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Topic: BREAKING NEWS Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize
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Fri 10/09/09 06:34 PM

Mmm Mmm Mmm Barack Hussein Obama

Mmm Mmm Mmm Barack Hussein Obama

LOL that's a good Rush impression but it's not the same with out Rush's insane body language, where his is flailing about and jumping up and down in his seat. LOL

I just thought it was colorful laugh

I said that because he must have seen Rush the other night bouncing in his seat saying those exact words like a song. It was pretty funny to watch him act crazy like that. He was emphasising the mmm mmm mmm bho over and over. Made me think if a little bratty kid.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:34 PM

the Nobel Comittiee just responded for the "why"

"Some people say - and I understand it - 'Isn't it premature? Too early?' Well, I'd say then that it could be too late to respond three years from now," Thorbjoern Jagland, chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, told the AP. "It is now that we have the opportunity to respond - all of us."

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/09/nobel-prize-to-obama-defe_n_316098.html

I don't get how it would be too late if it's awarded on achievements. IMO it would mean more if I got it for something I actually did.

I just don't get the whole thing and not something I'm going to have a party for ohwell

if he had won it based on achievements...then woo hoo go BHO

He DID get it for something he did. Just not something you think he should have done for it. Is that so hard to understand? Seriously?

what did he do being president for 10 days? this is what I don't agree with

Kim, even the nobel peace comittee already explain that he didn't get it for his 10 days in office. We're going in a circle with this argument.

Frank...I went by the article YOU posted. now if you would speak straight to me...then maybe I would have gotten it better. did you not post that the voting closed 10 days in office?????

You're right, but if you go through the thread ever since the morning, there was another article or maybe even 4-5 more saying that he didn't get it for his 10 day performance.

so the voting didn't closse 10 days in office?

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:35 PM

Mmm Mmm Mmm Barack Hussein Obama

Mmm Mmm Mmm Barack Hussein Obama

LOL that's a good Rush impression but it's not the same with out Rush's insane body language, where his is flailing about and jumping up and down in his seat. LOL

I just thought it was colorful laugh

I said that because he must have seen Rush the other night bouncing in his seat saying those exact words like a song. It was pretty funny to watch him act crazy like that. He was emphasising the mmm mmm mmm bho over and over. Made me think if a little bratty kid.

I don't watch RUsh so I don't know about that....I just like the colors laugh

no photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:38 PM

the Nobel Comittiee just responded for the "why"

"Some people say - and I understand it - 'Isn't it premature? Too early?' Well, I'd say then that it could be too late to respond three years from now," Thorbjoern Jagland, chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, told the AP. "It is now that we have the opportunity to respond - all of us."

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/09/nobel-prize-to-obama-defe_n_316098.html

I don't get how it would be too late if it's awarded on achievements. IMO it would mean more if I got it for something I actually did.

I just don't get the whole thing and not something I'm going to have a party for ohwell

if he had won it based on achievements...then woo hoo go BHO

sometimes I wonder how much we know. Or don't know. And how much others - in higher official positions- know, compared to us, simple average people.

Ever wondered about that, Kim?

Seriously...no conspiracy theories here, but lately the tensions regarding the Afghanistan and Iran is getting very tense and the worst thing we need is a nuclear war.

Proof: 99% of USa didn't know how close they got to a nuclear war in the 60s, when Kennedy managed to negotiate peace and the time it was before a nuclear holocaust: 10 minutes.

Ever seen the movie " 13 Days" ?

what huh???? I'm sure they do know more than we know. I can only go on what I know.

I just don't get it myself...but oh well

Did you see the news about Israel considering to launch figher jets to bomb the Iranian nuclear sites? They just bought 2 new submarines too, meanwhile Iran just threatened that it will level Israel if they dare to try any moves.
Meanwhile US troosp in the region, and China is investing in Iran and the US tryng to put sanctions on Iran and Russia is supplying air defense weapons to Iran.

Now put it together.

I heard that threat this morning from Iran. Things were getting very very very tense. No matter what the reason he ultimately got the award, it was very good timing. Anyone making any quick moves toward more violence anywhere in the world is going to look pretty bad in the eyes of the world. Including the US.

no photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:41 PM

boo...I was going on the article plus the date when the voting closed

get me some chocolate too. laugh

I know what you are going on, silly, your just not getting my point. No chocolate for you. You brain doesn't need it.. :tongue:

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:42 PM

boo...I was going on the article plus the date when the voting closed

get me some chocolate too. laugh

I know what you are going on, silly, your just not getting my point. No chocolate for you. You brain doesn't need it.. :tongue:

no I get your point...I just disagree with it...nothing more or less. If you want to celebrate it...I think that is great. I feel different

WOMAN!!!!! get me chocolate!!!!!laugh

no photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:43 PM

the Nobel Comittiee just responded for the "why"

"Some people say - and I understand it - 'Isn't it premature? Too early?' Well, I'd say then that it could be too late to respond three years from now," Thorbjoern Jagland, chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, told the AP. "It is now that we have the opportunity to respond - all of us."

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/09/nobel-prize-to-obama-defe_n_316098.html

I don't get how it would be too late if it's awarded on achievements. IMO it would mean more if I got it for something I actually did.

I just don't get the whole thing and not something I'm going to have a party for ohwell

if he had won it based on achievements...then woo hoo go BHO

He DID get it for something he did. Just not something you think he should have done for it. Is that so hard to understand? Seriously?

what did he do being president for 10 days? this is what I don't agree with

I want to smack you on the head with that 10 day fixation your having.. LOL Come on Rose, your usually quicker than that.

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:44 PM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Fri 10/09/09 06:45 PM
boo...when are you going to get a faster connection???? your lagging is throwing me off

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

actually...10 days, 10 months...I just don't see enough done for it ohwell

no photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:45 PM

the Nobel Comittiee just responded for the "why"

"Some people say - and I understand it - 'Isn't it premature? Too early?' Well, I'd say then that it could be too late to respond three years from now," Thorbjoern Jagland, chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, told the AP. "It is now that we have the opportunity to respond - all of us."

Read more at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/10/09/nobel-prize-to-obama-defe_n_316098.html

I don't get how it would be too late if it's awarded on achievements. IMO it would mean more if I got it for something I actually did.

I just don't get the whole thing and not something I'm going to have a party for ohwell

if he had won it based on achievements...then woo hoo go BHO

He DID get it for something he did. Just not something you think he should have done for it. Is that so hard to understand? Seriously?

He brought hope, that is enough for many people. Hope of change. Hope of an end to suffering. Hope of a new day.

Well I can absolutely agree that he brought hope to millions. However I'm not quite there yet on the change or the end of suffering. That remains to be seen. But I do hope he succeeds if that is his true objective.

Quietman_2009's photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:47 PM
"There will be peace in our time"

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:50 PM

"There will be peace in our time"

not if boo doesn't get me some chocolate pitchfork

no photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:53 PM

What does it say about the state of our country when we will not accept the honor given our president as just that an honor?

If the committee feels he deserves it and gives it to him isn't our job as American citizens to applaud?

I don't think its a duty to be applaud it. But if on is smart, no matter what I thought of it I wouldn't be putting him down for getting it. Why? Because it just makes those who do look petty and small. If I were the Republicans I wouldn't put my image further in the toilet by acting like children about it. Goes for the other side too had Bush won it.

I don't agree with putting him down. He isn't to blame at all. I just wish he would have earned it...but it's just my opinion that he didn't earn it ohwell

It is a put down when the man gets one of the highest awards and all you can repeat is that he didn't earn it. I think if you said that of me, I would be pretty hurt by that, though I am stubborn and wouldn't give you the satisfaction.. grin! So it's just a tad disingenuous of you to say you don't agree with putting him down, no?

maybe to you...I don't mean it to put him personally down. I just said he hadn't earned it yet and I have said I'd be very proud if he had been in office and done something to earn it. I have no problem with him personally even if I don't agree with policies...I just don't think he was in office long enough to do anything...good or bad. I don't see him to blame either. sooooo????

I think the award was premature....nothing more. there is plenty of time to give it to him after being in office more than 10 days

putting him down (to me) would be something like he could never earn it or something like that.

Ok Rose, you still ain't getting it, but you have succeeded in wearing me out. Carry on.

no photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:55 PM
I know what you're talking about Rose, I think you got it right. :thumbsup:

no photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:56 PM

Mmm Mmm Mmm Barack Hussein Obama

Mmm Mmm Mmm Barack Hussein Obama

LOL that's a good Rush impression but it's not the same with out Rush's insane body language, where his is flailing about and jumping up and down in his seat. LOL

I just thought it was colorful laugh

I said that because he must have seen Rush the other night bouncing in his seat saying those exact words like a song. It was pretty funny to watch him act crazy like that. He was emphasising the mmm mmm mmm bho over and over. Made me think if a little bratty kid.

I don't watch RUsh so I don't know about that....I just like the colors laugh

I didn't pay attention to the colors, but recognized the words right away because I had seen him doing it. I just now noticed the little bouncy emoticons.. cute.

no photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:58 PM

boo...I was going on the article plus the date when the voting closed

get me some chocolate too. laugh

I know what you are going on, silly, your just not getting my point. No chocolate for you. You brain doesn't need it.. :tongue:

no I get your point...I just disagree with it...nothing more or less. If you want to celebrate it...I think that is great. I feel different

WOMAN!!!!! get me chocolate!!!!!laugh

Bite me Putin, I'm not your goffer... You don't need chocolate tonight...

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 10/09/09 06:59 PM

boo...I was going on the article plus the date when the voting closed

get me some chocolate too. laugh

I know what you are going on, silly, your just not getting my point. No chocolate for you. You brain doesn't need it.. :tongue:

no I get your point...I just disagree with it...nothing more or less. If you want to celebrate it...I think that is great. I feel different

WOMAN!!!!! get me chocolate!!!!!laugh

Bite me Putin, I'm not your goffer... You don't need chocolate tonight...

I never need chocolate. I rarely eat sweets but the halloween candy gets me in the mood for it laugh

now go....run like the wind to the store laugh

no photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:00 PM

boo...when are you going to get a faster connection???? your lagging is throwing me off

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

actually...10 days, 10 months...I just don't see enough done for it ohwell

I'll get it when you pay for it.. lmao. No time soon, the economy sucks here, royally. ill

no photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:02 PM

"There will be peace in our time"

I'm holding you to that.. For at least tonight. We have a tornado come really frighteningly close here tonight. I needed that bit of assurance. I'm a complete wimp when it comes to hurricanes and tornados.

no photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:03 PM

"There will be peace in our time"

not if boo doesn't get me some chocolate pitchfork

No dammmmmmIT, no speed for you...

yellowrose10's photo
Fri 10/09/09 07:05 PM
come on meatloaf...your almost caught up...you are in the home stretch laugh

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