Topic: The Green Dragon's Inn | |
*she notices he is sleep, she shakes him gently* Daeron..wake up.
Nothing, no response whatsoever to her actions. His breathing has slowed somewhat but was still heavy. The raven now asleep beside him and the wolf let out a long whine before shutting his eyes.
*she decides to let him sleep. She walks over to the chair in the corner, sits down an watches to make sure he will be ok*
(I'm not going to be on for a few days I'm moving. You can interact with Daeron, the wolf, and raven if you would like.)
(ok, good luck on the move sweetie.)
(Thanks ^_^ I hope everything goes smoothly. Ill talk to you later.)
"Easy, boy, easy.."
::The hooded figure said softly as a hand trailed down the length of the horses neck calming him down slightly. It was late; right around midnight. He knew this by the position of the moon. Currently it remained unclear as to why he was even in the stables. I mean granted he wasn't an easy person to keep track of but that horse had definitely never left the stable. He just continued to pet the horse gently as he leaned in slightly placing his own forehead against the horses as his eyes drifted closed he whispered to it.:: "Rest for now. I know we will find our answers here.." ::he moved his head back, as with his motion the horses ears rose; but before he could make a noise, the cloaked figure raised one finger pressing it to his lips as he made one single soft sound.:: "Shhh." ::From just outside the barn he heard footsteps of what seemed like three or four individuals. He moved closer to that same wall just as the walking came to a halt. Both palms fully extended he pressed them to the wood as he leaned in and pressed his ear against it, he could hear the voices upon the other side.:: "Look, I'm tellin' ya, Boss, he ain't here. We've looked everywhere 'cept the Inn but we all know he ain't the type to fancy those type places, eh?" "Eh shuddap will ya?! De Elders dun said he'd bea come'n dis way 'n dere ain't been nuttin' 'round fer miles. So he's eidder in tha' inn or he's done hidin' out in th' fores', aiight? Now get'ta look'n, I wants ta be outta 'ere 'fore d' 'ol damn place comes ta life, eh?" "Who is this Kashell anyway? I've never heard of him so why the Elders fancy him so?" ::The hooded figure finally gained a name, as Kashell's eyes slowly opened and he leaned back slightly from that wall. His gaze lowered towards the hay decorated now around his feet. Open palms soon turned and twisted into clenched fists as it was now his knuckles that rested against the wooden wall. He pushed back, having heard enough as he turned and placed his gaze upon his horse. He moved over in his direction, as he reached within the saddle, he slid out a blade, that was secretly stashed beneath it but he made sure to leave the sheathe behind.:: "Don't give me that look.. We both knew they'd eventually tracked us down." ::The horse shook his head as he took two steps in reverse:: "Yeah, I know. I'm not sure how they found us so quick. Just wait here, get some rest.. I'll be back before dawn." ::He would move away from the horse after one last pet. He slipped around the corner of the entrance to the stables to the opposite side of the men in search of him and without a trace he simply seemed to just disappear into the night.:: |
<Drags another wolf body in and throws it to the side for Drol's hell hound Taru to eat.> Here have have fun with this low class thing. <pets Taru on one of his two heads> i miss Drol boy.
<sits down next to Taru and pulls out blue prints on her weapons.> |
*pats the wolf as she leaves the room to leave Daeron to rest. The crow is on her shoulder. She places her black hood back on, walking down the stairs. The crow looks around at all the new faces. She takes a seat in the corner, crow hops down on the table. She sits back an watches everyone*
::It had only been about two hours or so; but already Kashell was re-entering the city. His blade still dripped with red, as he motioned his way back to the stables. Right to the side of his horse, he moved alongside of him, not desiring to wake his steed. He re-sheathed that blade, after wiping the liquid off in the hay. Quiet, as he was known to be, he crept back out so silently; he didn't even wake a single animal.::
::He took a deep breath as he gazed up at the moon. His eyes closed for a moment before he looked towards that Bar. This type of night, yes indeed, it called for a drink.:: ::Inside the establishment, eyes would move to towards the door as they began to close, yet not a soul stood there not a soul was entering. So, if noone had left..but then he tap one long nail upon the bar as he held up one finger to the keep. After yesterday and the day before's long binge, they already knew his drink. His eyes closed slowly once more as he just simply waited for his order.:: |
*pets the crow, an starts to hum softly*
::Maybe it had been the hum, or maybe it had been the bird, but one of the two drew his attention towards the woman in the hood. Now at first it may appear that he was staring at her, as the blue auras glew beneath his hood, but in actuality, it was that bird that peeked his interest. Though, you wouldn't guess why.::
::His drink was set before him, as gloved digits wrapped about the mug though his gaze never shifted; not even for a second.:: |
*feels eyes burning through her. She looks up to the new man, she tilts her head to the left, still humming her song. The crow jumps on her shoulder, looking at the man as well*
::Nothing, not a word, he just stood there as he stared. The mug was raised some liquid removed, but that gaze, still even now, never found its way to shifting. His eyes then seemed to moved to the red haired woman, and he noticed she was looking directly back at him; but instead of being deterred, because now he had been caught.. that cold, empty gaze now instead rested upon her.::
*the crow starts to pace a cross her shoulders still looking at the man. She removes her hood letting me long red hair flow around her face. Taking the crow off her shoulder with her finger. She holds the bird up to her face a few iches away an hums a little louder.*
<looks at every one and takes out some tools and sword and starst working on it.> La la la la la la la <starts to hum as Taru rest one of his head's on her lap and falls asleep> la la la la la la la la la la la.
::This would be when you would see that smirk glisten beneath his hood. Only a portion of his jawline that became visible within the dim as he leaned back slightly taking a longer drink. He eyed the crow once more as he danced about, almost antsy; perhaps his assumptions weren't misthought. Dying with a strange and very unknown curiousity, gloved digits flicked outwards over and towards the bar dropping two more coins. He would down that brew in one last gulp.::
::He would then set down the empty mug; as he shoved off from the bar he approached her as he now stood but only a few steps in front of her. At first, he said nothing, like a twisted creepy stalker. He just stood there there blankly and seemingly without purpose; watching them both and listening to that song she hummed.:: "......" |
::This would be when you would see that smirk glisten beneath his hood. Only a portion of his jawline that became visible within the dim as he leaned back slightly taking a longer drink. He eyed the crow once more as he danced about, almost antsy; perhaps his assumptions weren't misthought. Dying with a strange and very unknown curiousity, gloved digits flicked outwards over and towards the bar dropping two more coins. He would down that brew in one last gulp.:: ::He would then set down the empty mug; as he shoved off from the bar he approached her as he now stood but only a few steps in front of her. At first, he said nothing, like a twisted creepy stalker. He just stood there there blankly and seemingly without purpose; watching them both and listening to that song she hummed.:: "......" <looks up> ¬_¬ may i help you? |
*looks up at him with a small smile, she stops her humming* Can I help you?
*looks up at him with a small smile, she stops her humming* Can I help you? "No..." ::He said nothing more and nothing less but what it all meant, well, who truly knew? He took a deep and long exgerrated breath as if inhaling the scents around them:: "..I just thought I remembered that song." ::Did he mean her humming? Did she even have a true tune? Regardless, it reminded him of something but something he could not place. With that, he turned, and slowly began to move back towards his window sill; his seat of choice.:: |