Topic: Out Of The Depth
Sharris's photo
Wed 10/21/09 05:41 PM
Out Of The Depth

It will always come out
of me, from the deep.
You will recognize me
by the color of my soul's eyes.
You will know the sound
of my heart beating
by the expression,
etched on these pages,
lines and threads,
tangled and woven.
You may look beyond
this face that sometimes blares
a self image, hoping to be seen,
needing to be heard,
feeling that sometimes
this is the only way
I know my blood flows.
It is out of these depths,
I cry, we cry, and He hears.
Still, it comes out,

Raine Les 10/21/2009

no photo
Wed 10/21/09 05:44 PM
It comes out deeply, beautifully and inspirationally...Thankyou for the wonderful writes you

Sharris's photo
Wed 10/21/09 05:49 PM

It comes out deeply, beautifully and inspirationally...Thankyou for the wonderful writes you

I look forward to you,always. You have a sensitive perspective to us all. How many children do you have?

no photo
Wed 10/21/09 05:54 PM
I have 2 children...One of each...Both contraceptive babies, both born in the same month, but a few years apart...Both in their early 20's...Both have given me much headaches and heartaches, and most definitely an abundance of love and learnings...Couldn't and wouldn't be without them...

Sharris's photo
Wed 10/21/09 06:00 PM

I have 2 children...One of each...Both contraceptive babies, both born in the same month, but a few years apart...Both in their early 20's...Both have given me much headaches and heartaches, and most definitely an abundance of love and learnings...Couldn't and wouldn't be without them...

I have 5, includes twins and I will say ditto. My grandson just tatooed himself with markers..he is 3.. I can't stop laughing..this I like..

no photo
Wed 10/21/09 06:05 PM

I have 2 children...One of each...Both contraceptive babies, both born in the same month, but a few years apart...Both in their early 20's...Both have given me much headaches and heartaches, and most definitely an abundance of love and learnings...Couldn't and wouldn't be without them...

I have 5, includes twins and I will say ditto. My grandson just tatooed himself with markers..he is 3.. I can't stop laughing..this I like..

I love that tattooing himself at 3yrs old..Gorgeous...

Sharris's photo
Wed 10/21/09 06:06 PM

I have 2 children...One of each...Both contraceptive babies, both born in the same month, but a few years apart...Both in their early 20's...Both have given me much headaches and heartaches, and most definitely an abundance of love and learnings...Couldn't and wouldn't be without them...

I have 5, includes twins and I will say ditto. My grandson just tatooed himself with markers..he is 3.. I can't stop laughing..this I like..

I love that tattooing himself at 3yrs old..Gorgeous...

I'm thinking Aboriginees

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 10/21/09 06:17 PM

Out Of The Depth

It will always come out
of me, from the deep.
You will recognize me
by the color of my soul's eyes.
You will know the sound
of my heart beating
by the expression,
etched on these pages,
lines and threads,
tangled and woven.
You may look beyond
this face that sometimes blares
a self image, hoping to be seen,
needing to be heard,
feeling that sometimes
this is the only way
I know my blood flows.
It is out of these depths,
I cry, we cry, and He hears.
Still, it comes out,

Raine Les 10/21/2009

no photo
Wed 10/21/09 06:35 PM