Topic: Any decent men anymore
bedlum1's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:06 PM

Men are wired to be pigs, it's in their DNA. (Seriously.) Rare is the man that can hold his impulses in check behind his will. I'm one, as far as I can tell. I'm also the only one I know of.
thats it speak for youself..good job..heres your go play nice....lolslaphead

Edy_ca's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:06 PM

there are alot of great men left...start turning over rocks

I need help with my rock. Crawled under a big one, it shifted n settled and im stuck. About to gnaw my leg off so I can get a cold beerdrinker

oh my way with a 12 pack and a :banana:

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:06 PM
Men are bad, women are good.

artman48's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:10 PM
Try one of us old guy's---you might like it---I know we would!:banana: pitchfork

Edy_ca's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:12 PM

Men are bad, women are good.

atlantis, are you trying to hypnotize me surprised

no photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:14 PM
grumble IF I gave YOU a GOOD MAN,,,,,,,,

YOU LADIES would just corrupt him!

THEN,,,,HE,,,that GREAT GOOD DUDE, would then be like ALL THE REST,,,,,a bad guy...


THERE are no good guys left because ALL OF YOU,,,,done made all-of-us,,,,bad,lol,lol:banana: :banana: :banana: drinker

RD2112's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:14 PM

there are alot of great men left...start turning over rocks

I need help with my rock. Crawled under a big one, it shifted n settled and im stuck. About to gnaw my leg off so I can get a cold beerdrinker

oh my way with a 12 pack and a :banana:

SWEET! you are gonna share aren't ya? Or are you gonna sit out of reach n drink them all? Hmmmmmmmmmm

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:15 PM
half the time i don't post i just like to sit an read what others say bout stuff well ya all gave me a good laugh here an there bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Edy_ca's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:16 PM

there are alot of great men left...start turning over rocks

I need help with my rock. Crawled under a big one, it shifted n settled and im stuck. About to gnaw my leg off so I can get a cold beerdrinker

oh my way with a 12 pack and a :banana:

SWEET! you are gonna share aren't ya? Or are you gonna sit out of reach n drink them all? Hmmmmmmmmmm

drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks

Edy_ca's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:17 PM

there are alot of great men left...start turning over rocks

I need help with my rock. Crawled under a big one, it shifted n settled and im stuck. About to gnaw my leg off so I can get a cold beerdrinker

oh my way with a 12 pack and a :banana:

SWEET! you are gonna share aren't ya? Or are you gonna sit out of reach n drink them all? Hmmmmmmmmmm

drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks

oh, sorry, forgot the :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

RD2112's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:20 PM

there are alot of great men left...start turning over rocks

I need help with my rock. Crawled under a big one, it shifted n settled and im stuck. About to gnaw my leg off so I can get a cold beerdrinker

oh my way with a 12 pack and a :banana:

SWEET! you are gonna share aren't ya? Or are you gonna sit out of reach n drink them all? Hmmmmmmmmmm

drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks
Dang, that makes over twelve coming to the party and only a twelve pack. WTH???tears

oh, sorry, forgot the :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:23 PM

Men are bad, women are good.

atlantis, are you trying to hypnotize me surprised

llluk into my eyyyezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...koncentrate

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:27 PM

To all women who ask the question "are there any descent men out there?" please stop with the same ole question. 95% of the guys are good-hearted. Women tend to fall for or go after the lively ones. Yeah, these are the used car salesmen of the dating world. You put your guard down and got duped. Be patient and use your brain instead of your heart and see what a difference it makes. I could be a skeezer and get women to fall for me just by talking the right talk but I don't. Give guys a chance to open up. The shy ones tend to be the better ones. nuff said

You are somewhat mistaken.

it's not the heart that keeps a lot of women from going for the " decent " guy. It's the brain that does that.

Even though their heart may tell them that a guy is good and decent...chances are her brain is going to be saying " But he's boring, he's too nice, " blah blah blah.

no photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:29 PM

To all women who ask the question "are there any descent men out there?" please stop with the same ole question. 95% of the guys are good-hearted. Women tend to fall for or go after the lively ones. Yeah, these are the used car salesmen of the dating world. You put your guard down and got duped. Be patient and use your brain instead of your heart and see what a difference it makes. I could be a skeezer and get women to fall for me just by talking the right talk but I don't. Give guys a chance to open up. The shy ones tend to be the better ones. nuff said

You are somewhat mistaken.

it's not the heart that keeps a lot of women from going for the " decent " guy. It's the brain that does that.

Even though their heart may tell them that a guy is good and decent...chances are her brain is going to be saying " But he's boring, he's too nice, " blah blah blah.

Or he's ugly, don't forget that.

Edy_ca's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:29 PM

there are alot of great men left...start turning over rocks

I need help with my rock. Crawled under a big one, it shifted n settled and im stuck. About to gnaw my leg off so I can get a cold beerdrinker

oh my way with a 12 pack and a :banana:

SWEET! you are gonna share aren't ya? Or are you gonna sit out of reach n drink them all? Hmmmmmmmmmm

drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks drinks
Dang, that makes over twelve coming to the party and only a twelve pack. WTH???tears

oh, sorry, forgot the :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

wellhmmm then you make the run, and we will hide in the bushes pitchfork

Edy_ca's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:30 PM

Men are bad, women are good.

atlantis, are you trying to hypnotize me surprised

llluk into my eyyyezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...koncentrate

aww now im dizzy sick

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:31 PM

To all women who ask the question "are there any descent men out there?" please stop with the same ole question. 95% of the guys are good-hearted. Women tend to fall for or go after the lively ones. Yeah, these are the used car salesmen of the dating world. You put your guard down and got duped. Be patient and use your brain instead of your heart and see what a difference it makes. I could be a skeezer and get women to fall for me just by talking the right talk but I don't. Give guys a chance to open up. The shy ones tend to be the better ones. nuff said

You are somewhat mistaken.

it's not the heart that keeps a lot of women from going for the " decent " guy. It's the brain that does that.

Even though their heart may tell them that a guy is good and decent...chances are her brain is going to be saying " But he's boring, he's too nice, " blah blah blah.

Or he's ugly, don't forget that.

Yeah. In some cases he may not actually BE ugly...but the brain is sitting there picking him apart. lol

no photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:32 PM

To all women who ask the question "are there any descent men out there?" please stop with the same ole question. 95% of the guys are good-hearted. Women tend to fall for or go after the lively ones. Yeah, these are the used car salesmen of the dating world. You put your guard down and got duped. Be patient and use your brain instead of your heart and see what a difference it makes. I could be a skeezer and get women to fall for me just by talking the right talk but I don't. Give guys a chance to open up. The shy ones tend to be the better ones. nuff said

You are somewhat mistaken.

it's not the heart that keeps a lot of women from going for the " decent " guy. It's the brain that does that.

Even though their heart may tell them that a guy is good and decent...chances are her brain is going to be saying " But he's boring, he's too nice, " blah blah blah.

Or he's ugly, don't forget that.

Yeah. In some cases he may not actually BE ugly...but the brain is sitting there picking him apart. lol

I meant ugly by her definition of ugly. Like I have a type of guy that I find ugly, so he's ugly, and I reject him.

Atlantis75's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:34 PM

aww now im dizzy sick


LOL..i told you to look into my eyes, I didn't say to look at the circle thingie! laugh

PacificStar48's photo
Mon 10/26/09 08:38 PM
I think there are decent guys out there but they just get tired of the whineing and quit looking.