Topic: What is good for America?
msharmony's photo
Tue 11/10/09 06:15 PM

Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

IF the month would be replaced with a yearlong curriculum, that would be great.I just dont have faith the history books or the educational system would voluntarily incorporate those things into their yearlong curriculum.

Quietman_2009's photo
Tue 11/10/09 06:22 PM
and then we can have Mexican History month and then a Chinese History month and then a Irish History month...

I think as long as we accentuate our differences we perpetuate them

in 20 or 30 years, Anglos will be just another minority. Thats gonna freak out a lot of old white guys but the younger generation doesn't really care

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 06:44 PM
That's what am saying. It needs to be incorporated into the history texts. Sociology classes need to teach about the different cultures and their history, But we need ot quit making each event into something special as all it does is keep racism and bigotry alive.

Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

IF the month would be replaced with a yearlong curriculum, that would be great.I just dont have faith the history books or the educational system would voluntarily incorporate those things into their yearlong curriculum.

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 11/10/09 06:46 PM

More personal responsibility would be a start and I do not mean less social programs nor less government. I mean more personal responsibility in "what can I do personally to make the world a better place to live for everyone." Personal responsibility has nothing do with going around telling everyone else how to live but making sure we live to the best standards possible for ourselves and allow others to make the journey for their personal responsibility on their own.

huh? you realize the massive contradictions you make in this statement, right?

Personal responsibility has to do with taking care of yourself. Once you start taking care of someone else, it is no longer personal and you are now taking care of society.

My move would to be all about true personal responsibility. Basically, the removal of protections for things like social programs, unions, and quite a large portion of the regulations many businesses have to face.

True personal responsibility will be the root of all success... Once we get rid of this sense of entitlement and develop a stronger work ethic like the generations of old, we can be strong again.

We have to stop looking to others to save us in time of crisis and simply put our big boy pants on and man up.

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 06:48 PM
Another 20 or 30 years? pha!!! try right now! thanks to the old law that thankfully got nixxed out, the one requiring businesses to hire a cerain percentage of each culture, whites got forced out more and mroe and more. I am not saying htat somethign didnt need to be done in balancing out jobs between those qualified, but the key phrase is "those qualified".

Businesses were literally afraid of discrimination charges if they hired a white guy over a black guy or a woman when the white guy was more qualified (just as an example; there are plenty of times the minority was the more qualified).

and then we can have Mexican History month and then a Chinese History month and then a Irish History month...

I think as long as we accentuate our differences we perpetuate them

in 20 or 30 years, Anglos will be just another minority. Thats gonna freak out a lot of old white guys but the younger generation doesn't really care

Dragoness's photo
Tue 11/10/09 06:54 PM

That's what am saying. It needs to be incorporated into the history texts. Sociology classes need to teach about the different cultures and their history, But we need ot quit making each event into something special as all it does is keep racism and bigotry alive.

Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

IF the month would be replaced with a yearlong curriculum, that would be great.I just dont have faith the history books or the educational system would voluntarily incorporate those things into their yearlong curriculum.

Celebrating our differences is just as important as celebrating what makes us the same across the board.

White folks have a hard time understanding this concept because the differences we (white folks) celebrated while being the power race in this country have always been based on culture and background. Skin color or classification was considered the same with us.

Celebrating cultural differences is really all the different races are doing also. They just happen to have all the same skin color just like we (white folks) did or do.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Tue 11/10/09 06:55 PM

So, in your own words. Without arguments please. I do not care what you are for or against, what do YOU think would make America great again? If you were president, what would you do to make this country efficient? To make it to where every single american citizen was happy.

Everyone seems to think they have the answers, so lets here it!

Throw every elected official out of office except for Ron Paul and a few others and start over again. Also, eliminate every unconstitutional law, office, program, and job. That would be a great start. glasses :banana:

Dragoness's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:00 PM

More personal responsibility would be a start and I do not mean less social programs nor less government. I mean more personal responsibility in "what can I do personally to make the world a better place to live for everyone." Personal responsibility has nothing do with going around telling everyone else how to live but making sure we live to the best standards possible for ourselves and allow others to make the journey for their personal responsibility on their own.

huh? you realize the massive contradictions you make in this statement, right?

Personal responsibility has to do with taking care of yourself. Once you start taking care of someone else, it is no longer personal and you are now taking care of society.

My move would to be all about true personal responsibility. Basically, the removal of protections for things like social programs, unions, and quite a large portion of the regulations many businesses have to face.

True personal responsibility will be the root of all success... Once we get rid of this sense of entitlement and develop a stronger work ethic like the generations of old, we can be strong again.

We have to stop looking to others to save us in time of crisis and simply put our big boy pants on and man up.

Obviously you have never had to ask for help from others because you were unable to "man up" Hopefully you will never have to.

Personal responsibility means minding your business first and foremost. You cannot accurately judge anothers life without "a-ss u ming" most of what you are passing judgement over.

So growing up and realizing that you cannot even imagine another persons struggle in life is the first step to personal responsibility.

After that if you don't like what your taxes pay for STOP PAYING THEM AND QUIT BITCHING ABOUT IT TO EVERYONE!!!

daniel48706's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:07 PM
I am not saying to not celebrate your culture or family heritage; I am saying do not make it into a National event.

That's what am saying. It needs to be incorporated into the history texts. Sociology classes need to teach about the different cultures and their history, But we need ot quit making each event into something special as all it does is keep racism and bigotry alive.

Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

IF the month would be replaced with a yearlong curriculum, that would be great.I just dont have faith the history books or the educational system would voluntarily incorporate those things into their yearlong curriculum.

Celebrating our differences is just as important as celebrating what makes us the same across the board.

White folks have a hard time understanding this concept because the differences we (white folks) celebrated while being the power race in this country have always been based on culture and background. Skin color or classification was considered the same with us.

Celebrating cultural differences is really all the different races are doing also. They just happen to have all the same skin color just like we (white folks) did or do.

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:23 PM

More personal responsibility would be a start and I do not mean less social programs nor less government. I mean more personal responsibility in "what can I do personally to make the world a better place to live for everyone." Personal responsibility has nothing do with going around telling everyone else how to live but making sure we live to the best standards possible for ourselves and allow others to make the journey for their personal responsibility on their own.

huh? you realize the massive contradictions you make in this statement, right?

Personal responsibility has to do with taking care of yourself. Once you start taking care of someone else, it is no longer personal and you are now taking care of society.

My move would to be all about true personal responsibility. Basically, the removal of protections for things like social programs, unions, and quite a large portion of the regulations many businesses have to face.

True personal responsibility will be the root of all success... Once we get rid of this sense of entitlement and develop a stronger work ethic like the generations of old, we can be strong again.

We have to stop looking to others to save us in time of crisis and simply put our big boy pants on and man up.

Obviously you have never had to ask for help from others because you were unable to "man up" Hopefully you will never have to.

Personal responsibility means minding your business first and foremost. You cannot accurately judge anothers life without "a-ss u ming" most of what you are passing judgement over.

So growing up and realizing that you cannot even imagine another persons struggle in life is the first step to personal responsibility.

After that if you don't like what your taxes pay for STOP PAYING THEM AND QUIT BITCHING ABOUT IT TO EVERYONE!!!

I have a better idea. How about you shut the f**k up about telling me to commit a federal offense! I pay my taxes because that is my duty and (unfortunately) a requirement of a citizen. I will not break the law over this. I will however, advocate that they stop taking all my money. If you want all your money to help a bunch of lazy and ignorant people, be my guest. I'd rather keep more and help out others that I feel truely need it as opposed to those who just eat, sleep, and pop out babies so they can collect more welfare.

I don't care about anothers' struggle. i don't care about their upbringing. We are all dealt a hand of cards and we play off what we have. some blow their royal flush and end up in the dumps while some make it big on a pair of deuces. It's not fair, but life was not meant to be. You play off what you have and make the best of it.

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:24 PM
Edited by AndrewAV on Tue 11/10/09 07:25 PM

That's what am saying. It needs to be incorporated into the history texts. Sociology classes need to teach about the different cultures and their history, But we need ot quit making each event into something special as all it does is keep racism and bigotry alive.

Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

IF the month would be replaced with a yearlong curriculum, that would be great.I just dont have faith the history books or the educational system would voluntarily incorporate those things into their yearlong curriculum.

Celebrating our differences is just as important as celebrating what makes us the same across the board.

White folks have a hard time understanding this concept because the differences we (white folks) celebrated while being the power race in this country have always been based on culture and background. Skin color or classification was considered the same with us.

Celebrating cultural differences is really all the different races are doing also. They just happen to have all the same skin color just like we (white folks) did or do.

This is an incredibly racist thing to say, BTW.

Just because I'm white does not mean that I cannot see other viewpoints.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:25 PM

I am not saying to not celebrate your culture or family heritage; I am saying do not make it into a National event.

That's what am saying. It needs to be incorporated into the history texts. Sociology classes need to teach about the different cultures and their history, But we need ot quit making each event into something special as all it does is keep racism and bigotry alive.

Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

IF the month would be replaced with a yearlong curriculum, that would be great.I just dont have faith the history books or the educational system would voluntarily incorporate those things into their yearlong curriculum.

Celebrating our differences is just as important as celebrating what makes us the same across the board.

White folks have a hard time understanding this concept because the differences we (white folks) celebrated while being the power race in this country have always been based on culture and background. Skin color or classification was considered the same with us.

Celebrating cultural differences is really all the different races are doing also. They just happen to have all the same skin color just like we (white folks) did or do.

Why not? White folks have national events??

Dragoness's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:28 PM

More personal responsibility would be a start and I do not mean less social programs nor less government. I mean more personal responsibility in "what can I do personally to make the world a better place to live for everyone." Personal responsibility has nothing do with going around telling everyone else how to live but making sure we live to the best standards possible for ourselves and allow others to make the journey for their personal responsibility on their own.

huh? you realize the massive contradictions you make in this statement, right?

Personal responsibility has to do with taking care of yourself. Once you start taking care of someone else, it is no longer personal and you are now taking care of society.

My move would to be all about true personal responsibility. Basically, the removal of protections for things like social programs, unions, and quite a large portion of the regulations many businesses have to face.

True personal responsibility will be the root of all success... Once we get rid of this sense of entitlement and develop a stronger work ethic like the generations of old, we can be strong again.

We have to stop looking to others to save us in time of crisis and simply put our big boy pants on and man up.

Obviously you have never had to ask for help from others because you were unable to "man up" Hopefully you will never have to.

Personal responsibility means minding your business first and foremost. You cannot accurately judge anothers life without "a-ss u ming" most of what you are passing judgement over.

So growing up and realizing that you cannot even imagine another persons struggle in life is the first step to personal responsibility.

After that if you don't like what your taxes pay for STOP PAYING THEM AND QUIT BITCHING ABOUT IT TO EVERYONE!!!

I have a better idea. How about you shut the f**k up about telling me to commit a federal offense! I pay my taxes because that is my duty and (unfortunately) a requirement of a citizen. I will not break the law over this. I will however, advocate that they stop taking all my money. If you want all your money to help a bunch of lazy and ignorant people, be my guest. I'd rather keep more and help out others that I feel truely need it as opposed to those who just eat, sleep, and pop out babies so they can collect more welfare.

I don't care about anothers' struggle. i don't care about their upbringing. We are all dealt a hand of cards and we play off what we have. some blow their royal flush and end up in the dumps while some make it big on a pair of deuces. It's not fair, but life was not meant to be. You play off what you have and make the best of it.

LOL..well you prove my point well.

It's cool dude. I will leave it so we do not get into trouble on here.

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:28 PM

I am not saying to not celebrate your culture or family heritage; I am saying do not make it into a National event.

That's what am saying. It needs to be incorporated into the history texts. Sociology classes need to teach about the different cultures and their history, But we need ot quit making each event into something special as all it does is keep racism and bigotry alive.

Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

IF the month would be replaced with a yearlong curriculum, that would be great.I just dont have faith the history books or the educational system would voluntarily incorporate those things into their yearlong curriculum.

Celebrating our differences is just as important as celebrating what makes us the same across the board.

White folks have a hard time understanding this concept because the differences we (white folks) celebrated while being the power race in this country have always been based on culture and background. Skin color or classification was considered the same with us.

Celebrating cultural differences is really all the different races are doing also. They just happen to have all the same skin color just like we (white folks) did or do.

Why not? White folks have national events??

Actually, no, we don't. We are not allowed to by the court of political correctness. We were 100% ready at my high school, including all the required signatures for membership and teacher sponsorship (on the ground of throwing gas on the fire) to start a white student union (in response to the asian student union, mecha (hispanic) and black student union clubs.

We were turned down because it could be viewed as racist by some people. Tell me how that's fair?

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:29 PM

More personal responsibility would be a start and I do not mean less social programs nor less government. I mean more personal responsibility in "what can I do personally to make the world a better place to live for everyone." Personal responsibility has nothing do with going around telling everyone else how to live but making sure we live to the best standards possible for ourselves and allow others to make the journey for their personal responsibility on their own.

huh? you realize the massive contradictions you make in this statement, right?

Personal responsibility has to do with taking care of yourself. Once you start taking care of someone else, it is no longer personal and you are now taking care of society.

My move would to be all about true personal responsibility. Basically, the removal of protections for things like social programs, unions, and quite a large portion of the regulations many businesses have to face.

True personal responsibility will be the root of all success... Once we get rid of this sense of entitlement and develop a stronger work ethic like the generations of old, we can be strong again.

We have to stop looking to others to save us in time of crisis and simply put our big boy pants on and man up.

Obviously you have never had to ask for help from others because you were unable to "man up" Hopefully you will never have to.

Personal responsibility means minding your business first and foremost. You cannot accurately judge anothers life without "a-ss u ming" most of what you are passing judgement over.

So growing up and realizing that you cannot even imagine another persons struggle in life is the first step to personal responsibility.

After that if you don't like what your taxes pay for STOP PAYING THEM AND QUIT BITCHING ABOUT IT TO EVERYONE!!!

I have a better idea. How about you shut the f**k up about telling me to commit a federal offense! I pay my taxes because that is my duty and (unfortunately) a requirement of a citizen. I will not break the law over this. I will however, advocate that they stop taking all my money. If you want all your money to help a bunch of lazy and ignorant people, be my guest. I'd rather keep more and help out others that I feel truely need it as opposed to those who just eat, sleep, and pop out babies so they can collect more welfare.

I don't care about anothers' struggle. i don't care about their upbringing. We are all dealt a hand of cards and we play off what we have. some blow their royal flush and end up in the dumps while some make it big on a pair of deuces. It's not fair, but life was not meant to be. You play off what you have and make the best of it.

LOL..well you prove my point well.

It's cool dude. I will leave it so we do not get into trouble on here.

What point was there to prove?

Dragoness's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:30 PM

That's what am saying. It needs to be incorporated into the history texts. Sociology classes need to teach about the different cultures and their history, But we need ot quit making each event into something special as all it does is keep racism and bigotry alive.

Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

IF the month would be replaced with a yearlong curriculum, that would be great.I just dont have faith the history books or the educational system would voluntarily incorporate those things into their yearlong curriculum.

Celebrating our differences is just as important as celebrating what makes us the same across the board.

White folks have a hard time understanding this concept because the differences we (white folks) celebrated while being the power race in this country have always been based on culture and background. Skin color or classification was considered the same with us.

Celebrating cultural differences is really all the different races are doing also. They just happen to have all the same skin color just like we (white folks) did or do.

This is an incredibly racist thing to say, BTW.

Just because I'm white does not mean that I cannot see other viewpoints.

I can talk about my race and it is not racist. I know white folks I am one of them.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:31 PM

I am not saying to not celebrate your culture or family heritage; I am saying do not make it into a National event.

That's what am saying. It needs to be incorporated into the history texts. Sociology classes need to teach about the different cultures and their history, But we need ot quit making each event into something special as all it does is keep racism and bigotry alive.

Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

IF the month would be replaced with a yearlong curriculum, that would be great.I just dont have faith the history books or the educational system would voluntarily incorporate those things into their yearlong curriculum.

Celebrating our differences is just as important as celebrating what makes us the same across the board.

White folks have a hard time understanding this concept because the differences we (white folks) celebrated while being the power race in this country have always been based on culture and background. Skin color or classification was considered the same with us.

Celebrating cultural differences is really all the different races are doing also. They just happen to have all the same skin color just like we (white folks) did or do.

Why not? White folks have national events??

Actually, no, we don't. We are not allowed to by the court of political correctness. We were 100% ready at my high school, including all the required signatures for membership and teacher sponsorship (on the ground of throwing gas on the fire) to start a white student union (in response to the asian student union, mecha (hispanic) and black student union clubs.

We were turned down because it could be viewed as racist by some people. Tell me how that's fair?

It is the curse of of being the race in power in this country and we are still the race in power.

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:32 PM

That's what am saying. It needs to be incorporated into the history texts. Sociology classes need to teach about the different cultures and their history, But we need ot quit making each event into something special as all it does is keep racism and bigotry alive.

Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

IF the month would be replaced with a yearlong curriculum, that would be great.I just dont have faith the history books or the educational system would voluntarily incorporate those things into their yearlong curriculum.

Celebrating our differences is just as important as celebrating what makes us the same across the board.

White folks have a hard time understanding this concept because the differences we (white folks) celebrated while being the power race in this country have always been based on culture and background. Skin color or classification was considered the same with us.

Celebrating cultural differences is really all the different races are doing also. They just happen to have all the same skin color just like we (white folks) did or do.

This is an incredibly racist thing to say, BTW.

Just because I'm white does not mean that I cannot see other viewpoints.

I can talk about my race and it is not racist. I know white folks I am one of them.

bulls**t. That's like how blacks will throw around the N word and claim, "it's our word and you can't use it."

you made a broad generalization about whites simply because they're white. prejudice based on race = racism.

AndrewAV's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:34 PM

I am not saying to not celebrate your culture or family heritage; I am saying do not make it into a National event.

That's what am saying. It needs to be incorporated into the history texts. Sociology classes need to teach about the different cultures and their history, But we need ot quit making each event into something special as all it does is keep racism and bigotry alive.

Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

IF the month would be replaced with a yearlong curriculum, that would be great.I just dont have faith the history books or the educational system would voluntarily incorporate those things into their yearlong curriculum.

Celebrating our differences is just as important as celebrating what makes us the same across the board.

White folks have a hard time understanding this concept because the differences we (white folks) celebrated while being the power race in this country have always been based on culture and background. Skin color or classification was considered the same with us.

Celebrating cultural differences is really all the different races are doing also. They just happen to have all the same skin color just like we (white folks) did or do.

Why not? White folks have national events??

Actually, no, we don't. We are not allowed to by the court of political correctness. We were 100% ready at my high school, including all the required signatures for membership and teacher sponsorship (on the ground of throwing gas on the fire) to start a white student union (in response to the asian student union, mecha (hispanic) and black student union clubs.

We were turned down because it could be viewed as racist by some people. Tell me how that's fair?

It is the curse of of being the race in power in this country and we are still the race in power.

Sorry, my beer just shot out of my nose. I cannot believe you just said this. Well, actually, i can.

racism is an absolute and knows no statistic or race. If you cannot see that then there is no arguing with you.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 11/10/09 07:42 PM

That's what am saying. It needs to be incorporated into the history texts. Sociology classes need to teach about the different cultures and their history, But we need ot quit making each event into something special as all it does is keep racism and bigotry alive.

Forgive me, I am not trying to say we shouldn't teach about what has been done to the black culture, or to women in history; I am not saying we shouldn't teach about black rights and women's sufferage over the years. That should ALL be taught as a part of history class, or possibly even government class (as in human rights, women sufferage throughout the years). BUT by dedicating an entire month to these things, it is not teaching anything. It is just bringing a lot of emotion back up to the head of the boil. And while yes, it is god to bring that stuff up in order to purge the boil, it needs to be done in a more gradual and effective way.

The first thing I would do is overhaul all the government offices (federal AND STATE). I agree that the states themselves have the right to have their own laws and hire their own people for their government work, but this right does not supercede federal law, nor does it allow them to hire their friends and family, and then not enforce good work ethics and results.

some examples: make it so that the social services departments could not require their receptionists to have a social workers degree. By receptionist, I mean the ladies and gentleman that sit behind the front desk all day long answering the phones, and entering a clients information into the data-system so that when their number is called, the actual social worker is prepared. This is a basic data entry position which does not require a four year degree to perform.

ALL states would have some form of welfare to work program, in which welfare recipients were required to attend a fourty hour a week job search program, unless they could show justifiable reason as to why they couldn't attend; like a special needs family member that required they stay home no matter what (verified with a dr's written statement to this effect).
These job search programs would be internally reviewed on a quarterly basis at a minimum, and any worker found not enforcing the job search criteria (in other words, allowing the job searchers to just sit and talk all day long and NOT work towards being employed), would be first given a written reprimand, and then if it happened again in a one year time frame, fired for not doing their job.

All job searchers in the above program would be required to accept the first job they were offered, no matter what it was, unless they could prove that it would be more of a hardship on them than having no job; for example having to drive 50 miles one way, 5 days a week for minimum wage, and only getting 20 hours per week.

Employers would not be able to review your credit history in order to determine eligibility of employment, except in cases where your financial history would directly relate to the job at hand, such as a bank teller.

Landlords would not be able to review your credit history/report in aking a decision concerning renting to you. They already have laws in effect to protect them from people who do not pay their rent, it is called court and eviction, and the courts can reverse the charges so that the landlord does not have to pay a cent to evict you.

And a big one that would make a lot of people upset: their would be no more "national minority months". For example, no more National women's month, no more "black history" month" no more this type of month or that type of month; all they do is promote discrimination, and put emphasis on the differences between everyone, when we SHOULD be teaching our kids that everybody is the same and thus should be treated the same.

I think I will stop ehre thoguh I have a ot of other ideas that I would work at implenting. I know I made a lot of people upset with the last one.

I think those are all great ideas, except the black history month thing,,, Segregation and racism and bigotry are all very real in America and I wouldnt think ignoring them would make people more united. I believe the reason we have such things is because history has shown that America can Exclude many groups if left on its own accord. I remember as a kid, the educational system hadnt mentioned one thing a black person had done , had not taught me about anything from my american history except slavery, until junior high. I remmber when BHM came out, the white students laughing and asking why we had a month when blacks never did anything. I think what people ARENT taught has just as much baring on what they come to believe as what they are.

IF the month would be replaced with a yearlong curriculum, that would be great.I just dont have faith the history books or the educational system would voluntarily incorporate those things into their yearlong curriculum.

Celebrating our differences is just as important as celebrating what makes us the same across the board.

White folks have a hard time understanding this concept because the differences we (white folks) celebrated while being the power race in this country have always been based on culture and background. Skin color or classification was considered the same with us.

Celebrating cultural differences is really all the different races are doing also. They just happen to have all the same skin color just like we (white folks) did or do.

This is an incredibly racist thing to say, BTW.

Just because I'm white does not mean that I cannot see other viewpoints.

I can talk about my race and it is not racist. I know white folks I am one of them.

bulls**t. That's like how blacks will throw around the N word and claim, "it's our word and you can't use it."

you made a broad generalization about whites simply because they're white. prejudice based on race = racism.

Okay then in your eyes I am racist about my own race then.slaphead whoa If you want to believe that go ahead. surprised rofl