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Topic: anything and everthing
JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:01 PM
fazeone are you there. or anyone i'm bored and like to chat with anyone
hell you can pick a topic.

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:12 PM
recon you here yet

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:13 PM

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:14 PM
I was puzzled at first when you asked my to chat and go to this place.
I thought you were refering to a chat room some were.

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:14 PM
nice, am i one of you victiums
oh my god i suck at spelling so forgive me it is getting late.

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:15 PM
no i emailed my friend and told him to meet me here

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:16 PM
hey how do you refresh a page

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:22 PM
Hi Jade

Only victoms who pass my kittys cross hairs.LOL

To refresh a page you just Right Click and a diologe window should pop
up with a list of options. One option is REFRESH. Look down at the
bottom of the window, it should be there.

See ya in the morning.

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:23 PM
you leaving me, well thanks for the tip

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:28 PM
No I'm still here. I thought you were hitten the hey.
Your welcome.

I know some times I come off a little strong and some one might miss
interpit me. I have asked the admin for some updates to this site so
that maybe we all can communicate a little better without any miss


JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:33 PM
okay no i'm not hitting the hey yet i'm waiting till my man comes home
from work which is 10:00

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:36 PM
It's 10:31 here. I up until at least 2:00am. I just a night owel

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:39 PM
really same here.hey we might end up with company. some guy loged into
the angel one i told him no one was on the page anymore,and to come and
chat here instead.

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:42 PM
hey is there a way that you can stay one the page your chat is on when
you answer (i mean go strat there and not to the first page)i'm kinda
new with chat rooms thats why i ask

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:42 PM
Well that would be sweet. Lets have a three way here. Yeee Haaa!

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:44 PM
sounds fun to me. hey maybe my boyfriend might like to join our chat
when he gets home

Ghostrecon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:45 PM
Not sure what you asked. But this an't like a chat room per say. But
unfortunately you have to just bounce around or have the other person
come to one location.

Sorry hun.

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:49 PM
that's not what i meant ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... okay lets see if i can
explian a little better what i'm tring to ask. you know how when your
done responding it automaticaly puts you back at the first page of your
chat(the begianing)

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:52 PM
getting bored again

JadeDemon's photo
Tue 10/03/06 07:54 PM
i'm going to play a small game while i wait okay. oh if you can't figure
out my question just forget it.

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