is blatant in California, even Vegas is riddled with it, all the way to the east...this covers the country. There are some areas that cops simply don't do a damn thing for aside from make it worse.

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