Topic: get your own peace prize! :) (lol-satire) | |
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Sat 10/10/09 09:06 PM
Are you as excited as we are about President Obama receiving the coveted 2009 Nobel Peace Prize? As all good Americans should think, it is only fair that such an awesome award be shared with those who helped President Obama earn this prestigious award. As you may have heard, President Obama was not awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize due to any particular tangible accomplishment, but simply because he so awesomely inspired hope and change in so many Americans! We think that it then follows that those who were so inspired should be just as deserving of such a historically significant award. Please type in your name below to receive your very own 2009 Nobel Peace Prize and $1,000,000! Once you receive this handsome award, be sure to save it, print it out, and proudly display it for all to see! Also, please forward this site to all of your friends who were similarly inspired and therefore equally deserving of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. We believe that it is only fair that everyone be guaranteed the same award regardless of their actual contribution or effort. |
Thank You Heavenlyboy and Id like to thank the Academy of Drive thru Nobel peace prize Awards for this honor- I will gladly print one out and pass it out to all my friends, neighbors and anyone I pass in Walmart. Especially the greeters- ![]() |
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I want a peace prize or I'm kickin somebody's azz
I got honorable mention
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Thank You Heavenlyboy and Id like to thank the Academy of Drive thru Nobel peace prize Awards for this honor- I will gladly print one out and pass it out to all my friends, neighbors and anyone I pass in Walmart. Especially the greeters- ![]() You're most welcome! You deserve it! ![]() |
This morning, Michelle and I awoke to some surprising and humbling news. At 6 a.m., we received word that I'd been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009. To be honest, I do not feel that I deserve to be in the company of so many of the transformative figures who've been honored by this prize -- men and women who've inspired me and inspired the entire world through their courageous pursuit of peace. But I also know that throughout history the Nobel Peace Prize has not just been used to honor specific achievement; it's also been used as a means to give momentum to a set of causes. That is why I've said that I will accept this award as a call to action, a call for all nations and all peoples to confront the common challenges of the 21st century. These challenges won't all be met during my presidency, or even my lifetime. But I know these challenges can be met so long as it's recognized that they will not be met by one person or one nation alone. This award -- and the call to action that comes with it -- does not belong simply to me or my administration; it belongs to all people around the world who have fought for justice and for peace. And most of all, it belongs to you, the men and women of America, who have dared to hope and have worked so hard to make our world a little better. So today we humbly recommit to the important work that we've begun together. I'm grateful that you've stood with me thus far, and I'm honored to continue our vital work in the years to come. Thank you, President Barack Obama Thank you , thanx peace prize committe,and thank you President Obama...I am sure you will continue to lead a life of humility and service,,and inspire others to do the same |
you go girl
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I got honorable mention ![]() ![]() LOL! Like it! |
from Are you as excited as we are about President Obama receiving the coveted 2009 Nobel Peace Prize? As all good Americans should think, it is only fair that such an awesome award be shared with those who helped President Obama earn this prestigious award. As you may have heard, President Obama was not awarded the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize due to any particular tangible accomplishment, but simply because he so awesomely inspired hope and change in so many Americans! We think that it then follows that those who were so inspired should be just as deserving of such a historically significant award. Please type in your name below to receive your very own 2009 Nobel Peace Prize and $1,000,000! Once you receive this handsome award, be sure to save it, print it out, and proudly display it for all to see! Also, please forward this site to all of your friends who were similarly inspired and therefore equally deserving of the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize. We believe that it is only fair that everyone be guaranteed the same award regardless of their actual contribution or effort. ![]() Good one, heck my parents needed one trying to keep the peace with 6 kids. ![]() ![]() Rest in peace Daddy & Ma ![]() |
Considering they did not give it to him for what he has done but for what he has pledged to do. I would not be qualified for it.
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Sun 10/11/09 09:33 AM
a lot of times the Nobel Committee has awarded the Peace Prize, not for what a person had done, but as a political nudge to the world in general
They stated that such was the case when Jimmy Carter was awarded his Peace Prize just as Bush was beginning the Iraq invasion Carter should have won one for negotiating the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel twenty years earlier |
*in my best Obama voice*
I plegde that umm I ahhh wont beat my children any more. Ummm well maybe just ahhh not the oldest one any more. Do I win do I win? |
*in my best Obama voice* I plegde that umm I ahhh wont beat my children any more. Ummm well maybe just ahhh not the oldest one any more. Do I win do I win? ![]() ![]() Words are words, it's actions that should be noted. |
*in my best Obama voice* I plegde that umm I ahhh wont beat my children any more. Ummm well maybe just ahhh not the oldest one any more. Do I win do I win? ![]() ![]() Words are words, it's actions that should be noted. If words turn people away from violence or change their direction, that is action. But hey I'm not trying to change your mind, because words don't always accomplish what they intend. Though one can hope. That wouldn't be Obama's fault, but he'll probably get blamed if people choose differently than intended. Words do mean something, and we certainly do our part in spreading negativity with this obsession as well. Obsession with a prize Obama didn't even ask for... |
*in my best Obama voice* I plegde that umm I ahhh wont beat my children any more. Ummm well maybe just ahhh not the oldest one any more. Do I win do I win? ![]() ![]() Words are words, it's actions that should be noted. If words turn people away from violence or change their direction, that is action. But hey I'm not trying to change your mind, because words don't always accomplish what they intend. Though one can hope. That wouldn't be Obama's fault, but he'll probably get blamed if people choose differently than intended. Words do mean something, and we certainly do our part in spreading negativity with this obsession as well. Obsession with a prize Obama didn't even ask for... Words do mean something to a degree, it's the actions that go behind it. One can say I love you and not show love at all,, that I love you is meaningless. An I love you from someone that shows it does mean something. Big difference. Listen, obama was still wet behind the ears when he was nominated, not much said then and definitely nothing done at that point. There are plenty of other people noted in a previous post that is much more worthy of the peace prize. Now, it means nothing, it's laughable. |
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Sun 10/11/09 03:12 PM
I think his political and personal triumphs and efforts are a reasonable indicator of what he will do with the power he now has as president. His actions now have the potential to spread worldwide and I have no reason to believe he will do anything other.HIs ability to unite people throughout his campaign and the integrity in which he handled it were refreshing to see and also a great example to the world of how healthy competition can be maintained. His message is a hopeful one which he appears to have lived by and as PResident can do much good continuing to live by. I think he is inspirational in this regard and I am proud of him for gaining such prominent recognition for the message he sends and the example he sets.....just my opinion,, as usual
So basically what some of you guys are saying is someone can just say something, something so called hopeful and that warrants a Nobel Peace Prize while there are other people that have actually gone above and beyond that have accomplished something get no recognition.
Huh? ![]() That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.. ![]() |
*in my best Obama voice* I plegde that umm I ahhh wont beat my children any more. Ummm well maybe just ahhh not the oldest one any more. Do I win do I win? ![]() ![]() Words are words, it's actions that should be noted. I can not agree more . Obama did nothing to deserve the Noble Peace Prize . However this news awake people who think that these Noble Prizes are anything but a sham and a disgrace as we know those who deserve them do not receive them . |