Topic: Flu Shots | |
sorry for those who can't get it that want it
![]() i'm military so it's mandatory for me to get it, but i don't want it. |
My child has to have them because my child has asthma. Winx.. I am going to have my children vaccinated as well. I have researched and weighed all the pros and cons and I'm making the decision to have us get the vaccination. It's not something I took lightly, it's just the best informed decision I have come to. And to the comment about the dumbed down public, I think that's one huge generalization that is almost as absurd as someone insisting that they would never get the flu or die from it. People ARE dying from it and at a faster rate than the regular flu virus. The statistics from October alone are showing an increasing death rate, and many of those healthy children with no underlying health conditions. It isn't something to panic about, but it is something that every family should be talking over. Bravo!!!! That is by far the most intelligent response I've seen anywhere on the internet (including from both the Government and the Anti Inoculation lobbyists) Because of my job - I automatically go to the top of the list for voluntary inoculations and I occasionally get them but mostly I have found from experience that using a hand sanitizer or washing your hands frequently does just as well. On the same note - people with school aged children should get them (of course thats entirely up to them). I think everyone should actually think about what is best for them and make their decisions based on facts rather then the fear mongering by both the FDA and the Anti Inoculation groups. |
it reminds me of the 50's and 60's when people were refusing to drink flouridated water because it was a communist plot
I can't get the flu shots. I always get the flu after them
My child has to have them because my child has asthma. Winx.. I am going to have my children vaccinated as well. I have researched and weighed all the pros and cons and I'm making the decision to have us get the vaccination. It's not something I took lightly, it's just the best informed decision I have come to. And to the comment about the dumbed down public, I think that's one huge generalization that is almost as absurd as someone insisting that they would never get the flu or die from it. People ARE dying from it and at a faster rate than the regular flu virus. The statistics from October alone are showing an increasing death rate, and many of those healthy children with no underlying health conditions. It isn't something to panic about, but it is something that every family should be talking over. Apparantly you haven't done very good research. ![]() Have you checked out, google dr gary null (he has an ongoing lawsuit against the state of New York for forcing medical workers to vaccinate) and dr sherri tenpenny (one of worlds leading experts) Hasn't ANYBODY heard of their God-given NATURAL immune system?????? Eat more garlic, fruit, veggies. I'd go one step further than saying you are dumbed-down and accuse you of IDOLATRY for worshipping at the alter of the False God of Pharmekia instead of following your Father who has provided all you need for health and wellness. |
My child has to have them because my child has asthma. Winx.. I am going to have my children vaccinated as well. I have researched and weighed all the pros and cons and I'm making the decision to have us get the vaccination. It's not something I took lightly, it's just the best informed decision I have come to. And to the comment about the dumbed down public, I think that's one huge generalization that is almost as absurd as someone insisting that they would never get the flu or die from it. People ARE dying from it and at a faster rate than the regular flu virus. The statistics from October alone are showing an increasing death rate, and many of those healthy children with no underlying health conditions. It isn't something to panic about, but it is something that every family should be talking over. Apparantly you haven't done very good research. ![]() Have you checked out, google dr gary null (he has an ongoing lawsuit against the state of New York for forcing medical workers to vaccinate) and dr sherri tenpenny (one of worlds leading experts) Hasn't ANYBODY heard of their God-given NATURAL immune system?????? Eat more garlic, fruit, veggies. I'd go one step further than saying you are dumbed-down and accuse you of IDOLATRY for worshipping at the alter of the False God of Pharmekia instead of following your Father who has provided all you need for health and wellness. What in the world is wrong with you? As a parent she can make her own decisions as to whether to have herself or her child vaccinated. To provide her further info, sites is great, but to take it to the extreme and say she's dumbed down really makes you look pretty damn dumb not her. You have the freedom and the right to speak, make informed decisions and chose what to do onto you and yours, not force your believes, info or ideas onto another. Pretty damned rude and uncalled for ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 10/19/09 07:25 PM
What in the world is wrong with you? As a parent she can make her own decisions as to whether to have herself or her child vaccinated. To provide her further info, sites is great, but to take it to the extreme and say she's dumbed down really makes you look pretty damn dumb not her. You have the freedom and the right to speak, make informed decisions and chose what to do onto you and yours, not force your believes, info or ideas onto another. Pretty damned rude and uncalled for ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------ There is a bestselling book at It is the official agenda of our education system: to produce worker bees for the New World Order. I'm sorry, but they have succeeded. So call it whatever you want to, I call it reality. I'd rather offend someone in hopes they wake up than let them walk into a snare. << Psalm 140:5 >> "The proud have hidden a trap for me, and cords; They have spread a net by the wayside; They have set snares for me." Selah. |
Edited by
Mon 10/19/09 07:31 PM
What in the world is wrong with you? As a parent she can make her own decisions as to whether to have herself or her child vaccinated. To provide her further info, sites is great, but to take it to the extreme and say she's dumbed down really makes you look pretty damn dumb not her. You have the freedom and the right to speak, make informed decisions and chose what to do onto you and yours, not force your believes, info or ideas onto another. Pretty damned rude and uncalled for ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------ There is a bestselling book at It is the official agenda of our education system: to produce worker bees for the New World Order. I'm sorry, but they have succeeded. So call it whatever you want to, I call it reality. I'd rather offend someone in hopes they wake up than let them walk into a snare. << Psalm 140:5 >> "The proud have hidden a trap for me, and cords; They have spread a net by the wayside; They have set snares for me." Selah. ![]() You offend with no hope of waking anyone up nor with the reasoning of providing information, data or anything useful. The only thing you have succeeded in is being mean and nasty. A best seller is a book which has a huge amount of people purchasing, that does not mean the book has anything of value, pertinent nor truthful to offer. ![]() FYI - You can get a lot more bees with honey than with vinegar!! << Book of Frances >> <<10.19.2009>> |
I never get flu shots. Don't want to start now.
Edited by
Mon 10/19/09 07:42 PM
What in the world is wrong with you? As a parent she can make her own decisions as to whether to have herself or her child vaccinated. To provide her further info, sites is great, but to take it to the extreme and say she's dumbed down really makes you look pretty damn dumb not her. You have the freedom and the right to speak, make informed decisions and chose what to do onto you and yours, not force your believes, info or ideas onto another. Pretty damned rude and uncalled for ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------ There is a bestselling book at It is the official agenda of our education system: to produce worker bees for the New World Order. I'm sorry, but they have succeeded. So call it whatever you want to, I call it reality. I'd rather offend someone in hopes they wake up than let them walk into a snare. << Psalm 140:5 >> "The proud have hidden a trap for me, and cords; They have spread a net by the wayside; They have set snares for me." Selah. ![]() You offend with no hope of waking anyone up nor with the reasoning of providing information, data or anything useful. The only thing you have succeeded in is being mean and nasty. A best seller is a book which has a huge amount of people purchasing, that does not mean the book has anything of value, pertinent nor truthful to offer. ![]() FYI - You can get a lot more bees with honey than with vinegar!! << Book of Frances >> <<10.19.2009>> They accused Jeremiah of being negative and threw him in a well to shut him up, so I don't expect much different treatment. I can do you one better. I'd recommend apple cider vinegar and a spoonful of honey with some Thieves Oil mixed in. That should knock out just about any virus. Unless you foolishly bypass your natural immune system and INJECT it directly into your bloodstream. Then you just need to start detoxing BIG TIME. |
What in the world is wrong with you? As a parent she can make her own decisions as to whether to have herself or her child vaccinated. To provide her further info, sites is great, but to take it to the extreme and say she's dumbed down really makes you look pretty damn dumb not her. You have the freedom and the right to speak, make informed decisions and chose what to do onto you and yours, not force your believes, info or ideas onto another. Pretty damned rude and uncalled for ![]() ------------------------------------------------------------ There is a bestselling book at It is the official agenda of our education system: to produce worker bees for the New World Order. I'm sorry, but they have succeeded. So call it whatever you want to, I call it reality. I'd rather offend someone in hopes they wake up than let them walk into a snare. << Psalm 140:5 >> "The proud have hidden a trap for me, and cords; They have spread a net by the wayside; They have set snares for me." Selah. ![]() You offend with no hope of waking anyone up nor with the reasoning of providing information, data or anything useful. The only thing you have succeeded in is being mean and nasty. A best seller is a book which has a huge amount of people purchasing, that does not mean the book has anything of value, pertinent nor truthful to offer. ![]() FYI - You can get a lot more bees with honey than with vinegar!! << Book of Frances >> <<10.19.2009>> They accused Jeremiah of being negative and threw him in a well to shut him up, so I don't expect much different treatment. I can do you one better. I'd recommend apple cider vinegar and a spoonful of honey with some Thieves Oil mixed in. That should knock out just about any virus. Unless you foolishly bypass your natural immune system and INJECT it directly into your bloodstream. Then you just need to start detoxing BIG TIME. I'll take your recommendation when you take the vaccine. How's that? ![]() ![]() |
My child has to have them because my child has asthma. I have asthma too Winx Sorry to hear that, Fran. ![]() My child's doctor said that my child needs the flu shot because of the asthma. Then the doctor ran out of the shots. ![]() |
My child has to have them because my child has asthma. Winx.. I am going to have my children vaccinated as well. I have researched and weighed all the pros and cons and I'm making the decision to have us get the vaccination. It's not something I took lightly, it's just the best informed decision I have come to. And to the comment about the dumbed down public, I think that's one huge generalization that is almost as absurd as someone insisting that they would never get the flu or die from it. People ARE dying from it and at a faster rate than the regular flu virus. The statistics from October alone are showing an increasing death rate, and many of those healthy children with no underlying health conditions. It isn't something to panic about, but it is something that every family should be talking over. I've looked into it too, Heather. My child and I have been getting regular flu shots for years. I've been trying to keep up with the information about the swine flu shot. My cousin and his wife and their two little ones have the swine flu. My cousin's wife also has pneumonia. Too many children are getting the swine flu here. I read about how it can cause damage to the lungs. |
I got my regular flu shot Friday the h1n1 nasal mist shots available now are the ones with live virus. I think I'm gonna avoid that one cause it does give you a small dose of the flu and makes you kinda sick. The shots supposedly have dead virus and dont make you as sick Your care team probably already told you this, but we had been advised to make sure there was at least 2 weeks in between the regular flu shot and the H1N1 vaccination. I got the email about the H1N1 for us already for this week, so just in case it came available to you soon I wanted to mention that. Thank you! ![]() ![]() |
My child has to have them because my child has asthma. Winx.. I am going to have my children vaccinated as well. I have researched and weighed all the pros and cons and I'm making the decision to have us get the vaccination. It's not something I took lightly, it's just the best informed decision I have come to. And to the comment about the dumbed down public, I think that's one huge generalization that is almost as absurd as someone insisting that they would never get the flu or die from it. People ARE dying from it and at a faster rate than the regular flu virus. The statistics from October alone are showing an increasing death rate, and many of those healthy children with no underlying health conditions. It isn't something to panic about, but it is something that every family should be talking over. Bravo!!!! That is by far the most intelligent response I've seen anywhere on the internet (including from both the Government and the Anti Inoculation lobbyists) Because of my job - I automatically go to the top of the list for voluntary inoculations and I occasionally get them but mostly I have found from experience that using a hand sanitizer or washing your hands frequently does just as well. On the same note - people with school aged children should get them (of course thats entirely up to them). I think everyone should actually think about what is best for them and make their decisions based on facts rather then the fear mongering by both the FDA and the Anti Inoculation groups. Yes, people with school aged children should get them. I'm a single parent. If I get sick, I can't take care of my child and at the same time my child brings germs home from school. I also have to be careful because my father has Emphysema and severe COPD. I could kill him if we were to visit him and we were contagious before we had the symptoms. |
story of irony...
got the flu shot a couple weeks ago...then got the flu itself.... |
story of irony... got the flu shot a couple weeks ago...then got the flu itself.... I hope you're feeling better now. ![]() |
it reminds me of the 50's and 60's when people were refusing to drink flouridated water because it was a communist plot Time has changed ever since. Now, it's a Nazi plot. ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 10/19/09 10:50 PM
They dont' need to do it yet because the dumbed down public is going to march right into the slaughterhouse. As you can see by most of the responses here except for 2. This is interesting. While I'm so happy to see so many people exercising their liberty and having a healthy mis-trust of 'authority', but its not just the 'sheeple' that are doing it. There are many sensible, educated people who understand the science behind it and who know that taking this step might reduce their risk of having swine flu. I'm thankful that so many are doing their part to prevent the spread of this disease, and glad that I have the freedom to choose not to get the shot. Edit: I'm pretty sure its available in california, as I've heard people talking about getting it. And norsly, I agree with some of your message - but making sweeping generalizations and being rude to people is not the best way to communicate it. |
story of irony... got the flu shot a couple weeks ago...then got the flu itself.... I hope you're feeling better now. ![]() I'm starting to feel better, still a little off from it tho. |