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Topic: Come on In - part 72
Silveradogal's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:18 AM
Have a good one and talk later!..flowerforyou flowerforyou

Not sure, we never really tallied how far we walk. But today it'll be a short one, I am heading out for our walk. Catch ya'll later!
flowerforyou flowerforyou

Silveradogal's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:19 AM
Hi ((ED))smooched drinker , How ya doing? Havn't seen you in sooo long!..

flowerforyou Good Morning (((Everyone)))flowerforyou

grammy09's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:26 AM

flowerforyou Good Morning (((Everyone)))flowerforyou

well good morning ((ed)):smile: and how are you

Silveradogal's photo
Tue 09/29/09 02:06 PM
Just peeking in before I got to my sisters for
supper. We are having pizza. Got the carpets
all done in the rent house across the street

Talk to ya's when I get back.

njmom05's photo
Tue 09/29/09 02:40 PM
Howdy everyone!
waving waving

Silveradogal's photo
Tue 09/29/09 05:10 PM
Hi Everyone!!..flowers ..Lots of good shows on this evening..
NCIS and NCIS LA is on. I'll be checking in and out. :laughing: :laughing:

grammy09's photo
Tue 09/29/09 05:12 PM

Hi Everyone!!..flowers ..Lots of good shows on this evening..
NCIS and NCIS LA is on. I'll be checking in and out. :laughing: :laughing:

oh i love ncis

Silveradogal's photo
Tue 09/29/09 05:16 PM
That is what i'm watching now Grammy.. Its a great show!..

Hi Everyone!!..flowers ..Lots of good shows on this evening..
NCIS and NCIS LA is on. I'll be checking in and out. :laughing: :laughing:

oh i love ncis

mariposakc's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:03 PM
Good evening all!! Grammy, I love your new pic!!!
I don't what the weather is like where you are at...but here it is brisk. Lovely autumn days.

Silveradogal's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:09 PM
Hi (((Cyn)))flowerforyou , So good to see you! How have you been. Oh! its starting to cool off here too. Thank goodness, its about time. :smile:

mariposakc's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:12 PM
I am doing well. And you {{{Linda}}}? Do you have any fall flowers still in bloom? I need to plant a couple of trees this fall and weed out my irises.

Silveradogal's photo
Tue 09/29/09 06:25 PM
I still have a few things in bloom. My roses are still going strong. They are the Knock out Roses and somthing else I don't even know what it is. Then my elephant ears are stating to get the flowers on them. Really pretty yellow ones on them. They are the Coal Miner Ears.

I had a new flower bed done this year and never got anythign in it but it will be done this next spring. Don't know what i'm going to put in it yet though. Everything in my yard has to be sun shade plants.

Silveradogal's photo
Tue 09/29/09 08:04 PM
Well my friends, its my bedtime.

I'll see ya's in the a m.

Nite nite, Sweet Dreams..

flowers flowers flowers

bad_girl's photo
Wed 09/30/09 12:30 AM
Good morning {{{friends}}} :heart:

Seems like it has been forever since I have been here, even though it was yesterday for a little while.

I miss you guys and I hope the weekend is going to be a slow weekend so I can play :banana:

no photo
Wed 09/30/09 02:35 AM
Good morning (((((((friends))))))))! :heart: flowerforyou waving
(((((Mari & Ed)))))...LTNS, how have you guys been?

arcadefan's photo
Wed 09/30/09 02:56 AM
good morning to everyone drinker flowers

bad_girl's photo
Wed 09/30/09 03:25 AM
Good morning {{{cindy}}} :heart:

Good morning (((((((friends))))))))! :heart: flowerforyou waving
(((((Mari & Ed)))))...LTNS, how have you guys been?

bad_girl's photo
Wed 09/30/09 03:25 AM
Good morning {{{charles}}} shades

good morning to everyone drinker flowers

bad_girl's photo
Wed 09/30/09 03:40 AM
I know it is too early for some of you guys, but

GOOD MORNING when you guys come in, I will try to pop back in shortly. The girl I work with lost her computer access card which means I will be working by myself until she can get a new one frustrated, so I am not sure if I will be able to pop back in anytime soon.

Have a good morning everyone flowers

ladyliz1417's photo
Wed 09/30/09 03:50 AM
good morning ((everyone))bigsmile flowerforyou drinker

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