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Topic: Bullies and logic
Redykeulous's photo
Wed 10/28/09 04:16 PM
My most sincere apologies for crashing this thread (sorry Sky, I did know you were there.. I think) I don't drink like I use to - and three shots in three hours put me a little higher than I wanted to fly.

Anyway, I figured I owed an apology for my rude behavior.

tohyup's photo
Wed 10/28/09 04:29 PM
The question is why do you post ?.
I post because I am bored to death and I have nothing better to do .
.....laugh . I post to follow my thoughts about how I see life in general with no malice or pretence attached . I post sometimes although I am tired and not feeling well just to follow the truth, logic, and reality .waving waving .

tohyup's photo
Wed 10/28/09 04:29 PM
Edited by tohyup on Wed 10/28/09 04:30 PM
I post to have double posts...............tears tears .

SkyHook5652's photo
Wed 10/28/09 05:03 PM
My most sincere apologies for crashing this thread (sorry Sky, I did know you were there.. I think) I don't drink like I use to - and three shots in three hours put me a little higher than I wanted to fly.

Anyway, I figured I owed an apology for my rude behavior.
No worries. biggrin

I think we all understand the "one too many" phenomenon pretty well.


no photo
Wed 10/28/09 08:34 PM

Actually it's been a three tequilla night and so I blame this post on alcohol - and THAT'S WHY I'M POSTING

I love it when people drink and post!! flowerforyou drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Wed 10/28/09 11:41 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Wed 10/28/09 11:43 PM
... Furthemore, I'd even postulate a requirement of at least 2 shuts before even comming in here!!! (some people are taking this much too seriously...)
_________laugh ___________ laugh __________ laugh _________

no photo
Thu 10/29/09 12:17 AM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Thu 10/29/09 12:32 AM
...............WHY DO WE POST?

As I mentioned in some other thread, flexing one's mental muscles is the most favourable exercise, which allows one performing a reality check, i.e. comparing our "notes" with that of others, verifying whether we're "on the same page", so to speak.

(aside from those who are posting just because the can, for fun!)

Katzenschnauzer's photo
Thu 10/29/09 02:51 AM
Edited by Katzenschnauzer on Thu 10/29/09 02:53 AM

no photo
Thu 10/29/09 08:30 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 10/29/09 08:32 AM
I see you Sky! waving

All my friends are here. :banana:

I enjoy mental challenges and debates because it helps me to monitor my mental machinery, clarify my thinking, and learn things about other people's points of view. It helps me to understand other people.

The reason I engage people is because I want to know them, and I strive to be open and honest because I want them to know me and who I am.

no photo
Thu 10/29/09 07:19 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Thu 10/29/09 07:23 PM
Because of our over-relience upon logic and reason, we're reduced to having mere "faith" in what we know because there is no solid body of proof behind it. Yet by looking only through a lens of reason we limit our ability to look beyond what has been defined by it. * * *

Therefore, we should indulge ourselves -- engaging in an unreasonable thinking as often as the law permits...

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 04:17 PM

I enjoy mental challenges and debates because it helps me to monitor my mental machinery, clarify my thinking, and learn things about other people's points of view. It helps me to understand other people.

The reason I engage people is because I want to know them, and I strive to be open and honest because I want them to know me and who I am.

JB, I really like your answer. Well said.

no photo
Fri 10/30/09 04:38 PM
Edited by Bushidobillyclub on Fri 10/30/09 04:42 PM

But now that I look at it, I see it as a tool I use mainly for the purpose of understanding, in the sense of determining how one factor relates to another.

Thanks for this topc. It's a good one.

And that is exactly its use. Given A, how does B fit.

Given something how does something else relate. Logic is merely a system of tools to verify the soundness of an argument given starting premises. It proves nothing except that what you have formed is self consistent within the framework you yourself have created.

This is part of the problem that abra mentioned with "proofs".

Those kinds of people are a dime a dozen.

I really try hard not to think of people as, "kinds of people" merely states of thinking, which are easily changeable, unlike kinds of people.

I see you Sky! waving

All my friends are here. :banana:

I enjoy mental challenges and debates because it helps me to monitor my mental machinery, clarify my thinking, and learn things about other people's points of view. It helps me to understand other people.

The reason I engage people is because I want to know them, and I strive to be open and honest because I want them to know me and who I am.

Wonderful wonderful post!

I agree completely.

jasonpfaff's photo
Sat 10/31/09 09:18 PM
Whats wrong with my photo? i think its great:banana:

no photo
Sun 11/01/09 10:32 AM
Most bullies I have had experience with disdain proper logic.

SkyHook5652's photo
Sun 11/01/09 01:21 PM
Most bullies I have had experience with disdain proper logic.
Yes, I agree. And if/when they do claim to be using proper logic, it is usually specious.

Ruth34611's photo
Sun 11/01/09 03:19 PM

Most bullies I have had experience with disdain proper logic.
Yes, I agree. And if/when they do claim to be using proper logic, it is usually specious.

And, they don't stay on topic or follow their own line of discussion. I had this problem yesterday with someone here. It didn't annoy me as much because I know how this person is after getting frustrated with them before, but I just don't like arguments that go all over the place. If they can't respond logically to your statement then they start over with a new statement or argument without addressing the last statement!

Boy, was that a rambling vent I just posted or what?! slaphead :laughing:

no photo
Sun 11/01/09 04:06 PM
Critical thinking skills are not as common as I would like.

no photo
Sun 11/01/09 06:04 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Sun 11/01/09 06:06 PM
There's also another side of the "logical coin" -- as I mentioned earlier:
Because of our over-relience upon logic and reason, we're reduced to having mere "faith" in what we know (and beleive in) because there is no solid body of proof behind it. Yet by looking only through a lens of reason we limit our ability to look beyond what has been defined by it. * * *

Therefore, we should indulge ourselves -- engaging in an unreasonable thinking as often as the law permits, LOL -- eapecially after spending the whole day behind the terminal (i.e. performing a pure logic duties.)

jasonpfaff's photo
Thu 11/05/09 11:35 PM
Edited by jasonpfaff on Thu 11/05/09 11:38 PM

One thing about logic i think we can all agree on, It is used TO FIND THE TRUTH

That's where you're Wrong!!! BECAUSE THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS AN ABSOLUTE TRUTH -- since everything's relative...

** The main purpose of this forum is a Discussion, even an Argument! (which isn't a bad word at this forum.)

That's the essence of Phillosophy!!! (i.e. flexing one's mental muscles... -- the most Unisexual exercise the is!)

"FINDing THE TRUTH" is just a side-effect!* * *

If that's what you're interested in, then you better create your own thread -- A MUTUAL AGREEMENT SOCIETY -- where only Undisputed facts would be posted, and no Arguments allowed...
______________ BORING!______________
( * * * That would be Most illogical * * * )

isnt math absolute?

another question, is it possible to "argue" or discuss rather with out attacking others, being sarcastic and rude, disrespectful....
if i was talking with you in person, and i didnt like what you said, and decided to punch you, is that ok jane? is there very much difference if i verbaly punch you?
i noticed the majority of your responces in this forum say something like;

"YOUR WRONG!!!!!!!!____________________

IM RIGHT!!!!!_________________________"

like i said, that behavior is
!!!AND UNPRODUCTIVE__________!!!!

i dont know about any one else, but when i do something like discuss i want to get somewhere. i want to learn, see if im right, gain insight and a new perspective.

now, if i would have stated this same exact point, respectfuly, profesionaly, and with an open mind, wouldnt you show the same and we would eventully get somewher? well, mabey not you given your posting history here, but most people would.

go ahead... let me have it...make it look pretty and creative like usual :wink:

ps: just to clarify my view, arguing is good, but should be contolled and ballanced like everything else. otherwise well never get anywhere...

jasonpfaff's photo
Thu 11/05/09 11:41 PM

I know logical thinking people--they never come up with a truth---cuz they think everything to death. On and on they go. sh-t or get off the pot. Now that is a logical way to live your life.yawn

Well don't let them fool you. Most of the time those people aren't even being logical at all. What far too many people do is claim to be using 'logic' when in truth all they are doing is running around semantic bushes never stating anything concrete and pretending to always have a 'logically superior argument' when in fact they have nothing but empty gobbledygook.

Those kinds of people are a dime a dozen. Unfortunately.

Stick them in a math class and you'll quickly discover that they don't even understand logic at all.

AMEN drinker

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