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Topic: facebook or myspace
no photo
Sun 10/18/09 01:30 PM
I have both, but prefer Facebook as a means to communicate with friends.

For me, Facebook is where I talk with friends, keep up with their lives, etc. The friends that I talk to on there are a bit more mature and down to earth.

Myspace is for goofing off and music. And seems to be a bit more on the immature side of things.

catseyes1's photo
Sun 10/18/09 01:34 PM
I am on face book. Was on my space and found that boring.

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 10/18/09 07:23 PM
I love Facebook, I can't tell the last time I went to Myspace.

:banana: I'm a Facebook whore:banana:

CGIRL777's photo
Sun 10/18/09 07:47 PM
:banana: I have both Facebook and Myspace check it out sometime.

no photo
Mon 10/19/09 10:46 AM

:banana: I'm a Facebook whore:banana:

I was told you were just a whore in general. :laughing:rofl:laughing:

PATSFAN's photo
Mon 10/19/09 10:48 AM

:banana: I'm a Facebook whore:banana:

I was told you were just a whore in general. :laughing:rofl:laughing:

blushing Pretty much sodevil

downhomechik's photo
Mon 10/19/09 10:50 AM
I use facebook

no photo
Mon 10/19/09 10:52 AM
i think facebook is the new myspace

Winx's photo
Mon 10/19/09 10:57 AM

Ok which one do you have?



which one is you think better?


earthytaurus76's photo
Mon 10/19/09 10:59 AM
Edited by earthytaurus76 on Mon 10/19/09 10:59 AM
I use both, but dont care much for either one..

On one hand.. I can meet men who are married, and on the other, I can meet noone, and learn the fact that you are a level up on mobsters, have achieved a new item in farmville, and are a member of yoville.

Either way, I dont wanna have any new people that are friends of YOURS that I dont know on my friendslist.

no photo
Mon 10/19/09 11:10 AM
i think people go to facebook for different reasons
it's not necessarily to meet someone
for me, the more friends the better
they keep me company when i work

no photo
Mon 10/19/09 11:11 AM
I have both, but like facebook. I don't use either to meet new people.

michiganman3's photo
Mon 10/19/09 11:17 AM
myspace, to keep track of a couple of bands.
Facebook, to keep in touch with some family and friends.
I really don't care for all the graphics and music on myspace, and the games and quizzes on facebook.
And all the freaking updates on everyone and their friends.

Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 10/19/09 11:17 AM

I go see family

To touch them. Talk and kiss

I go see freinds

Their home or mine. Or movies. Or out to eat etc

My pictures of my real world I share with very few. They are in my photo albums!!

I'm really old school. Really

Getting me on mingle was a feat for my girls!!:heart:

no photo
Mon 10/19/09 02:10 PM
I have both and I've grown to despise them equally.

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