Topic: Some women . | |
it depends on who's calling me "hun" that pisses me off. If you're my boss or collegue, you have no business calling me "hon, sweety, cupcake," or anything other than Jill. Otherwise, I don't care. I've been called a lot worse names than Hon
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um 2 go back to the original post... can we use the word WACCO instead of nuts? it has a better ring 2 it. ![]() In formal circumstances I prefer the term wing-nut. |
no no no no wing nut? nope WACCO is a much better description.
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you bring up something else......jill....
sometimes a pretty girl will net the endearment of hun/hon. just like the waitresses at a restaurant in town called BURRs call us old makes me want to squeeze their sweetie...if you know what i mean... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I like nuts...haha...i don't mind what you call long as you call me
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okay so u like nuts and want us to call u.
what is your number? 1-800-call-me-nuts? |
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I like nuts...haha...i don't mind what you call long as you call me ![]() ![]() Hello Blondie...... ![]() ![]() |
hey what happened to the topic?
i don't mind being called hun
Read through the posts...intolerance is such an ugly thing, eh? Some folks need to get out more...and accept the fact that maybe - just maybe - they aren't universally right in everything they say. ![]() ![]() There is no obligation to tolerance within someone’s personal boundaries. People either respect boundaries or they don’t. Some may venture to guess a person would be acting like a jerk if they assumed they could act anyway they wished around strangers. There is no obligation to tolerance when discussion such a supercilious topic anyway. Do unto others is a wonderful thing to live by. Part of doing that is asking someone how they wish to be addressed. I was told to never assume how I should address someone (last name, first name, Miss, Mrs, Mr, etc). My father taught me that when I learned to speak. I was also brought up that I should never, ever be too familiar without someone I don’t know by calling them a nickname. My father was born in Georgia and raised in Texas; he was the father of manners. If I reach the point where I ask a person how I should address her I am sure she is not worth knowing . Being myself is the best policy regardless to what others think because I do not want to change anyone and certainly I do not want to change myself for anyone . To pretend to say what I do not mean is just not me . What?? When you meet a business associate, you think they are not worth knowing if they prefer you to address them a certain way? Your boss? Your friend's grandmother whom you've never met? That is disrespectful. YOU don't dictate how people wished to be addressed. You can be yourself but when you first meet someone and shake hands -- don't you ask, "what is your name?" ![]() ![]() IT IS NOT YOUR NAME to change or reduce unless otherwise told! ![]() WTF happened to respect for other people? I concur, Melody! ![]() |
i don't mind being called hun What the heck is the problem... why are we still sweatin' the small stuff with all the real issues in the world. I've been called a hella worse than that... move on and save the energy for violence not bs words. Get a life... |
i don't mind being called hun What the heck is the problem... why are we still sweatin' the small stuff with all the real issues in the world. I've been called a hella worse than that... move on and save the energy for violence not bs words. Get a life... Well, I don't think anyone is sweating it...the OP asked for opinions, and we gave them to him. Now, it would be different if a girl started a thread complaining about being called, "Hon". Cause you're's just not that big a deal in the grand scheme of things. ![]() |
Myself, I strongly dislike being called hun, sweetie, darlin, or any other pet names .
sounds like a bar whore is talking to me.... |
What is offensive to one may not be to another, but once one is made aware they are offending, an attempt should be made to correct the behavior.
that being said,, I was always one who thought context and tone meant an AWFUL lot but these days its just words themselves that get some folks in arms. I give people the benefit of the doubt in casual conversation that they have no reason to be trying to offend me so pet names (particularly if I have already heard them using those names on others) dont offend me. I am one who uses hon and sweety as if its the period on the end of the sentence, its out of habit because I grew up with a loving family and heard the terms all the time. That anyone would think I was saying it to offend would be shocking to me but I would respect their feelings and TRY to temper it a bit. |
Myself, I strongly dislike being called hun, sweetie, darlin, or any other pet names . sounds like a bar whore is talking to me.... You get that a lot... talked to by bar whores?, I, being from the south, say those words all the time, and its a Southern Thing. I never frequent bars, ever... So I wouldn't know what a Bar whore sounded like... |
For me it's more the "feel" of the person saying it. There's a difference between a general "hun" and one that leaves you feeling dirty and creeped out.
I use "hum" on close friends of both sexes. And it's meant rather affectionately with no meaning one way or the other. I do find "baby" derogatory when used by strange men. I minor pet peeve on my part. |
Moving around the USA the custom of useing endearments such as Honey, Sugar, Babe, Darlin is taken as a friendly compliment.
Other times it is considered a put down. Sometimes it is just a generic for service people to address customers in a hospitable way. I am fairly sure there are a few prostitues who have used the generic terms for the same reasons "Johns" call their mistresses generic names. If they don't get used to calling them by a given name they don't risk slipping up and useing the wrong name with a spouse. Truth be told it really harkens back to house servants/slaves were not allowed to call adult people by their christian name in an effort to prevent familiarity which of course existed. And is why today most modern working women detest it in the workplace and it is considered a form of sexual harrassment. Thankfully now most working women are not subject forced sex in the work place. Since I am used to such familiar names or nicknames being how siblings, cousins, and friends addressed each other if I do it is probably because I like the person and are trying to comfort them through a difficult experience. I will admidt I don't like someone sending me an email that assume we are that familiar when we have never met or sent messages back and forth. If someone takes offense at any point just say so and I would try to honor their wishes. Generally I am going to think they are a little too tightly wound and probably wouldn't interact with them in the future. |
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Myself, I strongly dislike being called hun, sweetie, darlin, or any other pet names . sounds like a bar whore is talking to me.... You get that a lot... talked to by bar whores?, I, being from the south, say those words all the time, and its a Southern Thing. I never frequent bars, ever... So I wouldn't know what a Bar whore sounded like... I do not drink or go to bars myself, havent for over 25 years. but been single so long.....Right about now a bar whore would do ![]() ![]() aww heck, everyone should wear name tags ![]() |