Topic: god or whoever way exist | |
i believe 2 a point but come on noah built a boat how big was the ark that could hold so much 40 days and 40 nights it rained where did all this water go with no drainage in force answer that
i believe 2 a point but come on noah built a boat how big was the ark that could hold so much 40 days and 40 nights it rained where did all this water go with no drainage in force answer that OMG ! How embarrassing ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
There are times when a person can just be content to have faith in the bigger picture.....
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im not being offensive to many things dont quite add up to me in the beginning god created man from a rib a woman what about the caveman and dinosaurs or is that b4 man
i believe 2 a point but come on noah built a boat how big was the ark that could hold so much 40 days and 40 nights it rained where did all this water go with no drainage in force answer that Maybe is time for you to own a Holy Bible , not to own it only , read it also . You will find the answer there ![]() Good luck with that |
i believe certain things
ive read to no avail
wheres the bigger picture
no 1 knows apart from stories that were passed down over the years of existence
to many religions to believe at any 1 time who is who
There's no figuring it all out, ya just gotta believe, that's it, then go have fun...
i believe 2 a point but come on noah built a boat how big was the ark that could hold so much 40 days and 40 nights it rained where did all this water go with no drainage in force answer that Maybe is time for you to own a Holy Bible , not to own it only , read it also . You will find the answer there ![]() Good luck with that I take that back . You don't have to read it , you need to study the BIBLE ![]() |
i believe 2 a point but come on noah built a boat how big was the ark that could hold so much 40 days and 40 nights it rained where did all this water go with no drainage in force answer that some will claim that the story is metaphoric and others will claim blind faith but according to the bible it did happen which is why the drainage issue may have been one of the minor problems let's face it the ark was filled with animals all taking a dump 24/7 placing Noah and crew knee deep in wolf bait and all doing 12 hour shifts shovelling the stuff overboard which means that all the rain water may have been a pun intended and with the all that rain meant that the windows on the ark was closed resulting in a methane gas build up that could have blown up The Death Star the miracle would have been Noah and crew remaining alive after breathing in this stuff for forty days and forty nights when the average family most likely wouldn't have made it pass the first night |
wheres the bigger picture The bigger picture exists in the overall philosophies of mankind in general. Don't focus in on one dogma and expect to find all the answers. The Bible is a highly corrupt document that has been re-written many times, even long before King James created his biased version of it. I personally see the story of Noah as a metaphor. I believe the story was first told by wise men for the benefit of people like Noah. When you read this story imagine that you are Noah, not one of the sinners about to be drown. The story was clearly written for the survivors, not for the victims of the supposed drowning. The idea behind it is that no matter how horrible the world appears to be, even though it may seem hopless at any given time, if you hold strong to your own moral values you will ultimately overcome it. The whole ark thing with the animals no doubt came along later. The original story probably just had the god flooding aware the sinners allowing the rigtheous to 'inherit the Earth'. But then people started questioning what happened to the animals? So the story became convoluted to include the building of an ark to save the animals from the flood. ![]() Don't take these things so literally. In fact, don't take any of the Bible literally, it has God commanding people to stone sinners to death, murder heatens and even stoning unruly children to death. Even Jesus denounced all that baloney. The Old Testament had Yahweh commanding people to do all sorts of nasty things, but Jesus denounced all of that. In fact, the whole idea that Jesus was the sacrificial lamb of the original God is itself a sick plot. There's no need to believe in any of that. Compare the teachings of Jesus with the teachings from the Far East and see what you think. As you suggest yourself, Get a Bigger Picture. Read this, and see how it compares to what Jesus is said to have taught: In fact, look at the irony here! This website is called "The Big View dot com" You asked for the Bigger Picture. Here you go! ![]() |
Funches wrote:
some will claim that the story is metaphoric and others will claim blind faith but according to the bible it did happen Yes, but we must keep in mind that the Bible is highly corrupt. The stories that ended up in the 'cannon of stories' that we now call "the bible", had been told, and re-told for literally centuries before they ended up in the cannon of stories called "the bible" So there's no reason to believe the bible's claim that these stories actually happened in a literal sense. |
Is there a bible scholar here who can tell me if the bible ever stated that it included EVERY detail of the ark?,,,,,just curious
Funches wrote:
some will claim that the story is metaphoric and others will claim blind faith but according to the bible it did happen Yes, but we must keep in mind that the Bible is highly corrupt. The stories that ended up in the 'cannon of stories' that we now call "the bible", had been told, and re-told for literally centuries before they ended up in the cannon of stories called "the bible" So there's no reason to believe the bible's claim that these stories actually happened in a literal sense. Abracadabra...since the bible is supposedly the true word of God, to therefore claim that any of the stories are metaphoric would cause the entire bible to collapse this is why the bible should be viewed or debated in the sense that all events that took place was written accurately... |
Abracadabra...since the bible is supposedly the true word of God, to therefore claim that any of the stories are metaphoric would cause the entire bible to collapse this is why the bible should be viewed or debated in the sense that all events that took place was written accurately... My sincerest apologies. I was looking at all of this from a practical point of view. By the way, if what you say is true that would automatically discount the New Testament since even the gospels confess that Jesus often spoke in parables. ![]() |
Is there a bible scholar here who can tell me if the bible ever stated that it included EVERY detail of the ark?,,,,,just curious as Scotty would say to Captain Kirk.."Captain you can't change the laws of physics" in other words if Noah didn't reason out all the possible things that such an ark would need to deal with a flood but just relied on Divine Intervention then there is no point to the story, no point in Noah spending all those years building the ark clearly cancel out free will ....but then again there was no free will anyway since God violated the Prime Directive and drown everyone |
Abracadabra...since the bible is supposedly the true word of God, to therefore claim that any of the stories are metaphoric would cause the entire bible to collapse this is why the bible should be viewed or debated in the sense that all events that took place was written accurately... My sincerest apologies. I was looking at all of this from a practical point of view. By the way, if what you say is true that would automatically discount the New Testament since even the gospels confess that Jesus often spoke in parables. ![]() Jesus was using parables in an attempt to preach and teach.... God's Word was supposedly Truth as he laid down the law |