fenway2k's photo
Thu 11/19/09 06:41 AM
* A sniglet is a word that should be in the dictionary but isn't. Sniglets are the brainchild of comedian Rich Hall who, with a little help from his friends, wrote a series of books containing sniglets in the mid-eighties. While Rich Hall invented the word "sniglet" itself, sniglets are actually a long-running popular joke in which people make up their own humorous words to define things or concepts that have no "official" definitions *

Accordionated (ah kor' de on ay tid) - adj. Being able to drive and refold a road map at the same time.

Adam 69: n. : Two police cars, parked next to each other, facing opposite directions, in such a way that the drivers side doors are only inches from each other, allowing the officers to chat with each other while waiting for a traffic violation to happen.

Aquadextrous - adj. Possessing the ability to turn the bathtub faucet on and off with your toes.

Baldage (bald' aj) - n. The accumulation of hair in the drain after showering.

Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at 3 in the morning and cannot be cast out.

Bixplex (biks' pleks) - n. Psychological block in which a person cannot choose which color of disposable lighter to purchase.

Bovilexia (bo vil eks' e uh) - n. The uncontrollable urge to lean out the car window and yell "Moo!" every time you pass a cow.

Bowlikinetics (boh lih kih neh' tiks) - n. The act of trying to control a released bowling ball by twisting one's body in the direction one wants it to go.

Brattled (brat' uld) - adj. The unsettling feeling, at a stoplight, that the busload of kids that just pulled up beside you is making fun of you.

Cheeriomagnetism - the quality of cereal that causes the last five Cheerios in the bowl to clump together.

Circumpopulate (sur kum pop' yew layt') - v. To finish off a Popsicle "laterally" because the "frontal" approach causes one to gag.

Cleanundrum (clean-un-drum) The act of cleaning up a room or closet and then not being able to find something that you knew where it was before you decided to clean

Combiloops (kom' bih lewps) - n. The two or three unsuccessful passes before finally opening a combination locker.

Cushup (kush' up) - v. To sit down on a couch somehow causing the cushion next to you to rise.

Rignition (rig ni' shun) - n. The embarrassing action of trying to start one's car with the engine already running.