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Topic: The other half...
Gator76's photo
Fri 11/20/09 11:24 PM
No it wasn't too much work...she is my other half. :heart:
Everyone, with the possible exception of my friend, Goof, has another half. Somehow, he keeps looking for his other three-quarters...Go figure!laugh

msharmony's photo
Fri 11/20/09 11:33 PM
I think its possible I have just had too many 1/8ths at this point. Not sure I have a half left....

JustAGuy2112's photo
Sat 11/21/09 02:34 AM

Does finding your other half seem to be like WAY to much work? Like maybe there is no other half for you? Maybe you are meant to be alone?

I am chubby enough to be both halves.

No work involved.

ujGearhead's photo
Sat 11/21/09 03:29 AM
I TRY to gain weight and it hasn't fluctuated more than +/- 10 pounds in 20 years! Let the hate mail roll in. LOL

Goofball73's photo
Sat 11/21/09 03:54 AM

No it wasn't too much work...she is my other half. :heart:
Everyone, with the possible exception of my friend, Goof, has another half. Somehow, he keeps looking for his other three-quarters...Go figure!laugh

Three quarters.:laughing: :laughing: Well, I never claimed to be good at math. "sigh". Does a three quarter woman exist out there? Hmmmmmmmm.

Catman6's photo
Sat 11/21/09 04:24 AM
Edited by Catman6 on Sat 11/21/09 04:31 AM
Don't know about 3/4, but there's a lot of half *** people out there LOL

Seriously though, no one should be looking for their other half. You need to find the person that compliments you, not completes you (Jerry McGuire Ugh!). You commented that you aren't happy with yourself. Until you fix that you shouldn't even be looking. Before you get mad, hear me out. No one can make you happy. You have to do that on your own. Other people can only add to, or detract from, that happiness. Depending on someone else for your happiness is a recipe for disaster. Once you become happy with you, that inner peace we all strive for soon follows. We all still get lonely, discouraged, ect., but it's short lived. Being happy with yourself, it makes wait a lot easier (but it's still work unless you're a top 10 super model person).

Probably more then you wanted to hear, but trust me, it's worth the work to get happy!

Now if I could find the woman who purrrrrrfectly compliments me ...

*edit for spelling. I'm the typo king*

aladytoo's photo
Sat 11/21/09 06:39 AM
the other 1/2, hmmm I look at it this way, I focus what I can bring to the table in a relationship, now if someone sits beside me, and offers what they have on table,we share.Nothing is taken from anyone.But blended together.so>>>>the seat is open

ujGearhead's photo
Sat 11/21/09 07:02 AM
Edited by ujGearhead on Sat 11/21/09 07:04 AM

Don't know about 3/4, but there's a lot of half *** people out there LOL

Seriously though, no one should be looking for their other half. You need to find the person that compliments you, not completes you (Jerry McGuire Ugh!). You commented that you aren't happy with yourself. Until you fix that you shouldn't even be looking. Before you get mad, hear me out. No one can make you happy. You have to do that on your own. Other people can only add to, or detract from, that happiness. Depending on someone else for your happiness is a recipe for disaster. Once you become happy with you, that inner peace we all strive for soon follows. We all still get lonely, discouraged, ect., but it's short lived. Being happy with yourself, it makes wait a lot easier (but it's still work unless you're a top 10 super model person).

Probably more then you wanted to hear, but trust me, it's worth the work to get happy!

Now if I could find the woman who purrrrrrfectly compliments me ...

*edit for spelling. I'm the typo king*

Some good advice there and mostly agree. But, how many people are HONESTLY 100% happy with themselves????????

redhead44613's photo
Sat 11/21/09 08:46 AM

Don't know about 3/4, but there's a lot of half *** people out there LOL

Seriously though, no one should be looking for their other half. You need to find the person that compliments you, not completes you (Jerry McGuire Ugh!). You commented that you aren't happy with yourself. Until you fix that you shouldn't even be looking. Before you get mad, hear me out. No one can make you happy. You have to do that on your own. Other people can only add to, or detract from, that happiness. Depending on someone else for your happiness is a recipe for disaster. Once you become happy with you, that inner peace we all strive for soon follows. We all still get lonely, discouraged, ect., but it's short lived. Being happy with yourself, it makes wait a lot easier (but it's still work unless you're a top 10 super model person).

Probably more then you wanted to hear, but trust me, it's worth the work to get happy!

Now if I could find the woman who purrrrrrfectly compliments me ...

*edit for spelling. I'm the typo king*

Oh I know that I need to be happy with myself first an I am working on that. I am not really looking for a relationship just good friends.

bedlum1's photo
Sat 11/21/09 07:04 PM
sometimes you find your other half but your not patient or wise enough to realize it..not til later when its gone

catseyes1's photo
Sat 11/21/09 10:18 PM
I am starting to believe and I am fine with that. But one day the other half just may pop up out of nowhere.

sleepingangel's photo
Sun 11/22/09 12:18 PM
Sometimes it can be, but look at me, I didn't have to work hard to find my other half, because he's been there the whole time. flowerforyou

redhead44613's photo
Sun 11/22/09 12:46 PM

sometimes you find your other half but your not patient or wise enough to realize it..not til later when its gone
so true. frustrated frustrated

bedlum1's photo
Sun 11/22/09 03:49 PM

sometimes you find your other half but your not patient or wise enough to realize it..not til later when its gone
so true. frustrated frustrated

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