Topic: 39 House Democrats who Voted Against Their Party's Health Ca | |
I would start your party just yet.The health care bill still has to clear the Senate and from what I have heard it will be much harder to get it passed through the Senate than it was through the house and become law.
Next year is less than eight weeks away. Most reasonable people probably have no problem with that time frame. As for the bill, some form of it will go through, the debate now is only really about the money. Meh. 8 weeks isn't very long. However...the Bill itself, if it passes through the Senate and makes it to Obama's desk for signing, won't take effect until 2013. By that time, Obama will be out of office and the current crop of idiots in charge will be replaced with a different set who will, hopefully, have enough sense to put a halt to the " Universal ( Socialist ) Health Care " idea as it's presently being shoved down our throats and come up with a way to do the same thing without all the waste and red tape that will be involved with the current proposal. |
Next year is less than eight weeks away. Most reasonable people probably have no problem with that time frame. As for the bill, some form of it will go through, the debate now is only really about the money. Meh. 8 weeks isn't very long. However...the Bill itself, if it passes through the Senate and makes it to Obama's desk for signing, won't take effect until 2013. By that time, Obama will be out of office and the current crop of idiots in charge will be replaced with a different set who will, hopefully, have enough sense to put a halt to the " Universal ( Socialist ) Health Care " idea as it's presently being shoved down our throats and come up with a way to do the same thing without all the waste and red tape that will be involved with the current proposal. Id have no problem with that either, as long as we START doing something now...if it doesnt happen overnight thats fine. |
if it is such a great plan, why wait 2 years to implement it??????
Its a BIG plan. I would expect it to take a while to set up. Look how long its taken to 'rebuild' New Orleans and that is just ONE city. Its a big country and I expect an overhaul of this type would take some time.
Next year is less than eight weeks away. Most reasonable people probably have no problem with that time frame. As for the bill, some form of it will go through, the debate now is only really about the money. Meh. 8 weeks isn't very long. However...the Bill itself, if it passes through the Senate and makes it to Obama's desk for signing, won't take effect until 2013. By that time, Obama will be out of office and the current crop of idiots in charge will be replaced with a different set who will, hopefully, have enough sense to put a halt to the " Universal ( Socialist ) Health Care " idea as it's presently being shoved down our throats and come up with a way to do the same thing without all the waste and red tape that will be involved with the current proposal. Ahhh that's a good way of looking at it. Wouldn't that be so hilarious, if it passes, the socialist leader for the democratic party out of the White House and this bill killed and stopped in it's tracks! Wow, won't that be a wonderful year!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |