Topic: Concept of soul mates? | |
![]() So funny.. So basically your point is that although not all of your relationships lasted they were all meant to be? ![]() |
I believe they all had their purpose, yes.
![]() My question is not about the number of relationships. It's the question on whether you believe that there is that one special someone you're meant to be with until you die? The person you were made for? |
Absolutely not. Soul Mate is a -marketing gimmick to get into the
pockets of the lonely, desperate, and socially maladjusted people, emotionally crippled by their fantasies. There are more online single sites than people. Everybody is looking for their soul mate. Previous civilizations would not have survived such foolishness. Great topic to ponder. |
Okay, okay Bored, I'll stick with the subject and give you the best
answer I can. For some people, a soul mate as you call it is what is right and proper for those two souls. For others - nope, one only would apparently stunt/stagnate that soul's growth. |
thankyou swimsforrealgirl I really like your post. There are tons of
dating sites that use that line haha ![]() |
Let me reword it.
If you meet someone that sparks an interest within your very soul it then matters not how many other people you might find compatible for you have found a person that is compatible. If there is such a thing as a soul mate they will be placed in your life. |
Thankyou AB that clicks
![]() ![]() "If you meet someone that sparks an interest within your very soul it then matters not how many other people you might find compatible for you have found a person that is compatible." ![]() ![]() there in that case. |
I don't know anymore....I used to think and believe there are soul
mates...any more I just don't know...I don't even know if all this love stuff is even worth the effort put in to it |
I heard a pastor once say that Adam had all of the characteristics of
man and woman. God took Adam's efeminate nature and created Eve. According to him, when Adam saw Eve, his first thought was "I need that". Not sex (Adam didn't have sex until after the fall), but her softness. Men burn with lust for women, but according to this pastor, Adam burned with desire for the intellectual and emotional attributes of Eve. Once again, according to this pastor, each man and woman is only 50% of a whole and needs a mate to be complete. There is no scriptural support for this belief, but it sounds romantic. |
![]() I often get impatient waiting for that special someone but all run into are guys that want that one know ![]() So I'm trying to keep my hopes up |
![]() ![]() |
yeah Bored I know...after awhile though those types stop commin around..
CCP The moment they find out they're not getting anything they either do
2 extremes. 1. Too persisent or.. 2. Run away I've been single like..forever. Never had a relationship. I've dated but that's ![]() |
>> I don't even know if all this love stuff is even worth the effort put in to it
CCP, I think you are talking about the search for love, yes? (As opposed to building an actual relationship, once you are in it...) I've -never- been happy that I had put effort into looking for love. But when I put energy into taking care of myself, sometimes it just finds me. |
Bored, you come up with the most fun topics.
![]() In Hebrew and/or Yiddish (depends who you talk to), soul mate is referred to as B'shert and is mentioned in the Kabbalah (mystical Jewish writings). It is said that G-d decides the 'other half' of your soul at birth. I sure would like to believe this, but after one failed marriage and a few not so great relationships, I'm not so sure. It sure is a beautiful thought though. |
Yes Mass, I was talking about the search..ehh never mind me I am just
not in a good place in my head right now... |
![]() when it's worthwhile because it last then. ![]() ![]() would |
![]() your post |
Myself. I believe that you must look for certain traits in your
mate.Love can be blind. I did not find my mate in my religion. I looked but the spark was not thier. My wife and me basically I believe found each other. I was impressed by her compassion for other people. Taking people in even though they used her. But she could not let them live in the cold. That truely impressed me. Made me want to get to know her. She has very little knowledge of the bible. Yet I told my own brothers in the faith that to me she knows more about Yahweh and his will than anyone I ever met. She has not come into the faith but she is learning and encourages me. I love her dearly and I know she is a child of Yahweh. Soulmate depends on your definition. I do know what I have learned from studing the scriptures led me to her. I praise Yahweh every day for her. May YHWH of Hosts Bless With True Shalom People Search For Their Mates..... Miles |