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Topic: What is the..........
TwilightsTwin's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:21 PM
Whats the first thing you do after you get up????


Whats the last thing you do before you go to bed????

Marie55's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:23 PM
Same thing, bathroom.

HangedMan's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:23 PM
Turn off the alarm.


tantalizingtulip's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:23 PM
awwww katie the norm trip over the cat start puter head for coffeee
eeeee pot

bed comes just pass out with timer set on tv

that was exciting aye????smooched

no photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:24 PM
first thing is feed the cats or they will "meow" at me till I go insane.
Last thing.......strategically place my cats on my bed in their spots so
we can sleephappy

TwilightsTwin's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:26 PM
I dress my son, feed him breakfast, then I turn on the comp...& drink

before bed....turn off the computer, check the locks on the doors (about
3 times) I swear somedays I have OCD

tantalizingtulip's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:27 PM
i hear ya katie on th e lock thing

whispertoascream's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:28 PM
Come out turn on my computer, go grab Ned water bottle, say good morning
to him, run the water in my bathroom, use it while I am in there, wash
my hands fill up Ned's water bottle with fresh water come out give him
some fresh food and sit down at my computer.

Before bed I Pet Ned good night, go to the washroom and head for bed.

Palhaco's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:31 PM
When I first wake up, I go to the bathroom and make coffee and check my
email and stuff...

Last thing I do before going to bed? I usually read because I have
trouble sleeping....

TwilightsTwin's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:40 PM
You go to the bathroom and make coffee?

Sick Tom! sick laugh

no photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:41 PM
Fumble blindly for the alarm clock to shove it in the dresser drawer,
roll over , fumble around for smokes and lighter, light one up, fall out
of bed, stumble to coffee maker, go potty& wash, glare at coffee maker
for taking so long, stumble to puter and turn it on, go back and glare
at coffee maker once again, get cup, dump sugar and milk in it pour
coffee sit at pc and mumble to the cats

Shut off pc, shut off lights, nudge one of the cats out of my way, light
up smoke, reach in dresser drawer for clock, set the evil thing,turn on
stereo play whatevers in cd changer,push cat off my head, push other cat
off my butt..pass out

daleray1606's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:41 PM

I pray... I guess we'll see whatch ya'll got ta say about that????

no photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:41 PM
That's easy sweetie, I think about my special someone.

purplecat's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:42 PM
* **@))))))))))))))))))))))))))))<


TwilightsTwin's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:45 PM
daleray...that is a great health habit

daleray1606's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:46 PM

Why thank you TTwin

TwilightsTwin's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:46 PM
I smoke too...(hangs head) esp right before bed. Mornings are too busy
to have one right away

TwilightsTwin's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:47 PM
I always watch my son sleep for about 5 mins before i go to bed too.

no photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:47 PM
nuttin wrong with prayin

I am gonna try to quit again Twilight..ughg its soo hard

Belushi's photo
Mon 05/28/07 10:48 PM

and say goodnight to the love of my life

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