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Topic: Aliens, Fallen Angels
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Fri 11/20/09 01:22 PM
Coast to Coast AM - Aliens, Fallen Angels, & Inner Earth part 1/12

Ordained minister and UFO researcher Jim Wilhelmsen discussed his work with alien abductees, whom he counsels from a biblical perspective.

Jill298's photo
Fri 11/20/09 01:25 PM
:laughing: :laughing: I love coast to coast :laughing: it provides me with endless amounts of things to laugh about :laughing:

Ruth34611's photo
Fri 11/20/09 01:38 PM
I know someone who believes that aliens are demons who appear here to confuse us and keep us from following Jesus/Christianity. It appears that this friend is not alone in their beliefs. I'll have to come back and watch this video later. Gotta run right now.

Milesoftheusa's photo
Fri 11/20/09 06:56 PM
I listen to all of including the phone call questions. I do find it interesting he has some very good points about this subject.

I have a hard time believing some of it but it is all basically conjectual anyways.Just opinions. But thanks for posting this i had not heard of this type thinking before. Shalom...Miles

Ladylid2012's photo
Fri 11/20/09 07:03 PM
I like Coast To me much to ponder, and think about. The world is too crazy to disregard everything....

no photo
Sat 11/21/09 03:13 PM

:laughing: :laughing: I love coast to coast :laughing: it provides me with endless amounts of things to laugh about :laughing:

It was much better when Art Bell ran the show. George Nori(sp?) may be a nice guy, but he's a doofus. His motto should be "I'm ready to believe YOU".

no photo
Sat 11/21/09 03:14 PM

I know someone who believes that aliens are demons who appear here to confuse us and keep us from following Jesus/Christianity. It appears that this friend is not alone in their beliefs. I'll have to come back and watch this video later. Gotta run right now.

I'm sure someone believes in underpants gnomes too...

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 11/21/09 03:32 PM

I know someone who believes that aliens are demons who appear here to confuse us and keep us from following Jesus/Christianity. It appears that this friend is not alone in their beliefs. I'll have to come back and watch this video later. Gotta run right now.

I'm sure someone believes in underpants gnomes too...

That's different. Underpants gnomes are real. :wink:

michiganman3's photo
Sat 11/21/09 04:43 PM
I miss Art.........................

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 11/21/09 04:54 PM
Who's Art?

michiganman3's photo
Sat 11/21/09 07:41 PM

Who's Art?

Art Bell, original host of Coast to Coast a.m. He has 'retired' numerous times and still hosts the show from time to time.

no photo
Sun 11/22/09 12:40 PM

I know someone who believes that aliens are demons who appear here to confuse us and keep us from following Jesus/Christianity. It appears that this friend is not alone in their beliefs. I'll have to come back and watch this video later. Gotta run right now.

I'm sure someone believes in underpants gnomes too...

That's different. Underpants gnomes are real. :wink:


no photo
Sun 11/22/09 12:43 PM

I miss Art.........................

me too! At least he wasn't ready to believe just about anything any guest on the show said.
He'd probably believe in underpants gnomes...

no photo
Mon 11/23/09 02:16 AM

:laughing: :laughing: I love coast to coast :laughing: it provides me with endless amounts of things to laugh about :laughing:
The shows are entertaining.....laugh

no photo
Mon 11/23/09 02:26 AM

I listen to all of including the phone call questions. I do find it interesting he has some very good points about this subject.

I have a hard time believing some of it but it is all basically conjectual anyways.Just opinions. But thanks for posting this i had not heard of this type thinking before. Shalom...Miles
I've wondered about some of these views. What we call aliens ancient people may have called them angels, fallen angels, or Gods.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 11/23/09 05:49 AM

I've wondered about some of these views. What we call aliens ancient people may have called them angels, fallen angels, or Gods.

I think that is exactly what happened.

causality's photo
Mon 11/23/09 09:47 AM
what about the alleged hybridization between them and humanity that was chronicled in the dead sea scrolls?

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 11/23/09 01:24 PM

what about the alleged hybridization between them and humanity that was chronicled in the dead sea scrolls?

I have not read them. What do they say about it?

causality's photo
Mon 11/23/09 01:36 PM
basically what he was saying in the youtube video/radio broadcast. That according to the Hebrew in the Bible, The "Sons of God" took humans as their wives, and bore children. The Nephilim. These children were giants. (Literally.) They are the main reason for the giant flood. It was not that man had been sinning per se, it was that Sons of God had created kids with humans that were never supposed to happen. (In theory anyway) I think Noah may have been one himself. (It would help explain how he built such a large boat.) Anyway, the flood didn't kill all of their descendants, so there are traces of angelic DNA intermixed into the DNA of current day man.

causality's photo
Mon 11/23/09 01:45 PM
The dead sea scrolls contain what amounts to additional books of the Bible. (Some say anyway.) I tend to agree, since the book of Enoch is quoted briefly in Jude (Jude is only a page or two.) Whoever edited out the books that were the dead sea scrolls forgot to grab that bit of Jude too. In the book of Enoch, Enoch who "walked with God" talks about the Grigorii or Watchers. The angels closest to humans in both feeling, and location, were assigned to watch over humanity. They became enamored of some of the women they were watching over and protecting. They took them as wives, "falling" from Heaven, landing on Mt Hermon. (Syria) Their sons and daughters were great men and women, both in the sense that they had phenomenal abilities, and literally great size.

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