Topic: Do you ever feel snubbed by religion?
AdventureBegins's photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:26 PM
Me favorite.

Rooooockeeee Rooooooad cream of the Ice Creams

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:27 PM

Redangel0625's photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:29 PM
Even though we hijacked the thread, I'm interested in what Miles'
response is to spider... Call me a sucker for a good debate... Mmmm...
chocolate pie is calling my name!

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:31 PM
laugh laugh we were just taking a break. Angel when you're not
usually on there's NO PEACE..just debate debate.

Certain users like to show that they have degress and pour statistics
and research to further drive the point home indifferent

I'm like I don't care laugh

Redangel0625's photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:33 PM
I've got a degree in lightening up!!! Life is too short to argue!!!
I'm cute, single, saved, and excited to be alive!!! So who wants to go
out for ice cream!!! I'm buying!!!

Redangel0625's photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:34 PM
But not really, cause it seems like some of us can eat an icecream
buffet... and I don't have that kind of cash!

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:35 PM
exactly we have lives...I'm not staying online all day to debate.

I'll discuss and answer questions, but when you start getting
disrespectful that's when I want to hit the "IGNORE" button laugh

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:37 PM
man I want some chocolate ice cream frown see what you guys did

Redangel0625's photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:47 PM
But bored you ARE online all day!!! LOL j/k

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:48 PM
i'm really not..i've been so busy with summer classes 3 hours a day for
every SINGLE day ohwell

Redangel0625's photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:49 PM
But the other 21 hrs your online right??? :-) YES I STILL DO SIDEWAYS

RainbowTrout's photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:53 PM
Aw, come on TLW. Read Luke 2:48 to 2:52 and especially 2:48. Behold thy
father and I have sought thee sorrowingly. And he said I must be about
my father's business. Think about it for a second and then you will get
it. She is talking about one father and Jesus is talking about another
father which we all can have; The heavenly father. After he explained it
to her then she didn't feel snubbed.laugh

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:53 PM
laugh red you got jokes..during the week i'm really not on but I am
on weekends when i'm no going out. It was pouring terrible today

Redangel0625's photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:56 PM
Rainbow, I'm confused to which statement you are commenting... and to
bored... sure... you just might be a holic... like I need to go to bed,
but I'm up talking to ya'll!!!

no photo
Sun 06/03/07 07:58 PM
laugh I got all this homework to do

no photo
Tue 06/05/07 08:59 AM

what are you basing your facts on when you say Muslims killed christians
more than jews in WW2??...that is the biggest croc of sh!t i've ever
heard...the FACT of the matter is, european christians have left their
mark on history in Africa, Asia, and the Americas...forcing people to
convert to christianity, murder, rape, plunder and looting were the ways
of the watch too many american movies and tv, which is
nothing but propaganda against muslims...what about the Jews, they
murdered many prophets who had come to them??...look at Rome, and what
it has been reduced to...look at the great Greek pagan empire, where are
they now???...look at what Christianity has become???...people
worshipping the pope as though he is some divine being...why dont you
show me in your bible where Jesus himself says that he is God, to
worship him, that he is the son of God??...look further than your own
backyard, your ignorant comments are highly offensive...Muslims have
been here for over 1400 years, and every year we grow and grow and
grow...a known FACT, is the christian population is declining,
especially in your own country...whats even funnier to me is how some
people say Muslims are "brainwashed" into believing such and such and go
blow themselves nothing but bull and
in Canada, we are fortunate to large communities from all corners of the
world...everyone shares the same view of your president, including many
americans...Bush's war is not a war on Terror, but a war OF terror and
propaganda for his own political gains...God will surely punish a man
like him on the day of judgement...where is the solid proof against bin
laden for 9/11???...there is none...none has ever been presented and
none ever will...all we hear is accusations and speculation of who it
could be...listen more carefully to CNN the most "trusted" name in
news....listen to whenever your politicians speak of "terrorism", what
proof are they giving you???...and Iran, where is the proof???....did
Bush go to Iran and see for himself that they are making nuclear
weapons???...i think not...and what gives the USA the right to have
nuclear weapons and no one else???...look at Britain, the biggest terror
the world has ever seen, why are they allowed to have nuclear
weapons??...who is America to tell me what to do and what I can or
cannot have???...if you look back at the history of your country, from
the moment it was born out of violence and bloodshed, to the times of
colonialism, I would say Christians have been the terrorists and always
were...If Islam so bad and evil, why are so many people accepting,
especially here in the west???....i wonder what those mullahs in the
mountains of afghanistan are saying to those gullible kids in rural
america to "brainwash" them into accepting
Islam???...hmmmmmm...interesting isn't it???...last, but not least, how
is your freedom threatened??, whoever thinks that your
army is fighting for your freedom in Iraq, you need to read a
book....the only way to secure your own freedom, is to reclaim democracy
in your land and lock bush up in guantanimo bay for the rest of his

RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:48 AM
Redangel, this statement: i don't find any sense of homour within this



RainbowTrout's photo
Tue 06/05/07 09:52 AM
If you don't find any humor in religion then you will be just like the
one who lopped off the person's ear and Christ had to just put the ear
back on again. laugh

no photo
Tue 06/05/07 10:26 AM

I'm a little slow today. How does anything you say change the
historical fact that Muslims worked with the Nazis to exterminate
Christians and Jews? I can't figure out why the fact that Christians in
the past did bad things or that the Muslim religion is growing have to
do with the Muslim / Nazi alliance. Then you go off on how Muslim
terrorists should have nuclear weapons. I'm just not able to follow
your logic.

AdventureBegins's photo
Tue 06/05/07 11:24 AM
Ummm well lets see.

Christian terrorists have nuclear weapons.

Professed Christians also aided in the exterminations of the Jews at the
hands of the Nazi.

Face it religion is the root of all evil.

Faith is the good seed of the Tree.

Religion is the bad seed of the Tree.