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Topic: The Beardy-House - part 66
FETTS61's photo
Sun 12/06/09 07:38 AM
especially with no effin heat

BL4766's photo
Sun 12/06/09 07:40 AM
shocked shocked WHAT???????????
whats with that?????????

FETTS61's photo
Sun 12/06/09 07:43 AM
well its a long story about being short on cash....lol
will have heat tomorrow again, right now, im burning everything i can in the fireplace

BL4766's photo
Sun 12/06/09 07:46 AM
sorry!flowerforyou been there before!

good thing you have a fireplace tho!!!!!!!!!!!!:thumbsup:

FETTS61's photo
Sun 12/06/09 07:48 AM
and some electric space heaters. it was my own stupidity that got me there so now i gotta get caught back up again

BL4766's photo
Sun 12/06/09 07:51 AM
space heaters work pretty well...........
thank goodness its not below zero!!!!!!!!

no photo
Sun 12/06/09 09:36 AM
waving HI everyone!!

arcadefan's photo
Sun 12/06/09 09:42 AM
good afternoon to everyone drinker flowers

BL4766's photo
Sun 12/06/09 09:49 AM
afternoon charlesdrinker
Deeflowerforyou smokin

no photo
Sun 12/06/09 01:58 PM

BL4766's photo
Sun 12/06/09 02:03 PM
waving RARE!!!! how is ya?

no photo
Sun 12/06/09 02:03 PM
Tense. tongue2

BL4766's photo
Sun 12/06/09 02:04 PM
and how come?laugh

no photo
Sun 12/06/09 02:05 PM
Cold and crappy night's sleep. :tongue:

BL4766's photo
Sun 12/06/09 02:08 PM
oooh ya.............its cold for sure!!!!!!shocked
you been getting any of the snow thats been around??????
we're spose to get around 7inches first of the week!!!!grumble

LewisW123's photo
Sun 12/06/09 02:26 PM

and some electric space heaters. it was my own stupidity that got me there so now i gotta get caught back up again

Just don't burn your guitar.

LewisW123's photo
Sun 12/06/09 02:26 PM
Edited by LewisW123 on Sun 12/06/09 02:27 PM
oops. double post.

arcadefan's photo
Mon 12/07/09 03:33 AM
good morning to everyone drinker flowers

BL4766's photo
Mon 12/07/09 07:51 AM
morning beardy house!:banana:

arcadefan's photo
Mon 12/07/09 04:01 PM
good evening to everyone flowerforyou drinker

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