Topic: at the bridge
jimz's photo
Thu 10/22/09 05:09 PM
on the bridge of trolls
some of the young run
some of the young run with fear
some of the young run with fear and fun

in the village
there are six wisecracks
who surrounded the trolls
with more fear
than the children
but with more violence

i wished
the three wisemen
would multiply
but although they
had the gift
to multiply the moment
they could not
multiply themselves

oh the odes
of the trolls
attracted poets
their beards long
their eyes distant
the trolls became close
to the poets
who shared songs
of wisdom

when the
poets words
sounded in torment
the trolls laughter
healed the poets woe

when the rains

all would

at the

no photo
Thu 10/22/09 05:41 PM

pkh's photo
Thu 10/22/09 06:21 PM
Always enjoy

HuckleberryFinn's photo
Fri 10/23/09 06:08 AM
reminds me of how a poets mind can be shackled by ******** rhetoric from past gernerations, I see that was not the case with you, you have gone beyond the norm and have grown to understand true wisdom....very nice

yes too bad the wise men couldn't multiply

no photo
Fri 10/23/09 06:47 AM
drinker flowers

LAMom's photo
Sat 10/24/09 06:09 PM

on the bridge of trolls
some of the young run
some of the young run with fear
some of the young run with fear and fun

in the village
there are six wisecracks
who surrounded the trolls
with more fear
than the children
but with more violence

i wished
the three wisemen
would multiply
but although they
had the gift
to multiply the moment
they could not
multiply themselves

oh the odes
of the trolls
attracted poets
their beards long
their eyes distant
the trolls became close
to the poets
who shared songs
of wisdom

when the
poets words
sounded in torment
the trolls laughter
healed the poets woe

when the rains

all would

at the

I find comfort in knowing as I sit upon the bridge,, calm will come,, wisdom will flow through the air as the scent of hope fills
my Soul,,,,

Blessed be ( Jimmy )