Topic: Lonleyness
LonleyRedneck27's photo
Sat 09/19/09 06:52 PM
Lonleyness is the whole of me. The part of me i cant seem to fill with drugs food or any other worldley thing.
Lonleyness is like an object an ever circling ring.
Lonleyness is like amonster sleeping undermy bed. Waiting in the dark for me to take a peek.
Like an object at the tip of a mountian too steep.
Lonleyness is a part of me I wich i could lose. Like an alcholice trying to get rid of the booze.
It is so ingrained into my soul.
I fear I will never let it go.
But I try so hard not to loose hope.
But i steel feele like a target at the other end of a scope.brokenheart

Queene123's photo
Sat 09/19/09 07:02 PM

writer_gurl's photo
Sat 09/19/09 07:20 PM

Wow, that is beautiful

no photo
Sat 09/19/09 07:36 PM
lonely marry me!laugh

we can go to target and run around the aisles!

LonleyRedneck27's photo
Sat 09/19/09 08:11 PM
rofl Shure look me up and well talk. I always have someting to say and always respond to messages