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Topic: _I_N_T_U_I_T_I_O_N - cracking the enigma...
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Sun 10/11/09 04:12 AM

A twitching/jerking movement may be involuntary, but intuition usually occurres as a direct respose to the intesive thinking, judging from my own experience and that of others. Sometimes, it may also occurre, when we least expect it. But that's because subconsciously we're still involved in processing the information -- that alone may colour the intuition as comming "out of the blue"! Nevertheless, it is always a response to the intense thinking process -- either conscious or subconscious.

It would be nice to have the intuitive thoughts pop into one's head INVOLUNTARY, i.e. whenever "they" feel like it... laugh Unfortunately, that's seldom a case! The more one is involved in deep thinking, the more chances there are for being enlightened with Intuitive Thoughts...

metalwing's photo
Sun 10/11/09 04:50 AM

A twitching/jerking movement may be involuntary, but intuition usually occurres as a direct respose to the intesive thinking, judging from my own experience and that of others. Sometimes, it may also occurre, when we least expect it. But that's because subconsciously we're still involved in processing the information -- that alone may colour the intuition as comming "out of the blue"! Nevertheless, it is always a response to the intense thinking process -- either conscious or subconscious.

It would be nice to have the intuitive thoughts pop into one's head INVOLUNTARY, i.e. whenever "they" feel like it... laugh Unfortunately, that's seldom a case! The more one is involved in deep thinking, the more chances there are for being enlightened with Intuitive Thoughts...

You show amazing insight sometimes (or is it intuition?). Intuition in response to need? Of course. The conscious mind cannot handle all the details of pumping blood, digesting food, and thousands of other bodily functions and danger signals. All that mundane work is left to the subconscious with it's vastly superior processing power. The conscious mind is left to focus on simpler things like finding food, sex, shelter, and the meaning of the universe.

However, in times of need, when the conscious mind has reached the limits of its ability to solve the problem, the subconscious steps in and gives a little boost to the dummy conscious. A good example would be being chased by a bear. In the process the conscious mind is maxed out making decisions of what to do and when to do it. The subconscious (which doesn't want to get eaten either) steps in and adds some extra processing power, decision making, flying ability, adrenalin, and whatever else it can think of to help out. If successful, the genes that produced that success live on to breed more of the same abilities.

I think of the mind as somewhat of a boiling cauldron. The vast majority of the mass of thinking is the boiling liquid in the pot with its liquid conherence. The liquid would be subconscious thought. I think of the conscious mind as the steam that wisps from the surface in response to the boiling below, ever changing, less substantial, but always on TOP. Need causes the pot to boil faster increasing the activity of both.

no photo
Sun 10/11/09 09:38 PM
Need causes the pot to boil faster increasing the activity of both.

Thanx, Joe. I knew you'd comprehend! At the same time, it's sort of a scary realization: scared
ADVERSITY is the only way of developing and/or maintaining the Intuitive capabilities...

Although I realize that's so, I regret having to experince any hardships in the process. For that precise reason, I got thinking about any simpler way of making the Intuition manifest itself -- like mentally creating the adversary conditions...

Sure seems a pitty having such an enormous capability lie dormant inside of our minds!!! whoa

metalwing's photo
Mon 10/12/09 05:32 AM

Need causes the pot to boil faster increasing the activity of both.

Sure seems a pitty having such an enormous capability lie dormant inside of our minds!!! whoa

A lot of people have been working on that problem for millennia.
Ahhhh. "Forbidden Planet" again. "Beware the monsters from the ID".
Be careful what you wish for.

no photo
Tue 10/13/09 12:12 AM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Tue 10/13/09 12:26 AM
Yeah, I can foresee the "not-so-distant" future when such an advanced mental capability would be a prerequisite for enrolling into certain advanced courses, or doing a specialized type of work..

In fact, Intuition seems to be a gateway to Telepathy, which, in turn, will open a way to Telekinesise, i.e. ability of moving stuff around with the power of thoughts...

After that -- in a few centuries (may be even earlier) -- we might attain a capability of altering the phisical reality with the power of thoughts.
And then... shocked whoa what .... (new Adam and Eve? ? ?) laugh biggrin

metalwing's photo
Tue 10/13/09 09:31 AM

Yeah, I can foresee the "not-so-distant" future when such an advanced mental capability would be a prerequisite for enrolling into certain advanced courses, or doing a specialized type of work..

In fact, Intuition seems to be a gateway to Telepathy, which, in turn, will open a way to Telekinesise, i.e. ability of moving stuff around with the power of thoughts...

After that -- in a few centuries (may be even earlier) -- we might attain a capability of altering the phisical reality with the power of thoughts.
And then... shocked whoa what .... (new Adam and Eve? ? ?) laugh biggrin

I researched the Morphic Field topic and came up with this website. The focus appears to be "Altering the physical reality with the power of thoughts". Interesting stuff.

Begin Quote:

Morphic fields can now be measured scientifically!
By Peter von Buengner

In the laboratory of Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) at Princeton University/USA, research on the topic "mind-machine-interaction" has been ongoing since the late 1970s. As far back as the late 80s, extensive studies proved that diodes with white noise might be used as an interface between man and machine. Since 1998, worldwide about 50 such diodes with white noise have been measuring not only the consciousness of individuals but also the global consciousness of mankind within a study called "Global Consciousness Project". The results have been published and indicate synchronized reaction of all diodes to incidents of worldwide interest such as the war in Iraq, Lady Diana�s funeral or the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001 on the World Trade Centre in New York.

Automatic mind reading . . .

Hardly noticed by the public, research at the US-American Princeton University has shown that machines and computers that have a diode with white noise interface react with the thoughts and consciousness of the people who are connected to them.

The connection between mind and machine or computer is wireless and is based on the person mentally concentrating on the communication with the machine. The best-known experiment of this kind was carried out at Princeton University with 200 students (not known to have special PSI-abilities) who were asked to think "+" or "-" during a test.

Illustration 1

The evaluation of all test data demonstrated that the computer could register through the diode with the white noise what the operands had been thinking during the test runs. The computer could also visualise it properly.

The Global Consciousness Project (GCP)

Roger Nelson, who was working at PEAR Laboratory until 2002 had the following idea: Rather than scanning separate states of consciousness, he wanted to check whether there is a global consciousness and whether it is measurable.

Illustration 2

Since 1998, about 50 diodes with white noise have been distributed worldwide. One can envisage them as a radio, which is tuned between two stations to an irregular noise. The raw data of this noise is transmitted daily from each computer, which is connected to one of these 50 diodes, to a host system at Princeton University via the Internet. The data is evaluated and tested for statistically significant abnormalities especially in the case of emotionally moving incidents, which are broadcasted worldwide via media and press.

The results are unambiguous:

Illustration 3

Before the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre the deflection (illustration 3, red line), fluctuates as expected around the black line, the incidence itself causes a far higher deflection than can be co-incidental, which is documented synchronically by all 50 diodes worldwide.

Morphic fields

Are we really experiencing a morphic phenomenon? Is the fact that the global consciousness reacts synchronically worldwide to an incident broadcasted live in all media not only proof that all of us react to such an incidence in the same way? The morphic fields postulated by Sheldrake assume that each and every person is connected with the morphic field of mankind. This field should then also react synchronically worldwide without an incident being consciously noticed concurrently.

The fact that the global consciousness had been alert at 4 am, �that is five hours before the first airplane crashed (8:45) and six and a half hours before the second airplane crashed (10:30), proves that the global consciousness also works without worldwide media and TV broadcastings. Since neither the authorities nor the media knew about this terrorist attack until 8:45 am, the global consciousness reacted from the moment the airplane highjacker had started to realise their plan! This is initial evidence for the existence of morphic fields, which obviously connect mankind even if the perception of an incident is via extrasensory perception.

A lot of incidents around the globe were tested within the Global Consciousness Project (GCP) on statistically significant abnormalities of the 50 diodes. All evaluation results may be viewed under http://noosphere.princeton.edu/. (Please do not submit questions to Princeton University, but contact the director of GCP, Roger Nelson, on rdnelson@Princeton.EDU)

End Quote:

SkyHook5652's photo
Tue 10/13/09 02:21 PM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Tue 10/13/09 02:21 PM

Yeah, I can foresee the "not-so-distant" future when such an advanced mental capability would be a prerequisite for enrolling into certain advanced courses, or doing a specialized type of work..

In fact, Intuition seems to be a gateway to Telepathy, which, in turn, will open a way to Telekinesise, i.e. ability of moving stuff around with the power of thoughts...

After that -- in a few centuries (may be even earlier) -- we might attain a capability of altering the phisical reality with the power of thoughts.
And then... shocked whoa what .... (new Adam and Eve? ? ?) laugh biggrin

I researched the Morphic Field topic and came up with this website. The focus appears to be "Altering the physical reality with the power of thoughts". Interesting stuff.

Begin Quote:

Morphic fields can now be measured scientifically!
By Peter von Buengner

In the laboratory of Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) at Princeton University/USA, research on the topic "mind-machine-interaction" has been ongoing since the late 1970s. As far back as the late 80s, extensive studies proved that diodes with white noise might be used as an interface between man and machine. Since 1998, worldwide about 50 such diodes with white noise have been measuring not only the consciousness of individuals but also the global consciousness of mankind within a study called "Global Consciousness Project". The results have been published and indicate synchronized reaction of all diodes to incidents of worldwide interest such as the war in Iraq, Lady Diana�s funeral or the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001 on the World Trade Centre in New York.

Automatic mind reading . . .

Hardly noticed by the public, research at the US-American Princeton University has shown that machines and computers that have a diode with white noise interface react with the thoughts and consciousness of the people who are connected to them.

The connection between mind and machine or computer is wireless and is based on the person mentally concentrating on the communication with the machine. The best-known experiment of this kind was carried out at Princeton University with 200 students (not known to have special PSI-abilities) who were asked to think "+" or "-" during a test.

Illustration 1

The evaluation of all test data demonstrated that the computer could register through the diode with the white noise what the operands had been thinking during the test runs. The computer could also visualise it properly.

The Global Consciousness Project (GCP)

Roger Nelson, who was working at PEAR Laboratory until 2002 had the following idea: Rather than scanning separate states of consciousness, he wanted to check whether there is a global consciousness and whether it is measurable.

Illustration 2

Since 1998, about 50 diodes with white noise have been distributed worldwide. One can envisage them as a radio, which is tuned between two stations to an irregular noise. The raw data of this noise is transmitted daily from each computer, which is connected to one of these 50 diodes, to a host system at Princeton University via the Internet. The data is evaluated and tested for statistically significant abnormalities especially in the case of emotionally moving incidents, which are broadcasted worldwide via media and press.

The results are unambiguous:

Illustration 3

Before the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Centre the deflection (illustration 3, red line), fluctuates as expected around the black line, the incidence itself causes a far higher deflection than can be co-incidental, which is documented synchronically by all 50 diodes worldwide.

Morphic fields

Are we really experiencing a morphic phenomenon? Is the fact that the global consciousness reacts synchronically worldwide to an incident broadcasted live in all media not only proof that all of us react to such an incidence in the same way? The morphic fields postulated by Sheldrake assume that each and every person is connected with the morphic field of mankind. This field should then also react synchronically worldwide without an incident being consciously noticed concurrently.

The fact that the global consciousness had been alert at 4 am, �that is five hours before the first airplane crashed (8:45) and six and a half hours before the second airplane crashed (10:30), proves that the global consciousness also works without worldwide media and TV broadcastings. Since neither the authorities nor the media knew about this terrorist attack until 8:45 am, the global consciousness reacted from the moment the airplane highjacker had started to realise their plan! This is initial evidence for the existence of morphic fields, which obviously connect mankind even if the perception of an incident is via extrasensory perception.

A lot of incidents around the globe were tested within the Global Consciousness Project (GCP) on statistically significant abnormalities of the 50 diodes. All evaluation results may be viewed under http://noosphere.princeton.edu/. (Please do not submit questions to Princeton University, but contact the director of GCP, Roger Nelson, on rdnelson@Princeton.EDU)

End Quote:
The P.E.A.R (Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research)reports some absolutely fascinating results. I didn’t read much about the machine/human interface, but I read everything I could find on the Remote Viewing research. And it looks like the machine/human interface research is just as fascinating. One can only hope that this kind of research will garner more attention (and thus more funds) in the future.

no photo
Tue 10/13/09 07:45 PM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Tue 10/13/09 07:56 PM
thank you very much for providing the authoritative sources involved in the Intuition research, i.e. legitimizing my fascination with the topic.
Seems like the previously Fantazy acquires the realistic qualitites
(if it's been put at the industrial level...)

However, I'm interested in a more human aspect of Intuition's application -- without getting deep into the scientific side of the matter (i.e. Remote viewing is probably the most studied form of intuition...) Nevertheless. I know many intuitive people, but very few Remote Viewers]/u].
After all, an Intuition is just an Anticipation of an event without conscious reason -- the formal definition of PREMONITION -- which is also called presentiment.

In addition to our 5 senses, most of people seem to possess some kind of a Psychic sense -- which enables some of the people access events remote in space and time (Past and/or Future) by some cognitive process not yet understood. * * *

History knows at least of one such person (among a number of the less known ones): M. NOSTRADAMUS – a person with a well-developed INTUITION!!! (or, may be, that's the RV?)

Seems like, historically, the humanity inadvertently has limited it's abilities with the proverb:

Regardless of that, our psychic sense scans the future for major changes, much as our eyes scan the environment for visual change or our ears allow us to respond to sudden changes in sound.

P.S. What drives me mad is the fact of our apparent blindness:
i.e. Everything -- all of the secrets and knowledge are lieing around -- waiting to be picked up (i.e. discovered)... Yet, it takes such a long while!!! frustrated
*** And there's even NO need for interfacing with the machine... since it's a matter of the thought's power!!!

metalwing's photo
Tue 10/13/09 08:16 PM
Rome wasn't built in a day. We are getting there. That Princeton link is very interesting. I was surprised.

no photo
Fri 10/16/09 12:55 AM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Fri 10/16/09 12:56 AM

Since, by definition, Intuition referers to the knowledge arrived at without relying upon logic and/or reason, it follows that MACHINE (i.e. AUTOMATIC) INTUITION IS IMPOSSIBLE -- it will default to a simple reasoning...

SkyHook5652's photo
Fri 10/16/09 02:47 AM

Since, by definition, Intuition referers to the knowledge arrived at without relying upon logic and/or reason, it follows that MACHINE (i.e. AUTOMATIC) INTUITION IS IMPOSSIBLE -- it will default to a simple reasoning...
That's an excellent line of reasoning that could be used in the age-old arument as to whether computers will even be able to "think". If intuition is considered a form of thought, then that reasoning would seem to indicate tht couputers will never be able to "think".

metalwing's photo
Fri 10/16/09 07:18 AM
I went to the ICRL.org website which in continuing the Princeton Reaserch. (PEAR)Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research

The amount of real science into the paranormal was surprising as were the results from tests performed by PEAR over thirty years.

no photo
Sat 10/17/09 11:38 PM
I doubt computers will ever be capable of Intuitive thoughts -- as long as programmers find it impossible to program such a process...

SkyHook5652's photo
Sun 10/18/09 12:02 AM
I went to the ICRL.org website which in continuing the Princeton Reaserch. (PEAR)Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research

The amount of real science into the paranormal was surprising as were the results from tests performed by PEAR over thirty years.
Absolutely. P.E.A.R. is probably the most significant "scientific" exploration into the paranormal ever and I think the results coming from it demand a LOT of further experimental investigation.

One of the major undertakings of ICRL is the development of "The Science of the Subjective" It is essentially an endeavor to understand how subjective factors affect reality.

Now of course the mainstream physical sciences are totally outraged that such a concept could ever be considered in any way serious. But the amount of data being accumulated in the area leaves no doubt that subjective factors can in fact affect reality. And ICRL has produced a very scholarly paper on the implications of that fact. It is about 24 pages long and, as I said very "scholarly" in tone. But it proposes some revolutionary, ideas on the subject. http://www.princeton.edu/~pear/pdfs/Change_The_Rules.pdf

no photo
Sun 10/18/09 01:01 AM
Edited by JaneStar1 on Sun 10/18/09 01:03 AM
A sign at Albert Einstein's office:
*" Nothing that can be counted counts, *
* and everything that counts can be counted
Intuitions, or gut feelings, are sudden, strong judgments whose origin we can't immediately explain. Although they seem to emerge from an obscure inner force, they actually begin with a perception of something outside—a facial expression, a tone of voice, a visual inconsistency so fleeting you're not even aware you noticed.

Long dismissed as magical or beneath the dignity of science, intuition turns out to muster some fancy and fast mental operations. The best explanation psychologists now offer is that intuition is a mental matching game. {?}

We think of intuition as a magical phenomenon—but hunches are formed out of our past experiences and knowledge. So while relying on gut feelings doesn't always lead to good decisions, it's not nearly as flighty a tactic as it may sound.

Thinking occurs not onstage but offstage, out of sight. Studies of automatic processing, subliminal priming, implicit memory, heuristics, right-brain processing, instant emotions, nonverbal communication and creativity unveil our intuitive capacities. Thinking, memory and attitude operate on two levels: the conscious/deliberate and the unconscious/automatic. "Dual processing," researchers call it. We know more than we know we know

This idea—that much of our everyday thinking, feeling and acting operates outside conscious awareness—is a difficult one to accept.

“Intuitive thinking is perception-like, rapid, effortless," notes Princeton University psychologist Daniel Kahneman.

Discoveries made at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory have shown that human intention and group dynamics can influence the behavior of quantum electronic devices known as Random Event Generators (REGs).
Essentially, the PEAR research showed, under very controlled conditions, that
** human consciousness has the ability to interact with physical devices through an unknown mechanism. Further study will be required to understand the effects in more detail, but there is no question that the results have profound implications for science and society.

SkyHook5652's photo
Sun 10/18/09 01:06 AM
Edited by SkyHook5652 on Sun 10/18/09 01:08 AM
Essentially, the PEAR research showed, under very controlled conditions, that
** human consciousness has the ability to interact with physical devices through an unknown mechanism. Further study will be required to understand the effects in more detail, but there is no question that the results have profound implications for science and society.
One of my favorite quotes from P.E.A.R. I've used it a couple times myself. Good job Jane. drinker

no photo
Sun 10/18/09 01:11 AM

A sign at Albert Einstein's office:
*Nothing that can be counted counts, *
* and everything that counts can be counted
Intuitions, or gut feelings, are sudden, strong judgments whose origin we can't immediately explain. Although they seem to emerge from an obscure inner force, they actually begin with a perception of something outside—a facial expression, a tone of voice, a visual inconsistency so fleeting you're not even aware you noticed.

Long dismissed as magical or beneath the dignity of science, intuition turns out to muster some fancy and fast mental operations. The best explanation psychologists now offer is that intuition is a mental matching game. {?}

We think of intuition as a magical phenomenon—but hunches are formed out of our past experiences and knowledge. So while relying on gut feelings doesn't always lead to good decisions, it's not nearly as flighty a tactic as it may sound.______________________ *

Thinking occurs not onstage but offstage, out of sight. Studies of automatic processing, subliminal priming, implicit memory, heuristics, right-brain processing, instant emotions, nonverbal communication and creativity unveil our intuitive capacities. Thinking, memory and attitude operate on two levels: the conscious/deliberate and the unconscious/automatic. "Dual processing," researchers call it. We know more than we know we know

This idea—that much of our everyday thinking, feeling and acting operates outside conscious awareness—is a difficult one to accept.

“Intuitive thinking is perception-like, rapid, effortless," notes Princeton University psychologist Daniel Kahneman.

Discoveries made at the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) laboratory have shown that human intention and group dynamics can influence the behavior of quantum electronic devices known as Random Event Generators (REGs).
Essentially, the PEAR research showed, under very controlled conditions, that
** human consciousness has the ability to interact with physical devices through an unknown mechanism. Further study will be required to understand the effects in more detail, but there is no question that the results have profound implications for science and society.

mxtsptlk's photo
Sun 10/18/09 06:17 AM

You're interest in understanding intuition is really fascinating to me. You are definitely a creative thinker. Hey! But you know what? In life there are sheep, Sheppard’s, Sheppard dogs, and creative thinkers. You're the latter and I'm latter also. I'd like to take you on a journey of thoughts in regard to your thoughts about intuition. There are many different kinds of intuition. One person may have the type of intuition in which they physiologically feel a change in their metabolism when some event or thing is about to happen. I the intuition about people and their character, honesty and integrity. I can do it some online but I have a 90 percent correct ability. I can speak with a person for one minute or less and 10 years later instantly recognize them if I see them again. And there is the intuition of what you're speaking of, the damm I should have done it intuition LOL. We are all animals in our origin just like all the other animals. We just call ourselves "The Human Animal". Cave drawings in France and other areas of the world should support what I am saying here. At that time humans had a real since of smell, like dogs have a keener and more acute sense of hearing, like cats have, and a thing called instinct. These and other senses were more developed and functional during that time period. Most of us now have either lost completely, these abilities and functionalities or they are so underutilized they lay dormant and exist only as an undeveloped potential sense. Most of us have no real acute sense of smell, for example. Cognitively speaking our brains are merely recorders and reflectors of what was recorded. However we have the ability to compile and fabricate previous thought information into something unique and that applies to some new problem or event. I don't believe we are born with any pre-packaged data about the world outside the womb before we enter our current environment. I think other than that knowledge necessary for homeostasis and physiological functioning, we are born blank. There are many things that can affect brain development during our development. If a woman, drinks, smokes, and what she has consumed, influences brain development. I feel this is why some individuals are better learners than others, and why some individuals process information better and faster than others. Other factors that influence our cognitive development are the people we interacted with during our development, our physical environment, our cultural influences and upbringing, our desires, needs, ECT. What do you think an individual raised in Florida would know about snow plowing? For example. All of this has some fractional influence on intuition. How the rest of it works in each individual is different and based on the compilation of neurotransmitter chemical messages and how quickly, and precisely they are fabricated specifically for the particular stimulus that elicited those fabrications or response. Intuition is a sense we posses. We either understand that we have this sense or don't realize we have this sense. If we do realize it most of us don't develop it, and if we do develop it, it is generally of one type weakly, and none of the other types I mentioned previously.
Here might be a good example of a partially used human sense. If you press on your arm with your finger, you feel both the sense of touch, pressure and if you press hard enough, the sense of pain. Even slightly touching one hair we generally sense. In regard to pressure, if someone were to walk up behind you closely, given you didn’t hear them could you feel the pressure change they make? You can feel that change if you develop that specific sense and probably at some distance too. I think people with intuition are more focused on and acute to their environmental surroundings that individual that hasn’t developed it. I agree we all have it. I also believe the more we work with it the better developed and acute it will become. The blind have great intuition generally.

mxtsptlk's photo
Sun 10/18/09 06:34 AM
a very interesting topic.how about this? the sub conscience mind is like an audio and video recorder it is on unless you are knocked out. everything that happens,even at the limits of your senses is recorded.even if you don't consciously remember or notice it.in the old days it was called jungle sense.after being in the jungle for a long time, One would become subliminaly aware of all the sounds and smells of the environment, such as the calls of the birds and monkeys,who both make distinctive sounds when the tiger is near. your subconscience knows these calls and you,instictivly know where the tiger is.This happens in the modern world also.when your subconscience recognizes a pattern ofmovement,sound or behavior that leads it to believe something will happen,you instinctivly know. Otfen we ignore these heads up calls from our sc and do as we have been trained all our life, and use reasoning and facts only from our consciouse minds,but again and again we instinctivly know things,or recognize paterns.it keeps happening instictivly because it is a natural tool that we all posses to a lesser or greater degree.I think overcoming the years of training it took to get us to ignore it is something we should all aspire to.

no photo
Sun 10/18/09 07:19 AM
So many theories , thoughts , precepts of the order of things.So many aspects are involved within this matrix which harbors the us as a being.
I seek to question not or even decipher it .The , the matrix ,the universe it is my reflection ,i consider not the fallacies of decision making,such be my intuition based on decisions that with that reaction a different outcome is created but with each one come another path having created , . I cannot create a perfect path as all paths change based on the relativity of my decisions having the power to divert me to where i wish to go.Do i make n intuitive decisions , and reflect weather i should not have and i should have are just wasted energy.. it matters not. the order of life and the universe will continue. T ..

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