Topic: Billionaires for Wealthcare | |
Is profit bad? Companies make money from selling food, so are they 'making money' from our hunger? Do you want to make as much money as you can? What about the people that have invested into these corporations, do they deserve a return on their investment? How can companies pay employees, provide benefits, retirements and grow without making profit??? But your forgeting one thing. How can those who do nothing get anything? We still need tose who wish to donate to our nations lazy people keep trying to make more money so the government can take it from them and give it to the lazy ![]() Most are not lazy people. Many have lost their jobs and there are none to be found. Some are disabled. Some lack skills. Please, remember, too, that people on welfare can only receive it for 5 years, once in a lifetime. They also have to be looking for a job and/or going to school while they're on it. |
This was attempt to theatrically mock genuine opposition to Obama's healthcare reform. LFMAO
Someone please post the NAMES of the ceo's and lobbyist and talk show host that are so called members of this organization. |
This was attempt to theatrically mock genuine opposition to Obama's healthcare reform. LFMAO Someone please post the NAMES of the ceo's and lobbyist and talk show host that are so called members of this organization. Well I'll let you do your own homework, but what I like about this group is that they are doing what the media is not. They are showing the other side of this debate about the interests of the corporations and insurers and the advantage to them to stop his pronto. I don't seem to hear about that on the news much. While the crowds are focusing on supporting NO on just about anything, I don't know how many of these folks have been curious why the opposition is so very very opposed. I tend to want to know why that is. What does the insurance companies and others stand to gain by trying to shut down the discussion and eventually, if not sooner than later, the whole idea. One would think the reasons are obvious, but I am amazed they aren't so obvious at all. So then I wonder well how does the average person that has not real control over this feel about being lied to by their own representatives that have clear relationships to lobbyists for the drug and insurance companies. Have to wonder why people don't look at both sides, in between and everywhere. |
This was attempt to theatrically mock genuine opposition to Obama's healthcare reform. LFMAO Someone please post the NAMES of the ceo's and lobbyist and talk show host that are so called members of this organization. Well I'll let you do your own homework, but what I like about this group is that they are doing what the media is not. They are showing the other side of this debate about the interests of the corporations and insurers and the advantage to them to stop his pronto. I don't seem to hear about that on the news much. While the crowds are focusing on supporting NO on just about anything, I don't know how many of these folks have been curious why the opposition is so very very opposed. I tend to want to know why that is. What does the insurance companies and others stand to gain by trying to shut down the discussion and eventually, if not sooner than later, the whole idea. One would think the reasons are obvious, but I am amazed they aren't so obvious at all. So then I wonder well how does the average person that has not real control over this feel about being lied to by their own representatives that have clear relationships to lobbyists for the drug and insurance companies. Have to wonder why people don't look at both sides, in between and everywhere. HA HA HA on the homework. Didn't you post the thread. Go ahead post the NAMES of the so called CEO's, lobbyist, and talk show host that are members. Clue - It's BOGUS!!! |
It is pretty true though. They might not be willing to publically say it but the OP is how they feel.
It is pretty true though. They might not be willing to publically say it but the OP is how they feel. and that's suppose to make it true.... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It is pretty true though. They might not be willing to publically say it but the OP is how they feel. and that's suppose to make it true.... ![]() ![]() ![]() Yea and..... |
It is pretty true though. They might not be willing to publically say it but the OP is how they feel. and that's suppose to make it true.... ![]() ![]() ![]() Yea and..... With its membership claims false why would anyone believe they have a clue as to what or how the so called members think or feel. Oh, I get it / just because they say it / it must be true. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
It is pretty true though. They might not be willing to publically say it but the OP is how they feel. and that's suppose to make it true.... ![]() ![]() ![]() Yea and..... With its membership claims false why would anyone believe they have a clue as to what or how the so called members think or feel. Oh, I get it / just because they say it / it must be true. ![]() ![]() ![]() You know you are basically aruguing with yourself here. I am not arguing with you. I said it fits, whether the organization is real or not, if someone actually said it or not. It fits. So don't argue with yourself any more okay? |
It is pretty true though. They might not be willing to publically say it but the OP is how they feel. and that's suppose to make it true.... ![]() ![]() ![]() Yea and..... With its membership claims false why would anyone believe they have a clue as to what or how the so called members think or feel. Oh, I get it / just because they say it / it must be true. ![]() ![]() ![]() You know you are basically aruguing with yourself here. I am not arguing with you. I said it fits, whether the organization is real or not, if someone actually said it or not. It fits. So don't argue with yourself any more okay? Still trying to convince yourself on this one are u!!! It only fits the way you want it to fit!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 09/16/09 07:12 PM
Profit Margin - Health Insurance Industry Ranks #86 by Marilyn Mackenzie Liberals keep talking about how the insurance industry makes so much money off of us. I have always doubted that. We have more and more people in the U.S. who have chronic illnesses. We're a nation with many obese people. We eat poorly and exercise little. The insurance industry is not in business to lose money. They have to make money, since that's the nature of businesses. They have to pay the stockholders something. The figures I've seen have shown that the average insurance company today makes only 3.3% profit. This blogger shows a list of 86 industries, with health insurance being the lowest in profits at 3.3%. While I might not always consider a blogger to be the best resource for statistics, this blog is by a man who is has some impressive credentials. Dr. Mark J. Perry is a professor of economics and finance in the School of Management University of Michigan. Perry holds two graduate degrees in economics (M.A. and Ph.D.) from George Mason University near Washington, D.C. In addition, he holds an MBA degree in finance from the Curtis L. Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota. Since 1997, Professor Perry has been a member of the Board of Scholars for the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a nonpartisan research and public policy institute in Michigan. Professor Perry's blog entry says: As the table of Profit Margins by Industry shows (click to enlarge, data here for the most recent quarter), the industry "Health Care Plans" ranks #86 by profit margin (profits/revenue) at 3.3%. Measured by profit margin, there are 85 industries more profitable than Health Care Plans (included Cigna, Aetna, WellPoint, HealthSpring, etc.). Click here for Prof. Perry's blog and to see the list of industries and their profit margins. The graph is small, but if you click on it, it will enlarge so you can read it. CARPE DIEM -Prof. Mark J. Perry's Blog for Economics and Finance Here's where he got the information - from Yahoo Finance. Health Care Plans/Profits If you bother to click on this link, you'll see that CIGNA has the highest profit percentage at 9.69%. The next is Health Spring at 4.67%. The worst one is Universal American Corp at .4%. And, as I've said before, the average is 3.3%. 3.3% is not a high profit margin for any business. Most small business people would give up if that was all they could achieve. |
This song sounds like very good Nationalist Socialist propaganda-even more so than the original lyrics. Congrats! Do you even know what a Nationalist Socialist is by definition? Tell me and then tell me how it applies here. Actually to be quite honest I have no bloody clue what a nationalist socialist is, seriously I don't. I have pretty much just lived my life, minded my own business and survived fairly well. All I know is that it must be pretty bad because lots of folks use those two a lot here. And I don't always know if they know what they are talking about either. |
This song sounds like very good Nationalist Socialist propaganda-even more so than the original lyrics. Congrats! Do you even know what a Nationalist Socialist is by definition? Tell me and then tell me how it applies here. Actually to be quite honest I have no bloody clue what a nationalist socialist is, seriously I don't. I have pretty much just lived my life, minded my own business and survived fairly well. All I know is that it must be pretty bad because lots of folks use those two a lot here. And I don't always know if they know what they are talking about either. We have had all sorts of governments in the world, wouldn't be natural that people would have examined those they were aware of to see what they themselves could put together that would work. It's like when I create something, I use methods that are traditional and methods that are new, etc. I remember my parent's be so freaked out by communists they were anxious about everything, it was irrational, and it colored everything they did and said and how they raised their kids with fear. Forget the fear that is instilled by religion being added to all that anxiety. Anyway we have socialist programs in this country that I grew up with, you too, we both grew up with these programs. I don't think they are bad, I just think some people have a vested interest in seeing them removed because they don't fit will with their financial gains. I am not saying that they couldn't use some work but the aren't 'bad' as in evil in my opinion. I don't like traditional religion, and I grew up with it in the strictest sense, but I'm out numbered by those that do like traditional religion. So because I don't like it and because I think it's divided americans, should I be out there demanding it be taken away? Do'nt we all have power or do only those with certain views have the right to govern? I don't care for extremes, and I don't see any real extremes in this administration. If one is so strictly stuck to one view, then I suppose they could get pretty roudy when they believe they are losing their power. But this is probably the only president I have seen that has gone out of his way to work with both sides, and frankly I think he is naive because those very people have talked publically behind is back, and he still works with them. I might forgive that a couple of times but several? I don't think so. I would say if you pretend to be bipartison and working WITH me, then turn around and tell you constituants that you are working to prevent the public plan, I would be pretty upset with that kind of two faced support. I watched Baucus get up there today and wave his health plan and smile widely and say he is proud to introduce the bill, yet not one of his fellow conservatives back it even though it has no public plan and the democrats refuse to accept it because the public plan is the only part that would force insurance companies to compete. AT this point I am so disappointed in the childish actions of people on both sides of the isle that are opposed to it, I don't care if it dies, I just have to hope I stay as healthy as I am right now, and make damn sure I stay that way. Because if I can't afford health insurance premiums they have now I certainly won't be able to as they go many times higher when the insurers realize they won again and will be right back to their scum bag ways. Oh well I'm talking too much... Btw grumpy Would make a cute username.. I am rarely grumpy even when I get irritated it doesn't last long, I am over it in minutes. Or the minute I walk away from it. |