Topic: I wanna know.... | |
who are the real jews?
who make up the 12 tribes of Israel? why do the catholics call Mary, the "virgin Mary" when she is not a virgin anymore? does anyone have a clue? Blessings! ![]() Suhnshine ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 10/04/09 05:47 PM
who are the real jews? who make up the 12 tribes of Israel? why do the catholics call Mary, the "virgin Mary" when she is not a virgin anymore? does anyone have a clue? Blessings! ![]() Suhnshine ![]() Good Question. The Jews took on that name as the 12 tribes of Israel. The tribes split and some called Epriam and the other the Jews. Just a declaration of who was with who when they were fighting amoungst each other. Like people take sides today. No more no less. James starts off in his letter to the 12 lost tribes of Israel because they scattered all over. Rev. 7 lists the 12 tribes but not the same as Gen 49 lists them. Gen 48 Jacob blesses the sons of Joseph. Just like he Blesses or tells what thier descendents will be known for and what they will do. Josephs sons were Ephriam and Mannassahs. They were called 1/2 tribes this is very interesting why and what happens but very deep also. If we go back to Rev 7 we will find Mannassah listed as 1 of the 12 Tribes of Israel Yet he had been called a 1/2 tribe. We will also find that Jacobs son Dan is missing..Why? Gen 49 what Jacob/Israel said is very tell taling why? Now we know that the 12 tribes are gathered from the 4 corners of the world. Thus scattered. They may be you they may be me. what we do know is that to take the Passover you had to be a Israelite. To do this you had to accept Yahweh's laws. The main one to begin with was to be circumsized. When a man did this he became as one born of the land.. The promise land. Skip forward to Yahshua and his cousin John the baptists and we see for forgiveness of sins and to enter the promice land Spiritually you have to be baptised. Same thing but switching from the physical to the Spiritual. Unless a man be Born again he can not enter the Kingdom..The Promice land. The same thing. It has always been that your only requirement was to follow Yahweh as the creator of the heavens and the Earth. This Defines the I AM Yahshua said before Abraham was I AM. What was he talking about? Sonship.. The taking on of a name. This is who I am This is who my Family is. This is how I Live. You Live the Word. Yahshua was the Word our EXAMPLE. So who is Israel. To the Jew 1st. Who did Yahshua come to and who was Yahshua? A Jew he came to them and they rejected thier own. Yet the 1st Born of the Dead was a Jew. Then what is said when the Jews Rejected him? Then to the Greek.. This refers to the world at large. Yahshua died for the sins of the world not for Israel. Israel is included but now Israel are adopted sons and daughters. When we enter the water as a baby does when the baby breaks the water of his mother to come into this world anew. So do we when we enter that watery grave and come into this world anew. But now as strangers to this world for we have taken on a new family and a new name. Born of the land od Israel. Born of things not seen. Its a very beautiful way of bringing the whole world in to true shalom with thier father in heaven Yahweh of Hosts. As far as the Virgin Mary. It is Idol worship and condemned by scripture. Anyone who worships her and puts her up like Yahshua is following thier father. The father of Lies. As the world worships by the billions daily.. Blessings of Shalom...Miles |
thanks for the reply miles,this is truly one of the most baffling things to me in scripture that im really trying to understand. You said the Messiah died for the world, yet in John 17:9 he did not pray for everyone, only His disciples and those who are to come into the fold. those who are to come in (the elect) are they the ones who are baptized in the water and also would this also mean that these people are of the 12 tribes?
Blessings! ![]() Suhnshine ![]() |
thanks for the reply miles,this is truly one of the most baffling things to me in scripture that im really trying to understand. You said the Messiah died for the world, yet in John 17:9 he did not pray for everyone, only His disciples and those who are to come into the fold. those who are to come in (the elect) are they the ones who are baptized in the water and also would this also mean that these people are of the 12 tribes? Blessings! ![]() Suhnshine ![]() Yea in that he died for the sins of the world. Now Yahweh knows the end from the beginning but it is not unchangeable. Yahweh knows us better than we know ourselves. When Yahshua died he did many things. 1 he died for the sins of the world. 2.. We must realize about the marraige supper. To the Jew 1st and then the greek opened up clearly that anyone could come to the father and do his will which would make him a son. Now how do we really become sons? Through Marraige. How from the beginning the only way a marraige was to be disolved? By the death of a spouse. Then the living spouse can remarry. So several things are going on here. Yahshua's death disolved the marraige of Physical Israel to Yahweh. Because Yahweh has never been seen and anyone lived. Moses from seeing his back had to wear a viel from the shining of his face because of Yahweh's glory. So when Yahshua died the VIEL was rent into. The Viel of of the Temple. So then we see in Acts the 3rd Temple being Born. The cloven Tongues (The word) Yahshua ans the Promise. The Holy Spirit which now lives in the Temple and as the Marraige the Great Mystery the TWO become one. To Yahshua so a Marraige enbles you to become part of the family. Thier are several parts though. The Priesthood and the Kingship. Royalty. The Apostles before annointing the 7 Deacons said they were not to waite on Tables. Yahshua never Baptised anyone. These new Deacon were going out to begin Baptising the waiting on Tables The Priesthood. They are in the kingdom but they are not Royalty which is what the Bride is as John says at the End of Rev that he saw The New Jerusalem Coming Down out Of Heaven Like a Bride adorned for Her Husband. You hit on a very good but deep subjest that is sad u will not see this said hardly at all because they do not realise it either the Ministers of Light that have transformed themselves these very days. They can not and will not understand these words because they are blinded so read closely because this is a great mystery that I will leave whoever to ponder what else this involves.. Blessings of Shalom....Miles |
Edited by
Sun 10/04/09 10:01 PM
thanks for the reply miles,this is truly one of the most baffling things to me in scripture that im really trying to understand. You said the Messiah died for the world, yet in John 17:9 he did not pray for everyone, only His disciples and those who are to come into the fold. those who are to come in (the elect) are they the ones who are baptized in the water and also would this also mean that these people are of the 12 tribes? Blessings! ![]() Suhnshine ![]() On your question about why he prayed for the disciples. For one when Peter said he would die for him. What did Yahshua say? Satan get behind me. Satan was in Yahshua's and the disciples mist and even Peter The Rock did not realise it. He prayed that none of them would be taken. Yahshua had said many times if you ask your father for a fish does he give you a snake? No he gives his children what they ask for if this is what they need. They needed that protection. That Passover night Yahshua spoke about his blood and who ever drinks of this cup worthily as it says in Corth. shall not perish either in this life or the life to come. So when he prayed for those to come after into the fold it is really explained in corith. about the Passover when Paul says I here some of you are eating and drinking, He was talking about the death of the Messiah and taking the Emblems is so serious that it is not a feast where we party. Paul was explaining Yahshuas words clearer what was happening because these emblems of the blood is protection from the father. Why did the Israelites when in Eypgt put blood on the doorposts? Does not the disciples explain that our bodies are doorposts? When Yahshua prayed that night it was sealed that night those disciples who drank worthily would not be taken by satan. Who was taken? Did he do it worthily? Pretty serious stuff. Then he speaks of those to come. Those who follow the example of Yahshua and the Apostles. Does the world follow that example? Will those who do be protected? Blessings...Miles |
You seem sincere in really wanting to know which i find far and few between.
I want you to think about something about when Yahshua was on this earth about the crowds that was following him and thier belief. You here of this great man and you go and here him speak. You are just amazed at what he has to say and want to here more you just yearn for more. He walks away from the cities and thousands follow him and his 12 disciples that are with him. You are say 5 miles from the closest town of 500 people who only has a gas station and you are on foot with everyone else. You stay out thier for a few days. You run out of the food you had with as does everyone else yet you do not hear people mumbling just amazed at what you are hearing. have you gotten a faith that is so deep the things of this world has left you/ Eating and hunger has left you. Then you become hungry and when you do this man with a few fish and loaves of bread blesses it and all of you eat and are filled. What would you think? Would you later maybe a year later forget what had happened? Did they? They saw and yet they forgot. They experienced and yet did not believe later on. Be hard to believe. So when Yahshua said Blessed are those who believe and not seen what was he saying about us today. Can a High School Drop out know more about what the word says that the Theologian with doctrates in Hebrew and Greek and years of college and been preaching for 20 or 30 years? Is it possible? Is it happening today? Are these people being attacked by these ministers because they are unlearned men and what they are saying they hate with a passion? Jeremiah said yes this would happen. Yahshua said yes this would happen. Hebrews says Yes this would happen. And the Pharasees of the Time said yes how can these unlearned men with this Blasphomus teacher know any thing at all. Who were the ones who lacked faith? Lacked the Spirit of Yahweh? Then it was a Roman soldier a Pagan who Yahshua said he had not found such faith in Israel. Wonder what Dr. Charles Stanley would say if someone said This Pagan has more faith than all The Great Theologians in America? Blessings of Shalom...Miles |
Thanks againg miles. I see " the way" to the Kingdom is truly narrow and very, very few find it. and truthfully not many are seeking it.
I understand what Yahushua meant when He said, "they honor me with their lips , but their hearts are far from me". Nobody seeks after righteousness. The Love of Yahweh is not in them. I know this was not an easy question to answer. It takes a spirit filled person to answer, some one who is truly seeking righteousness. Someone with Almighty Yahweh's Spirit in them. Some congregations and the so-called saints,They rather engage in idle talk instead of discussing the matters of the Kingdom. While sipping milk thru a training cup rather than digesting the meat. You have answered well. thanks for your input. Yah Bless. Blessings! ![]() Suhnshine ![]() ![]() |
There are many points here and just as many viewpoints, for example not all Jews view all twelve tribes as being Jewish, but only the two that comprised Judah and not the 10 tribes which composed Israel; but basically they were named after the 12 sons of Judah-Israel.
Next, the Virgin Mary is called such be Papal decree in Ex Cathedra, this is the only time the pope is allowed to claim that his pronouncement is infallible and has only been done three times, all of which relate to the Virgin Mary. Next the Kingdom of Heaven/Kingdom of G_D; Luke 17:21 (KJ):..."Nor will people say, Here it is or there it is, because the kingdom of g-d is within you." |
and i heard the mumber of them which were sealed: an hundred and forty and four thousand, 12,000 sealed of all the tribes of the children of Israel.
and after this I beheld,and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people , and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands. There are those who are of the 12 tribes (Yisra'elites), who are chosen and sealed. then there is a multitude of people from all nations who will enter the Kingdom. My focus is on these Yisraelites. Jacobs children. who are they? What people are they? Each tribe is nations of Israelites. Where are they and who are these Israelites. Abrahams promised seed. A nation as many as the grains of sand. These are the Chosen ones. |
Edited by
Mon 10/05/09 03:06 PM
The chosen ones are the 144000. we can see this in why is thier 2 sets of people in Rev 14 and 15.. One chosen and is the others the ones the Elders speak of after the 144000 are named?
If so what Prophecy are these people? A very interesting state but scriptures does interpret itself and tell us who Rev 15 really is. From thier then we can see thier fate and the chosens Fate and why John the Revelator said what he did.... Blessings...Miles PS to answer who the Jews say they are now I would ask what was Paul? |
My question had been partly answered in another forum"negros in the Bible"
Judah is black. according to scripture. Jeremiah 14:2 the tribe of Judah is black. HalleluYah to the Most High. Judah is the black people. the black jews. The Messiah is black too, or darkskinned or red, point is He is not white as He is so inaccurately rendered. He dont have stringy blonde hair and blue eyes or pale skin, but feet like burned brass, hair like wool, like a black mans. Revelation 1:13-15 HalleluYah my Savior is not white. He is darkskinned. Blessings! ![]() Suhnshine ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 10/05/09 08:52 PM
My question had been partly answered in another forum"negros in the Bible" Judah is black. according to scripture. Jeremiah 14:2 the tribe of Judah is black. HalleluYah to the Most High. Judah is the black people. the black jews. The Messiah is black too, or darkskinned or red, point is He is not white as He is so inaccurately rendered. He dont have stringy blonde hair and blue eyes or pale skin, but feet like burned brass, hair like wool, like a black mans. Revelation 1:13-15 HalleluYah my Savior is not white. He is darkskinned. Blessings! ![]() Suhnshine ![]() I am not sure of your jubilent behavior here Sunshine. We are to rejoice that our Father in Heaven gave his only son as a ransom to die as an obedient son to take from us the curse of the Law. The Death Penalty he took for us. This is real Joy and Real Sorrow that us as our forfathers before us turned the innocent away and treated them with shame. What color skin a son has to his father I do not see a correlation to be jubilent. The death he took has horrible for all colors. We all are born of woman. We all breathe, we all feel, laugh cry,rejoice, bleed and die since the beginning. Equality is what Yahshua was all about. It is your character that defines a man not his heritage. Or else Spiritual Israel could not be the Obedient even unto death. That is what is Jubilent when a believer shows such faith that they show the whole world thier faith by thier actions as James so accruately says. Yahshua was Humble did not have a place to lay his head. When even the sparrows of the air have nests to rest in. Color in a mighty jubilent act of heritage only denies the Power of Yahweh himself that he has no Respect of persons..Shal0om...Miles |
Yes this is true miles, i do agreee,.
Because we are of spiritual mindset we can know this. But there are others who do not share this with us, and for this is a slap in theyre wicked faces. Because they are so full of vile and blatant hate for people of color and even go as far to say they are cursed because of theyre beautiful pigment skin, now theyre faith will be truly tested and they will be left with a very serious decision, either to embrace this colored Messiah, in whom they could never imagine to be the Savior of the world or be cast off into eternal darkness and torment. Blessings! ![]() Suhnshine ![]() |
It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.
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