Topic: A Walk To Remember
alicat4213's photo
Sun 10/04/09 01:05 AM
I can't believe it's been 3 years since I've lost my child.... October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and this poem brought a tear to my eye. Figured I would share it.

A Walk to Remember

I walk to remember
the steps you'll never take.
I carry you with me
as I firmly plant my feet.

Our trek started long ago,
before my belly swelled.
You were a love that grew-
like butterfly wings that beat.

Your gentle flutters then became
kicks upon which I would dwell.
And I would talk to you, sweet baby,
about the world you soon would meet.

The sun always shone upon us then-
when you were in my womb.
And I was eager to show you the world
that would have been your home.

How you'd have loved the sun shining-
blue skies without a cloud.
The autumn leaves turning-
the snow falling all around.

The flowers in summer-
would have filled your eyes with smiles.
And the rain that might have fallen
would have caused you great surprise.

You would have traveled far with me-
holding me by the hand,
And I'd have shown you all I could-
more that I can imagine.

You hold my HEART tightly now,
as though we're holding hands.
How far we've traveled, little one-
and my life with you has been sweet.

For I carry you in my heart,
as I firmly plant my feet.

by Kathie Ratoj Mayo

no photo
Sun 10/04/09 06:15 AM

HuckleberryFinn's photo
Sun 10/04/09 07:05 AM
probably get killed over this one, but I adored this and solidifies my stance against the many abortions performed as a means of birth control. We never know what or whom we just killed. So many have suffered the loss of a child, probably the worst heartache one can imagine and yet society deems it appropriate to just allow others to throw life away.....Thanks for sharing. Each tear drop represents a child that is wanted and loved.

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 10/04/09 02:54 PM

I can't believe it's been 3 years since I've lost my child.... October is National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month and this poem brought a tear to my eye. Figured I would share it.

A Walk to Remember

I walk to remember
the steps you'll never take.
I carry you with me
as I firmly plant my feet.

Our trek started long ago,
before my belly swelled.
You were a love that grew-
like butterfly wings that beat.

Your gentle flutters then became
kicks upon which I would dwell.
And I would talk to you, sweet baby,
about the world you soon would meet.

The sun always shone upon us then-
when you were in my womb.
And I was eager to show you the world
that would have been your home.

How you'd have loved the sun shining-
blue skies without a cloud.
The autumn leaves turning-
the snow falling all around.

The flowers in summer-
would have filled your eyes with smiles.
And the rain that might have fallen
would have caused you great surprise.

You would have traveled far with me-
holding me by the hand,
And I'd have shown you all I could-
more that I can imagine.

You hold my HEART tightly now,
as though we're holding hands.
How far we've traveled, little one-
and my life with you has been sweet.

For I carry you in my heart,
as I firmly plant my feet.

by Kathie Ratoj Mayo
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

kalunda's photo
Sun 10/04/09 03:20 PM
flowers :heart: flowerforyou