Topic: Black, White-n-Murky
Differentkindofwench's photo
Sun 10/25/09 01:10 PM
It’s wrong
or it’s right.
It’s black
or it’s white
with no subtle
nuances of gray/grey.

Simple things
become complex
when individuality
comes into play.

What’s right for you
may be wrong for me
and who has the “right” to say?

Think on this
when wading through
the black,
the white,
and the gray/grey.

Not being a wisenheimer, but damn we can't even make up our minds how to spell grey or gray.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 10/25/09 03:18 PM

It’s wrong
or it’s right.
It’s black
or it’s white
with no subtle
nuances of gray/grey.

Simple things
become complex
when individuality
comes into play.

What’s right for you
may be wrong for me
and who has the “right” to say?

Think on this
when wading through
the black,
the white,
and the gray/grey.

Not being a wisenheimer, but damn we can't even make up our minds how to spell grey or gray.


MzEm's photo
Sun 10/25/09 05:16 PM

It’s wrong
or it’s right.
It’s black
or it’s white
with no subtle
nuances of gray/grey.

Simple things
become complex
when individuality
comes into play.

What’s right for you
may be wrong for me
and who has the “right” to say?

Think on this
when wading through
the black,
the white,
and the gray/grey.

Not being a wisenheimer, but damn we can't even make up our minds how to spell grey or gray.

LOL I think Grey is the name and Gray is the color, but hey I could be wrong....

BonnyMiss's photo
Mon 10/26/09 12:52 AM
Don't you just hate those "GREY" areas? I don't care whether it is splet "gray" or "grey" as long as it doe not take up residence on my head!!!! laugh laugh laugh