Topic: ^^V^^ heartSoul’s Night Owl/Early Bird Roost ^^V^^
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Fri 02/12/10 06:01 PM
Opening ceremonies for the Olympics are starting...
Catch ya later....

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Fri 02/12/10 11:16 PM

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Fri 02/12/10 11:18 PM

I LIKED this SO MUCH,,,,

:tongue: flowerforyou JUST FOR YOU!!!!!!!laugh laugh laugh

HOPE YOURS IS EVEN BETTER!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :heart:

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Fri 02/12/10 11:24 PM

I LIKED this SO MUCH,,,,

:tongue: flowerforyou JUST FOR YOU!!!!!!!laugh laugh laugh

HOPE YOURS IS EVEN BETTER!!!!:banana: :banana: :banana: :heart:

Thank you my friend.flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

I hope life is treating you well!

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Fri 02/12/10 11:40 PM
Well to life, yet not well in-life this week,,,way to many wrecks and slick roads out here,,,lol
BUT,,,,,I have cheated yet about five more near-bes,,,,lol,lol.
How have YOU been doing and feeling?flowerforyou

BL4766's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:36 AM

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Sat 02/13/10 01:23 PM

Well to life, yet not well in-life this week,,,way to many wrecks and slick roads out here,,,lol
BUT,,,,,I have cheated yet about five more near-bes,,,,lol,lol.
How have YOU been doing and feeling?flowerforyou

Please be careful. flowerforyou
I have heard that traveling is very treacherous.

I'm feeling better and life's treating me well...

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Sat 02/13/10 01:24 PM
Hi Beckie..........waving

BL4766's photo
Sat 02/13/10 01:29 PM
afternoon heart!flowerforyou

BL4766's photo
Sat 02/13/10 01:30 PM

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Sat 02/13/10 01:44 PM
Afternoon Beckieflowerforyou

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Sun 02/14/10 10:45 AM

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Sun 02/14/10 10:49 AM
For those that celebrate Valentine's Day....

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Sun 02/14/10 04:59 PM

newarkjw's photo
Sun 02/14/10 06:39 PM

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Sun 02/14/10 07:20 PM
Cool picflowerforyou

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Sun 02/14/10 09:18 PM

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Sun 02/14/10 09:20 PM

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Sun 02/14/10 09:21 PM

flowerforyou :heart: :wink: GOODNIGHT Soul....and sleep well,,,,,,,:banana: I like to move-it move-it,,,,,,:banana: night

no photo
Mon 02/15/10 03:16 PM

flowerforyou :heart: :wink: GOODNIGHT Soul....and sleep well,,,,,,,:banana: I like to move-it move-it,,,,,,:banana: night

Now that song is stuck in my head...LOL

I like to move it , move it......