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Topic: Supernatural
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Fri 10/09/09 01:50 PM

any fans out there keeping up with the EPIC new season?

I've watched that show from day 1..but I gotta tell ya..its confusing the hell outta me lately..Good thing Jared and Jensen are so hot..I'd stopped watching long time ago..lol.

Aren't they beautiful?love

LOL@arent they beautiful..They're trying to take that show down the wrong road..you don't put brothers on opposite teams..you let them fight together!

I think they'll come together in the end, their bond is too strong not to.

It better be!..I don't want them to have to kill each other!..and poor Bobby aint there to stop them if they tried to either.

They're too lovely to die!laugh Yeah, they need to get Bobby well so he can help out. Or bring in some backup, they need a bit of help.

They oughta "call up" their daddy..That'd be one hell of a fight

Omg, that'd be awesome! You should suggest that on the message boards. Do you ever go on there? I used to go on the ones for One Tree Hill, but I haven't been on in a while. The writers listen to the fans, I wonder if the ones from Supernatural do that too?

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Thu 10/29/09 02:52 PM
I would love to meet people who are into supernatural that is one amazing show, i never missed an episode. please email me.

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