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Topic: A word to the wise isn't necessary
burgundybry's photo
Mon 09/14/09 09:32 PM
pole vaulting over mouse turds

Quietman_2009's photo
Mon 09/14/09 09:42 PM
when chopping chili peppers

always always always

wash your hands before going to the bathroom

newarkjw's photo
Mon 09/14/09 09:44 PM

when chopping chili peppers

always always always

wash your hands before going to the bathroom


Monier's photo
Mon 09/14/09 10:18 PM

It's the stupid ones who need the advice. :smile:

What other advice do you have?

Once the wise stop taking advise under consideration, they cease to be wise

no photo
Mon 09/14/09 11:55 PM

It's the stupid ones who need the advice. :smile:

What other advice do you have?

Once the wise stop taking advise under consideration, they cease to be wise

Bingo! :thumbsup:

no photo
Tue 09/15/09 10:58 AM

when chopping chili peppers

always always always

wash your hands before going to the bathroom

Or applying Ben-Gay...scared

TxsSun's photo
Tue 09/15/09 11:00 AM
But I like how Ben-Gay tingles laugh

earthytaurus76's photo
Tue 09/15/09 11:02 AM
Did anybody said dont run with scissors?

Dont run with scissors.

Oh, and dont eat those silicone thingys that come in purses, and other products.

Mr_Music's photo
Tue 09/15/09 11:29 AM
Those who use the phrase, "That's the way the ball bounces", are often the ones who dropped it.

Mr_Music's photo
Tue 09/15/09 11:46 AM
A Bible that's falling apart usually belongs to someone who isn't.

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