Topic: Dear Diary- a poem of a veteran's thoughts
elwoodsully's photo
Wed 05/30/07 07:29 AM
This is something i wrote back in november, after going to the abe
lincoln nat'l cemetery about a mile from my house. It's about a soldier
writing in his journal, and his mother writing in hers about the same
time.. Hope you enjoy it. The last names used are those of my friends
here in illinois,some of which are veterans.

Soldier writing in his diary:
Before I lay down for the night, I hope that everyone's safe at home.
I have talked to God more in the past few months than I have in my
lifetime. I ask
for him to keep an eye on Mom and Dad, and my sisters Janice and Dianne
too. I ask Him for
guidance so that I may do my job the way that I was trained to do:
swiftly and accurately,
and to try to make a difference in these trying times. I pray to Him
each night to keep
an eye on my Brothers and Sisters here too, both those that I see
everyday, those that I
see from time to time, and those that I may never meet at all. I ask for
Him to give
guidance to my leaders, so that they make good decisions for us to
follow, and for us to
follow them correctly. I pray that the devil, disguised in a cloak, will
leave this foreign
land, and let these people enjoy what we have at home- FREEDOM. But
mostly, I pray for Him
to keep an eye of my Brothers here-
Cullen,Johannson,and SGT. Ruiz. They are my Family here,and they are the
people that can
save me when my time comes.
Momma-I know that that I'm your only son, but if I should die here, know
that I have BROTHERS.

Mother writing in her diary:
Dear Lord, I pray for you to watch over our son Calvin,and to give us
strength if something
were to happen to him. You know that we have been there where he is now,
but that was
35 years ago,and thousands of miles away. It was a similar situation,
and we were just kids
then, just as Cal is now.He's a bit older than we were,James and I being
22 then, but in
combat age doesn't matter to hostility.We hope that if he's hurt, You in
Your wisdom,
will give the nurses and doctors the skills to help him,and to heal him.
If in Your wisdom,
it's time to call Cal Home, we pray that he goes quickly and without
We hope that his passing will serve as a reminder to his buddies to
watch each-others
backs more closely. He's talked to us in letters, and over the phone
about how his squad does
everything together, and that they are known as Ruiz' Rambling Raiders.
I pray that you give
Sgt.Ruiz the heart to do what's right, and that his leaders, including
Cal, trained him well.

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Wed 05/30/07 01:13 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

sweetcountrygirl's photo
Wed 05/30/07 08:14 PM
The sacrifice of a Soldier fighting for our freedom...amazing!

The power of a mothers prayer...

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

LAMom's photo
Wed 05/30/07 09:23 PM
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

ElaineSeekingJerry's photo
Wed 06/18/08 07:16 PM
You're a man of many, many talents, Mr. P. I love it ... very cool indeed! drinker

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 06/19/08 08:13 AM
Edited by Rapunzel on Thu 06/19/08 08:27 AM

This is something i wrote back in november, after going to the abe
lincoln nat'l cemetery about a mile from my house. It's about a soldier
writing in his journal, and his mother writing in hers about the same
time.. Hope you enjoy it. The last names used are those of my friends
here in illinois,some of which are veterans.

Soldier writing in his diary:
Before I lay down for the night, I hope that everyone's safe at home.
I have talked to God more in the past few months than I have in my
lifetime. I ask
for him to keep an eye on Mom and Dad, and my sisters Janice and Dianne
too. I ask Him for
guidance so that I may do my job the way that I was trained to do:
swiftly and accurately,
and to try to make a difference in these trying times. I pray to Him
each night to keep
an eye on my Brothers and Sisters here too, both those that I see
everyday, those that I
see from time to time, and those that I may never meet at all. I ask for
Him to give
guidance to my leaders, so that they make good decisions for us to
follow, and for us to
follow them correctly. I pray that the devil, disguised in a cloak, will
leave this foreign
land, and let these people enjoy what we have at home- FREEDOM. But
mostly, I pray for Him
to keep an eye of my Brothers here-
Cullen,Johannson,and SGT. Ruiz. They are my Family here,and they are the
people that can
save me when my time comes.
Momma-I know that that I'm your only son, but if I should die here, know
that I have BROTHERS.

Mother writing in her diary:
Dear Lord, I pray for you to watch over our son Calvin,and to give us
strength if something
were to happen to him. You know that we have been there where he is now,
but that was
35 years ago,and thousands of miles away. It was a similar situation,
and we were just kids
then, just as Cal is now.He's a bit older than we were,James and I being
22 then, but in
combat age doesn't matter to hostility.We hope that if he's hurt, You in
Your wisdom,
will give the nurses and doctors the skills to help him,and to heal him.
If in Your wisdom,
it's time to call Cal Home, we pray that he goes quickly and without
We hope that his passing will serve as a reminder to his buddies to
watch each-others
backs more closely. He's talked to us in letters, and over the phone
about how his squad does
everything together, and that they are known as Ruiz' Rambling Raiders.
I pray that you give
Sgt.Ruiz the heart to do what's right, and that his leaders, including
Cal, trained him well.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

There just aren't any words that are even closely descriptive enough to fully impart & express

The Gratitude we feel for all of you & for your amazing hard work, steadfast dedication & willingness

For All of you, Our beloved < often unsung > Heroes who place yourselves in the midst of harm's way

To preserve Freedom all over the world & to protect Your Country & Your People Each & Every Day

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin smokin

drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker drinker

flame1cutie's photo
Thu 06/19/08 08:19 AM
:cry: :heart: :heart: flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Rapunzel's photo
Fri 06/20/08 03:25 PM
back to the top...flowerforyou drinker flowerforyou

this is wayyyy too good :wink: drinker :wink:

to just go into the archives huh noway huh

elwoodsully's photo
Tue 05/19/09 07:48 PM
As Memorial Day is neigh again, I thjought I'd pull this out of the cobwebs. To my Brothers, and Sisters of the US military, I salute you.

Rapunzel's photo
Tue 05/19/09 08:04 PM

As Memorial Day is neigh again, I thjought I'd pull this out of the cobwebs. To my Brothers, and Sisters of the US military, I salute you.

Rapunzel's photo
Wed 05/20/09 01:01 PM

AngelLight's photo
Thu 05/21/09 05:58 AM
:heart: flowerforyou :heart: Ty for sharing elwood.

MzEm's photo
Thu 05/21/09 08:08 AM

This is something i wrote back in november, after going to the abe
lincoln nat'l cemetery about a mile from my house. It's about a soldier
writing in his journal, and his mother writing in hers about the same
time.. Hope you enjoy it. The last names used are those of my friends
here in illinois,some of which are veterans.

Soldier writing in his diary:
Before I lay down for the night, I hope that everyone's safe at home.
I have talked to God more in the past few months than I have in my
lifetime. I ask
for him to keep an eye on Mom and Dad, and my sisters Janice and Dianne
too. I ask Him for
guidance so that I may do my job the way that I was trained to do:
swiftly and accurately,
and to try to make a difference in these trying times. I pray to Him
each night to keep
an eye on my Brothers and Sisters here too, both those that I see
everyday, those that I
see from time to time, and those that I may never meet at all. I ask for
Him to give
guidance to my leaders, so that they make good decisions for us to
follow, and for us to
follow them correctly. I pray that the devil, disguised in a cloak, will
leave this foreign
land, and let these people enjoy what we have at home- FREEDOM. But
mostly, I pray for Him
to keep an eye of my Brothers here-
Cullen,Johannson,and SGT. Ruiz. They are my Family here,and they are the
people that can
save me when my time comes.
Momma-I know that that I'm your only son, but if I should die here, know
that I have BROTHERS.

Mother writing in her diary:
Dear Lord, I pray for you to watch over our son Calvin,and to give us
strength if something
were to happen to him. You know that we have been there where he is now,
but that was
35 years ago,and thousands of miles away. It was a similar situation,
and we were just kids
then, just as Cal is now.He's a bit older than we were,James and I being
22 then, but in
combat age doesn't matter to hostility.We hope that if he's hurt, You in
Your wisdom,
will give the nurses and doctors the skills to help him,and to heal him.
If in Your wisdom,
it's time to call Cal Home, we pray that he goes quickly and without
We hope that his passing will serve as a reminder to his buddies to
watch each-others
backs more closely. He's talked to us in letters, and over the phone
about how his squad does
everything together, and that they are known as Ruiz' Rambling Raiders.
I pray that you give
Sgt.Ruiz the heart to do what's right, and that his leaders, including
Cal, trained him well.

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 05/21/09 08:21 AM


While there have been and are
many patriots who made the USA
what She has become and remains today,
there should be no doubt about how far
our great nation has come to be
through the bravery
of those who honorably served all
in the military
with some taking the ultimate fall
and the others carrying on
with civilian life when their duty was done.

They are America's veterans
who were there for us each day,
like our valiant troops do so now,
safeguarding our great, beloved USA
against all who dared to cause Her harm.

So, let us all
stand proudly tall
on Veterans Day . . . giving thankful praise
in remembrance of their noble deeds
for sake of America's security needs.

By David G. Bancroft

Rapunzel's photo
Thu 05/21/09 08:25 AM

Memorial Day

Today is for remembering,
And honoring those who gave
Their last measure of devotion,
Our freedom thus to save,
And also our sweet liberty,
For which they bled and died,
Or suffered pain and anguish,
Which history cannot hide.

They wanted us to be free,
Free from tyranny,
And free from kings and rulers,
From far across the sea,
And free to be a nation
Where patriots reside,
And where their children can be free,
And never have to hide.

Where loving fathers and mothers,
Can teach their children dear,
About our Heavenly Father,
And why He's placed us here,
Who's given us our freedom,
And wants us to be true,
True to God, and true to man,
And our Red, White and Blue.

We need to here remember
The sacrifice they made,
And honor them upon this day
With music and parade,
And also showing gratitude
To Father up above,
For freedom and for liberty,
And this nation that we love.

"Greater love hath no man
Than this," the Savior said,
"That a man lay down his life
For his friends." That's what I read
In John, Chapter 15,
Where Jesus speaks of love,
And also speaks of friendship
In mansions up above.

He gave His life upon the cross
That you and I might be
Free from death's eternal grasp,
And pain and misery,
And free from sin and error,
And chains of bondage, too,
So let us also honor Him,
Each day, our whole life through.

Not only on the battlefield,
But in our hearts as well,
Should be the "Pride of Ownership"
In our dear Liberty Bell,
And also the Statue of Liberty,
And our Founding Fathers here,
Who wrote as God directed,
Those documents I love dear,

And since that day in history,
True patriots have stood,
So they could be counted,
Because they understood
How precious freedom really is,
And how we need to be
Doing all that we can do
To keep this nation free.

God bless us as a nation,
And bless each patriot, too,
And bless the living and the dead
Who've stood both brave and true,
And fought our nation's battles
At home and on foreign shore,
Just as they're now fighting
In the Iraqi war.

Not fighting thus to conquer,
But to set that nation free,
Free from chains of bondage,
And also tyranny,
And tyrants who would thus enslave
The people of that land,
Who've yearned for freedom many years,
Because they understand

How precious freedom really is,
And why they want to be
Free from chains of bondage,
And from captivity,
And there are many there who've given
Their last measure, too,
For freedom and for liberty,
That's worthy to pursue.

Today let's pause and honor
The living, and the dead
Who've given their last measure,
And let our prayers be said
For those who yet may suffer
In chains of bondage here,
And remember, please remember,
That all to God are dear.

By James H. Lee Jr.