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Topic: Evidence for a Designer...
creativesoul's photo
Thu 10/29/09 09:21 PM
Creative wrote:

See the point yet?

Abracadabra responds:

Yes, I absolutely do see the point.

In other words, you're just a radical atheist out to put down religion at all cost and you couldn't care less about any serious philosophical questions.

So because I have shown you that your evidence fails all of this necessarily follows? laugh

Fail. Ad hominem.

Could you reasonably show me how you arrive at these personal conclusions about me from what has been written?

That is a rhetorical question. I know you cannot, because I know your conclusions are false. I also know why, but to pursue that direction has been fruitless in past, so there seems little hope for me to try again.

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/29/09 09:26 PM

So because I have shown you that your evidence fails all of this necessarily follows? laugh

You haven't done any such thing. All you did was go off on a tangent talking about Mediterranean mythologies and religion.

Could you reasonably show me how you arrive at these personal conclusions about me from what has been written?

It wasn't personal at all. It was a direct response to precisely what you posted.

Why do you always claim personal foul when people address precisely what you actaully say? huh

If you don't want to bring silly mythological religions into the discussion then don't do it.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 10/29/09 09:28 PM
Sky wrote:

I have to point out here that there is a presupposition on your part. That presupposing is that you are not the designer of the universe.

But if you were the designer, and you thereafter denied being the designer, then there obviously coud not be a designer as far as you're concerned. (You didn't design it, and no one else could have designed it, so there is no designer.)

Your claim is that if I do not consider that I am the creator of this universe then I am presupposing that I am not?


Is age a consideration in this?

SkyHook5652's photo
Thu 10/29/09 09:37 PM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Thu 10/29/09 09:37 PM
JB wrote:
If the universe is not a design and it is not an accident, then what is it?
It is the universe as we have come to know it. It is all of the things that we can perceive of it.

There is absolutely no logical reason to attribute it's existence to anything other than what we can know. Infinite regress.

"what we can know"...

Very intersting use of the first person plural. But that's another argument altogether.

Now really, all you've said there is that any reason must be a logical reason. And you seem to have set yourself up as the one who determines what is logical and what is not.

Now I don't have a problem with that personally. Everyone does it.

But you have to admit that such a setup makes it all but impossible to show you something logical if all you have to do to make it illogical is to say that it's not logical.

And that is exactly why different things seem logical to different people.

And it is also why not everyone agrees with your logic - or you with theirs.

So again, it all depends on what one is willing to accept as "a logical reason".

And as I said before, I consider the simple fact of it's existence to be logical reason enough to conclude that it was (or is being) designed.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 10/29/09 09:42 PM
Creative wrote:

There is absolutely no logical reason to attribute it's existence to anything other than what we can know. Infinite regress.

Abracadabra responds:

Say what?

Sorry, but modern science has already made a very firm conclusion that we have no choice but to attribute the existence of this universe to what we can never know.

No it has not. Have anything other than your opinion to support this? Give one reputable peer-reviewed source. We are at a limit to our pursuit in knowledge regarding QM. The universe consists of more than just quarks.


If I study hydrogen intensely without ever knowing of water, would I ever be able to conclude that hydrogen can exist in a non-explosive state? What is true of water is not necessarily true of it's constituents - hydrogen and oxygen. What is true of hydrogen and oxygen is not necessarily true of water. What is true of the universe as a whole is not necessarily true of QM. What is true of quarks is not necessarily true of electrons.


Poor logic.

Currently this has even been proven mathematically, based on what we already believe to know.

Yeah... So were all of the other false proofs in past... ohwell

Of course we could be wrong in what we already believe know, but at the present time it doesn't look like even that is going to be the case.

Right now it seriously looks like we have no choice but to attrbute the existence of this universe to something that the very laws of physics have forever forbade us from knowing.

So you're statement above just doesn't reflect the current state of affairs.

We have every logical reason to believe that the true underlying nature of this universe will forever remain unknowable to us.

So how do you go from proven to be unknowable to 'spirit' equals scientific knowledge? How is that any more logical than Santa equals scientific knowledge.

Without logical consistency I will not continue with you.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 10/29/09 09:44 PM
Sky wrote:

Now I don't have a problem with that personally. Everyone does it.

But you have to admit that such a setup makes it all but impossible to show you something logical if all you have to do to make it illogical is to say that it's not logical.

And that is exactly why different things seem logical to different people.

Logic can be reasonably shown.

I am proven wrong. It pleases me to no end. :wink:

SkyHook5652's photo
Thu 10/29/09 09:53 PM
Sky wrote:
I have to point out here that there is a presupposition on your part. That presupposing is that you are not the designer of the universe.

But if you were the designer, and you thereafter denied being the designer, then there obviously coud not be a designer as far as you're concerned. (You didn't design it, and no one else could have designed it, so there is no designer.)

Your claim is that if I do not consider that I am the creator of this universe then I am presupposing that I am not?


Is age a consideration in this?
Only if you consider that you're not the creator.

SkyHook5652's photo
Thu 10/29/09 10:05 PM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Thu 10/29/09 10:10 PM
Sky wrote:
Now I don't have a problem with that personally. Everyone does it.

But you have to admit that such a setup makes it all but impossible to show you something logical if all you have to do to make it illogical is to say that it's not logical.

And that is exactly why different things seem logical to different people.
Logic can be reasonably shown.
But "being shown" does not equate to "seeing what is shown".

One can "show it" till one is blue in the face. But if it is not "seen", then it is all for naught.

The factor of "agreement" is absolutely critical.

The rules of logic, the premises, the logical connections (differentiation, association, identification), and the conclusions, must all be agreed on before it can be considered to have been "seen". If any one of those is not agreed upon, then the whole process fails.

no photo
Thu 10/29/09 10:16 PM
To say that there is no evidence of a designer is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. To ask for this evidence is like a drowning man asking for a glass of water. It is simply absurd.

It is like a blind man asking for proof of what is on the horizon. He is blind and he is asking someone to 'show' him something that requires him to have sight.

"I can't see. I can't see. I can't see any evidence."

..because your eyes are closed, your mind is closed.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 10/29/09 10:24 PM
How could one be so dumb to ask for evidence...

I tell ya, the nerve of some people.


no photo
Thu 10/29/09 10:26 PM
It is self evident that I AM.

If you don't KNOW, then you require 'evidence.'

But if you really want evidence, you have to learn to see it.

creativesoul's photo
Thu 10/29/09 10:27 PM
creative wrote:

Your claim is that if I do not consider that I am the creator of this universe then I am presupposing that I am not?


Is age a consideration in this?

Sky responded:

Only if you consider that you're not the creator.

Consider I'm not or presuppose I am despite the fact that it is over 4 billion years older than I am?

What evidence suggests otherwise?

Abracadabra's photo
Thu 10/29/09 10:31 PM
Edited by Abracadabra on Thu 10/29/09 10:32 PM

No it has not. Have anything other than your opinion to support this?

Do you have anything more than your opinion to the contrary?


You're ignorance of modern science is not my concern. I have absolutely no need to 'prove' anything against your superfluous assertions. (you'll see what I mean by the end of this post)

So how do you go from proven to be unknowable to 'spirit' equals scientific knowledge?

I don't. That wasn't my claim.

I was addressing precisely your following assertion:

There is absolutely no logical reason to attribute it's existence to anything other than what we can know.

There are logical reasons to attribute the existence of the universe to things other than we can know. In fact, this is indeed the current state of affairs today.

Currently this has even been proven mathematically, based on what we already believe to know.

Yeah... So were all of the other false proofs in past...

I don't deny that. I'm talking in terms of the current state of affairs today. If new science and data comes along I'll be more than willing to consider it.

Until then I'm more concerned with what we believe to know today.

Sounds to me like you're the one who's doing the wishful thinking that things might change in the future to support your ideas better. laugh

Without logical consistency I will not continue with you.

How rude.

I humor your conversations even though I see no logic in anything you say.

Actually that's just as well with me anyway. I don't see where you have anything new to offer that I haven't already considered.

You seem to be taking that stance that happenstance should be the automatic conclusion until we have evidence to the contrary.

First off, I feel that we do have evidence to the contrary in quantum physics as well as in pure mathematics. But I'm not interested in attempting to share that information with someone who is hostile to the that view. Why should I waste my time on a hostile audience?

But I would like to point out the following:

The idea that we should openly accept happenstance as the default explanation doesn't follow from pure mathematics.

The universe as a whole is only 14 billion years old. The Earth is only 4.5 billion years old. That's way too short of a timespan for life to have evolved purely by random chance based on pure mathematics.

So where's the "logic" in assuming happenstance as the cause? huh

It would take monkeys a period of time longer than the expected entire lifespace of the whole universe just to randomly type out Hamlet. But you're asking me to believe that humans evolved in a mere 4.5 billion years? huh

Where's the "evidence" to support why such an accelerated unnatural happenstance event should have occurred?

This is the problem with most atheistic arguments. The atheists come out of the gate claiming that their arguments should be the 'default' whilst claiming that their opponent must show evidence.

That's baloney right there.

You'd have to show reasons why happenstance should defy mathematics. In the meantime we should assume a default of "design" since it makes more mathematical sense in the time frame alloted for evolution. :wink:

no photo
Thu 10/29/09 10:53 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 10/29/09 10:53 PM
There is no valid scientific explanation for the rapid evolution of humans on this earth. Someone was probably tampering with our genes, cross breeding us with their own DNA etc. (Probably alien scientists.)

Plus, millions of people have been abducted and messed with. Sexual experiments, women being impregnated and their babies taken from them etc. They are still trying to design a new race of beings.

The world is full of designers. Designs and designers are everywhere. There are no accidents. The law of cause and effect itself is a design.

SkyHook5652's photo
Thu 10/29/09 10:57 PM
creative wrote:

Your claim is that if I do not consider that I am the creator of this universe then I am presupposing that I am not?


Is age a consideration in this?

Sky responded:

Only if you consider that you're not the creator.

Consider I'm not or presuppose I am despite the fact that it is over 4 billion years older than I am?

What evidence suggests otherwise?
Well if the evidence you see, combined with the logic you believe necessary, leads you to the conclusion that you can't be the creator of the universe, then fine, you conclude that you're not the creator of the universe.

Just realize that not everyone necessarily sees the same evidence as you or arrives at the same conclusions as you.

SkyHook5652's photo
Thu 10/29/09 11:14 PM
Jeannie said
...The law of cause and effect itself is a design.
That's a very good point Jeannie.

It would mean that it is impossible to prove the existence of a creator, since such a creator would necessarily have to be independent of cause-and-effect and thus any proof.

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 12:07 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 10/30/09 12:15 AM

Jeannie said
...The law of cause and effect itself is a design.
That's a very good point Jeannie.

It would mean that it is impossible to prove the existence of a creator, since such a creator would necessarily have to be independent of cause-and-effect and thus any proof.

Proving the existence of "a creator" is not the subject of this thread. It is the existence of "a designer" that we are talking about. I don't know about you, but for me, there is a difference.

A soul creator, like a God, is not what I am talking about.

I am talking about "intelligent design" throughout the entire world is clearly evident. Most certainly within the human race as we design our societies, and our homes, and our machines and our art, and cars, and all manner of other inventions.

Intelligent design is evident in the building of a termite mound. It is built in such a way that it provides air conditioning for the inhabitants. You might say that a termite is not intelligent. Well if an individual termite is not 'intelligent' then where does the intelligence come from that provides the programming for the hive to work together to build such an amazing structure? It is from the group mind.

There is no single 'creator." There is a conscious intelligence at work in the body of the whole that moves through the universal mind.

But evidence of intelligent design is everywhere. There are many designers, and they derive their information from the source of intelligence available to all. That is via the spirit and the universal mind. If a person can tap the universal mind, they can access any knowledge and information they want. (I know a guy who has learned to do this, or claims to.)

creativesoul's photo
Fri 10/30/09 02:15 AM
Edited by creativesoul on Fri 10/30/09 02:42 AM
Abracadabra asserts:

Sorry, but modern science has already made a very firm conclusion that we have no choice but to attribute the existence of this universe to what we can never know.

Creative responded:

No it has not. Have anything other than your opinion to support this?

Abracadabra answers

Do you have anything more than your opinion to the contrary?

As a matter of fact, I do.

The first thing to recognize is that you are the one who is making an unsupported assertion. I asked for evidence of a designer of this universe. Give me something other than your opinion as evidence and I will address it as such, until then, it is your unsupported claim, and the burden of proof is on you to show why it is a logical or reasonable thing to think. Opinion is not evidence.

Your argument has this form...

Quantum mechanics' observations have shown a limit to what we can know about the universe.

That's your given evidence.

First fact to consider... The universe consists of more than just quarks.

Second fact to consider... What is true of a whole is not necessarily true of the individual elements which constitute the whole, and vice-versa.

The necessary logical conclusion... What is true of quarks is not necessarily true of the universe as a whole, and vice-versa.

Here is a little more to develop the above logical truth just in case in remains unclear at this point.

What is true of hydrogen alone is not necessarily true of hydrogen and some other element combined - hydrogen and oxygen. Water is not explosive in any state, yet it is entirely made up from highly explosive elements. Therefore, we must conclude that what is true of a whole is not necessarily true of the individual elements which constitute that whole, and vice-versa. What is true of hydrogen and oxygen is not necessarily true of water. What is true of water is not necessarily true of hydrogen and oxygen.

What is true of the universe as a whole is not necessarily true of QM. What is true of QM is not necessarily true of the universe as a whole. To believe otherwise is illogical, and I have just shown exactly why.

You're ignorance of modern science is not my concern. I have absolutely no need to 'prove' anything against your superfluous assertions. (you'll see what I mean by the end of this post)

Fail. Ad hominem. Red herring. Neither of our existing ignorances are in question. Those are irrelevant to what is being discussed and do not, in any way, increase understanding of the topic being discussed.

creative wrote:

There is absolutely no logical reason to attribute it's existence to anything other than what we can know.

Abracadabra responded:

There are logical reasons to attribute the existence of the universe to things other than we can know. In fact, this is indeed the current state of affairs today.

Not in terms of being designed, and that is what is being discussed right now, is it not? I have always maintained that we cannot know the 'nature' of this universe, although my reasons for saying so differ from yours. I even said that earlier in this thread.

Abracadabra stated:

Currently this has even been proven mathematically, based on what we already believe to know.

creative responded:

Yeah... So were all of the other false proofs in past...

Abracadabra answered:

I don't deny that. I'm talking in terms of the current state of affairs today. If new science and data comes along I'll be more than willing to consider it.

I am telling you that QM does not equate to the whole universe. Throughout our history, the belief in 'God' evolved along with our knowledge, sometimes slower than others... unfortunately so. You argument is a repeat of the 'God' of the gaps. QM says we cannot know any more than we already do regarding the smallest known consituents of the universe, therefore a designer exists?


Abracadabra wrote:

Sounds to me like you're the one who's doing the wishful thinking that things might change in the future to support your ideas better.

Fail. Ad hominem.

Interesting way to put things considering the progression of this conversation.

Abracadabra wrote:

I humor your conversations even though I see no logic in anything you say. Actually that's just as well with me anyway. I don't see where you have anything new to offer that I haven't already considered.

Awww... how nice of you! flowerforyou

You seem to be taking that stance that happenstance should be the automatic conclusion until we have evidence to the contrary.

Interesting... can you quote me on that? laugh

To the untrained eye the following almost makes sense, and it is the reason I decided to respond here, by the way.

Abracadabra wrote:

But I would like to point out the following:

The idea that we should openly accept happenstance as the default explanation doesn't follow from pure mathematics.

The universe as a whole is only 14 billion years old. The Earth is only 4.5 billion years old. That's way too short of a timespan for life to have evolved purely by random chance based on pure mathematics.

So where's the "logic" in assuming happenstance as the cause?

laugh Bullsh*t! Who says it's too short a time? You? what about the overwhelming majority of scientists who actually figure out such things? I hope the following is not meant to be your proof for the above. Evolution is not random.

It would take monkeys a period of time longer than the expected entire lifespace of the whole universe just to randomly type out Hamlet. But you're asking me to believe that humans evolved in a mere 4.5 billion years?

Where's the "evidence" to support why such an accelerated unnatural happenstance event should have occurred?

Monkeys which are not evolving! laugh That is very relevant piece left out of that non-existent equation, now is it not? Not to mention the fact that even if evolution is proven false is does not follow that this universe has a designer.

This is the problem with most atheistic arguments. The atheists come out of the gate claiming that their arguments should be the 'default' whilst claiming that their opponent must show evidence.

That's baloney right there.

Most this... most that... overgeneralizations are invalid/illogical.

You'd have to show reasons why happenstance should defy mathematics. In the meantime we should assume a default of "design" since it makes more mathematical sense in the time frame alloted for evolution

Did you have a valid argument here?


bedlum1's photo
Fri 10/30/09 03:21 AM
be easier to catch a fart and paint it then prove a grand designer exists..
personaly i prefer to think that god is a figment of human imagination created out of fear of the unknown

bedlum1's photo
Fri 10/30/09 03:27 AM
quantum physics rock...

i think therefore i am god
i am the creator of thought
i contol the atoms of my brain by thinking hence i control my universe

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