Topic: Pornograhic material!!
Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:21 PM

I have friends that send me links to those profiles!!!!!!!! too and I laugh! And then pass them on to more friends...and they laugh.:tongue:

MelodyGirl's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:24 PM

I have friends that send me links to those profiles!!!!!!!! too and I laugh! And then pass them on to more friends...and they laugh.:tongue:

Same here! I love the ones that are "real" and not stolen from registered adult sites. The "real" ones crack me up because the people seriously think they are hot chit! Mugging and smugging to the camera thinking we will be turned on! :laughing:

whitebutterfly's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:26 PM
I am not judging any special one here, it was a reply to make a point to everyone that when a person report inappropriate stuff then I think it is very inappropriate that others devalue that person knowledge.

I find it very weird if someone on mingle think it is ok with pornographic stuff, then they don´t belong here. I don´t say that someone think it is ok either, but when someone don´t trust others view of what they have reported then I don´t get it.

If someone else did report stuff like this I would be thankful and trust that person view of what she/he experienced. Not argument about it.

whitebutterfly's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:29 PM
I would like to hear the first one who says a naked woman spreading her legs while sucking a mans dick is appropriate.

no photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:30 PM
Edited by peladac on Sun 11/01/09 01:32 PM

LOL, I think there is just an easy mistake often made between offensive and pornographic. For instance, someone sitting with their legs open may be seen as offensive to many, yet pornographic to many others. I was only stating that pornographic is a pretty subjective adjective. By the strictest terms , the men with their shirts off could be considered pornographic,, but mostly they arent.

Her legs were wide open with no clothes on, sorry that's pornographic.

Great job moderators because I know you guys do your best. The sleaze somehow gets throughwhoa

Oh, is there a setting somewhere that when I click who's online that it doesn't show women? It shows both of them. just wondering.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:31 PM
Like it's been said...what is pornographic to one may not be to another.
Nudity is not pornographic to me...explicit sexual acts is pornographic to me and I choose not to indulge in it.

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:31 PM

I am not judging any special one here, it was a reply to make a point to everyone that when a person report inappropriate stuff then I think it is very inappropriate that others devalue that person knowledge.

I find it very weird if someone on mingle think it is ok with pornographic stuff, then they don´t belong here. I don´t say that someone think it is ok either, but when someone don´t trust others view of what they have reported then I don´t get it.

If someone else did report stuff like this I would be thankful and trust that person view of what she/he experienced. Not argument about it.

I am the last to intentionally disprespect others feelings. If someone reports that something offends them it is certainly the admins job to investigate and decide whether the material meets the SITES definitions of offensive. Without such a pre determination of what is acceptable, we would be left with virtually no chat and no pictures because there are those who are offended by pretty close to everything.

I apologize for the misunderstanding though. I find Mingle to be a very respectful and professional site and I hope you will enjoy it.

Gossipmpm's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:33 PM
Edited by Gossipmpm on Sun 11/01/09 01:35 PM
No it's not

I had to report also

This isn't the place for it

Just chill

The posters really mean no Ill will towards you

There are hundreds of different personalities here

You'll see when you been here awhile

Almost everyone Is nice funny. Good people!

But ya have to relax:heart:

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:33 PM
as far as this site goes...nudity is not permitted AT ALL. Sexual acts are not permitted AT ALL

This is what I would consider pornography on this site.

Now offensive pictures are subjective on this site and will be reviewed by the site Mods/Admins

If there is ANY doubt about this, please go ahead and report it.

Ladylid2012's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:33 PM

Like it's been said...what is pornographic to one may not be to another.
Nudity is not pornographic to me...explicit sexual acts is pornographic to me and I choose not to indulge in it.

Edit to correct myself....I will indulge in such acts..I just don't care to watch someone else do them..:tongue:

MelodyGirl's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:34 PM
Edited by MelodyGirl on Sun 11/01/09 01:35 PM

Like it's been said...what is pornographic to one may not be to another.
Nudity is not pornographic to me...explicit sexual acts is pornographic to me and I choose not to indulge in it.

I agree! drinker Nudity is beautiful BUT ... sexually explicit does not belong here. I love it though! :laughing:

Yes, I flag it on Mingle -- after I LMAO! winking

whitebutterfly's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:34 PM
Hi peladac,

seems like you are the only one sane here about categorizing pornography. A naked woman spreading her legs is of course pornography, it´s ridiculous to say otherwise.

If someone means otherwise that is abuse both to the site, moderator and others here who are here for friendship,love. It is totally ridiculous.

Pedalac, I like you, you have brain like me! :)

michiganman3's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:35 PM

I would like to hear the first one who says a naked woman spreading her legs while sucking a mans dick is appropriate.

Not appropriate for Mingle, but people do post them and yes it is fun to find them.....then report them.laugh

no photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:35 PM
:angel: Angels :angel: vs. devil Debbils devil

michiganman3's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:35 PM

I have friends that send me links to those profiles!!!!!!!! too and I laugh! And then pass them on to more friends...and they laugh.:tongue:

And we all have a good laugh!!!!!!!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

msharmony's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:36 PM

Oh yes, I was shocked when I first joined. I was doing a search one night as to who was online, they show both men and women. A woman from another country with her legs spread open. It was disgusting. I put myself on stealth, got on her profile and reported her.

the initial post didnt say she was nude,, just legs spread,,,could be poor posture

Nudity makes a different scenario altogether

tohyup's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:36 PM

I am shocked to find pornographic material here on mingle. Makes me want to never visit this place again, it was disgusting, I saw it on a profile from India.

I would be pleased if things like this would be taken care of.

Why did you choose country as India ?.
Indians like different stuff....I guess.

tohyup's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:36 PM
Edited by tohyup on Sun 11/01/09 01:37 PM
double post .

Mr_Music's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:36 PM
OP, you seem to be pretty darn liberal throwing around that word, "we". WHO are you? You've got, what, 13 posts over two weeks of being here?

whitebutterfly's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:39 PM
And yellowrose,

I can´t believe this became such a thread! It is not respectful against the site, moderators and others.
I see it as abuse.

Again thanks yellowrose! :)