Topic: WE want a man to listen but do we rely the message well? | |
This KIND of thing, is why I learned to ask a VERIFYING question before I act.
Of course, that only annoyed my ex-wife, she took it to mean I wasn't brought up right, or wasn't naturally romantic enough, or (by the end) was just a bad person. I still stand by the 'feedback' technique in communication though: you listen, THEN YOU SAY BACK IN YOUR OWN WORDS WHAT YOU HEARD, and get either corrections or confirmation. It still wont make for perfection, but it CERTAINLY prevents a THICKET of missteps. |
Very cute least the man tried to please her with what he thought she wanted... as well she had fun also.
Loved the story.
Yes, miscommunication happens all the time. And some times can be cleared up by a simple question. And yes at times, it seems like people are speaking in another language when you guage their perspections on something. I know at times I am often not clear enough or try to articulate a point and it gets lost. |