Topic: craptastic
purplecat's photo
Mon 06/04/07 11:48 AM
isn't it though ..........

daleray1606's photo
Mon 06/04/07 11:52 AM

Isn't what???

purplecat's photo
Mon 06/04/07 11:55 AM

no photo
Mon 06/04/07 11:56 AM
lol I love that word now purple!!!!laugh laugh laugh
flowerforyou flowerforyou

purplecat's photo
Mon 06/04/07 11:57 AM
it is a good discription for every thing right now.......


daleray1606's photo
Mon 06/04/07 11:58 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

purplecat's photo
Mon 06/04/07 11:58 AM

no photo
Mon 06/04/07 11:58 AM
you still talking to that guy purple?

purplecat's photo
Mon 06/04/07 12:01 PM

but my eyes are open now

ya ..everything rolled down the hill though an I'm alone at the bottom
covered in crap...

purplecat's photo
Mon 06/04/07 12:04 PM
ever get to a point when you open your eyes in the mornin ,,an just
think ...
craptastic I am awake
wish I could just go an sleep ..I have a life in my dreams

no photo
Mon 06/04/07 12:09 PM
My bed is my happy place...unfortunately work get's in the waygrumble
grumble grumble

tantalizingtulip's photo
Mon 06/04/07 02:02 PM

slikylisa's photo
Mon 06/04/07 02:04 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

davinci1952's photo
Mon 06/04/07 04:35 PM

no photo
Mon 06/04/07 05:31 PM
interesting word, I might use it

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Mon 06/04/07 05:58 PM
flowerforyou craparistically... glasses

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 06/04/07 06:00 PM