Topic: Conversation With A Rabid Right Winger
MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:47 PM

are socialists bad? can we please start another angry thread about what the definition of socialist is? I always thought being social was a good thing,,,,,,maybe Im in the wrong forum,
flowerforyou Theres nothing wrong with it.flowerforyouIts an economic theoryflowerforyou Most of the people that think its bad dont even know what it is.flowerforyou Like this for example:

“You know, Marie? You must be looking forward to the day when you can tell the government to stick its Social Security check. Social Security, Marie? As in socialism?”
“I don’t give a damn. I’ve worked all my adult life, and that check is mine.”
“O.K, Marie.”

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

This man here also is intelligent underneath his craziness, meant in a good way by the way.

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:48 PM

blackmail thru black gold that they have and we want.

:smile: Who are "they" specifically and who are they blackmailing?:smile:

You know...THEY, the conservatives, or the liberals, or the socialists, or maybe the christians,,,oh heck, who is the enemy of the day today?

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:48 PM

are socialists bad? can we please start another angry thread about what the definition of socialist is? I always thought being social was a good thing,,,,,,maybe Im in the wrong forum,
flowerforyou Theres nothing wrong with it.flowerforyouIts an economic theoryflowerforyou Most of the people that think its bad dont even know what it is.flowerforyou Like this for example:

“You know, Marie? You must be looking forward to the day when you can tell the government to stick its Social Security check. Social Security, Marie? As in socialism?”
“I don’t give a damn. I’ve worked all my adult life, and that check is mine.”
“O.K, Marie.”

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

This man here also is intelligent underneath his craziness, meant in a good way by the way.


no photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:48 PM
go to paltalk , the chat program . google it. they have political chat programs. i go to conservative ones
it is better in communicating. we will explain. the room i go to is AMERICAN CONSERVatives

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:50 PM

go to paltalk , the chat program . google it. they have political chat programs. i go to conservative ones
it is better in communicating. we will explain. the room i go to is AMERICAN CONSERVatives
:smile: Why cant you explain it to us here?:smile:This is a good site and you are welcome to explain to us herebigsmile

no photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:51 PM
they= muslims we= free world

no photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:52 PM
paltalk is immediate, this is too cumbersome
although u do more singles

no photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:52 PM
Edited by sebastian42 on Thu 10/08/09 06:53 PM
paltalk is immediate, this is too cumbersome
although u do meet more singles

raiderfan_32's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:52 PM

I agree, unintelligent and extremists on both side. I am just still puzzled about the categories, socialist, liberal, conservative,,,and WHY any are better or worse than the next....? I kind of think, depending upon the issue, that I could be labeled any of the three at any given time.

if you're confused, for conservatism, try reading Alexis de Tocqueville "Democracy in America", try listening to some of Reagan's speeches (any of them really but the 1964 speech to the RNC is a good place to start), listen to Mark Levin, Neil Boortz. Levin has a great book that you've never heard of called "Liberty and Tyrrany"

For socialist thought, try reading The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. try reading "Rules for Radicals" by Sal Alinski. Listen to some of Obama's more open rhetoric before he came on the national scene, before he had to watch what he said when the camera was on. The 2001 WBEZ Chicago interview is particularly revealing..

those are good places to start..

foremost, think for yourself. Think on what the principles are on which this nation was founded, individual freedom, liberty, self determination, protection from tyrranical government, limited government, etc...

Don't let someone dissuade you from taking information from particular sources on the grounds that "they" think that source is biased.. chances are they don't want you to listen to Boortz or Levin because they know you might identify with some of what those people have to say..

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:56 PM

I agree, unintelligent and extremists on both side. I am just still puzzled about the categories, socialist, liberal, conservative,,,and WHY any are better or worse than the next....? I kind of think, depending upon the issue, that I could be labeled any of the three at any given time.

if you're confused, for conservatism, try reading Alexis de Tocqueville "Democracy in America", try listening to some of Reagan's speeches (any of them really but the 1964 speech to the RNC is a good place to start), listen to Mark Levin, Neil Boortz. Levin has a great book that you've never heard of called "Liberty and Tyrrany"

For socialist thought, try reading The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. try reading "Rules for Radicals" by Sal Alinski. Listen to some of Obama's more open rhetoric before he came on the national scene, before he had to watch what he said when the camera was on. The 2001 WBEZ Chicago interview is particularly revealing..

those are good places to start..

foremost, think for yourself. Think on what the principles are on which this nation was founded, individual freedom, liberty, self determination, protection from tyrranical government, limited government, etc...

Don't let someone dissuade you from taking information from particular sources on the grounds that "they" think that source is biased.. chances are they don't want you to listen to Boortz or Levin because they know you might identify with some of what those people have to say..

Those are still someones opinion of what conservative and liberal are and not a clear definition. There are some who will point me in totally different authoritative directions as examples.

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:56 PM
Edited by MirrorMirror on Thu 10/08/09 06:56 PM

they= muslims we= free world
:smile: All muslims have oil and no one in the "free world" is a muslim?:smile: What is the free world specifically?:smile: And why are muslims against it?:smile:

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:56 PM
Actually listen to Limbaugh with an open mind for a bit and the illness you feel will tell you when you are hearing the venemous right wing. Fox news, Glenn Beck, O'Reilly, you will know you have been slimed by the dangerous right wing exremists. There are worse too but they are bad enough.

no photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:57 PM
amen raiderfan, so many liberally indoctrinated zombies from commie public fool (school) system

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:57 PM

I agree, unintelligent and extremists on both side. I am just still puzzled about the categories, socialist, liberal, conservative,,,and WHY any are better or worse than the next....? I kind of think, depending upon the issue, that I could be labeled any of the three at any given time.

if you're confused, for conservatism, try reading Alexis de Tocqueville "Democracy in America", try listening to some of Reagan's speeches (any of them really but the 1964 speech to the RNC is a good place to start), listen to Mark Levin, Neil Boortz. Levin has a great book that you've never heard of called "Liberty and Tyrrany"

For socialist thought, try reading The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. try reading "Rules for Radicals" by Sal Alinski. Listen to some of Obama's more open rhetoric before he came on the national scene, before he had to watch what he said when the camera was on. The 2001 WBEZ Chicago interview is particularly revealing..

those are good places to start..

foremost, think for yourself. Think on what the principles are on which this nation was founded, individual freedom, liberty, self determination, protection from tyrranical government, limited government, etc...

Don't let someone dissuade you from taking information from particular sources on the grounds that "they" think that source is biased.. chances are they don't want you to listen to Boortz or Levin because they know you might identify with some of what those people have to say..

Those are still someones opinion of what conservative and liberal are and not a clear definition. There are some who will point me in totally different authoritative directions as examples.
flowerforyou College is the best place to learn about all those topicsflowerforyou

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:58 PM

amen raiderfan, so many liberally indoctrinated zombies from commie public fool (school) system

:smile: Going to school is bad? :smile: Elementary,high school,or college?:smile:

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:59 PM

I agree, unintelligent and extremists on both side. I am just still puzzled about the categories, socialist, liberal, conservative,,,and WHY any are better or worse than the next....? I kind of think, depending upon the issue, that I could be labeled any of the three at any given time.

if you're confused, for conservatism, try reading Alexis de Tocqueville "Democracy in America", try listening to some of Reagan's speeches (any of them really but the 1964 speech to the RNC is a good place to start), listen to Mark Levin, Neil Boortz. Levin has a great book that you've never heard of called "Liberty and Tyrrany"

For socialist thought, try reading The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. try reading "Rules for Radicals" by Sal Alinski. Listen to some of Obama's more open rhetoric before he came on the national scene, before he had to watch what he said when the camera was on. The 2001 WBEZ Chicago interview is particularly revealing..

those are good places to start..

foremost, think for yourself. Think on what the principles are on which this nation was founded, individual freedom, liberty, self determination, protection from tyrranical government, limited government, etc...

Don't let someone dissuade you from taking information from particular sources on the grounds that "they" think that source is biased.. chances are they don't want you to listen to Boortz or Levin because they know you might identify with some of what those people have to say..

Those are still someones opinion of what conservative and liberal are and not a clear definition. There are some who will point me in totally different authoritative directions as examples.
flowerforyou College is the best place to learn about all those topicsflowerforyou

Great advice from someone in college:thumbsup:

msharmony's photo
Thu 10/08/09 06:59 PM
Edited by msharmony on Thu 10/08/09 07:00 PM

Actually listen to Limbaugh with an open mind for a bit and the illness you feel will tell you when you are hearing the venemous right wing. Fox news, Glenn Beck, O'Reilly, you will know you have been slimed by the dangerous right wing exremists. There are worse too but they are bad enough.

Ok, none of those people are favorites of mine, but what is it that classes them as right wing,,,, I mean I could say , if you want to know about bigotry read about the actions of the cop who arrested the professor for being in his own home,,

that would not really help anyone know the real DEFINITION of bigotry, it would only reflect that I personally viewed the situation as bigotted. I am really mostly interested in the actual,,documented, definitions of these words as they pertain to politics.

Dragoness's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:00 PM

amen raiderfan, so many liberally indoctrinated zombies from commie public fool (school) system

YOu don't really believe that do you?noway

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:00 PM
Like everyone else in the auto industry I was laid off this summer. We have two or three ditto heads or lymbagh head whatever they call themselves. I asked them if they donated their umemployment check to the republican party since unemployment insurance is a liberal/dem idea. They had nothing to say for the first time. laugh

no photo
Thu 10/08/09 07:02 PM
do uall know about r bary in orlando? she is afraid her muslim father will kill her for changing to christianity? her about the wife beheaded by her husband for wanting a divorce in buffalo, ny
? how about the 2 houston girls killed by their father for wanting to be western in dress and living? wake up before we all get killed
our youth are repeating history. this ain goint to be pretty