Topic: Things
Sharris's photo
Sat 09/12/09 01:02 PM

It is that..
I don't want to be..
it alone.
We all have it.
Don't we?
Isn't that why
We look for,
Each other?
No matter
How we fill
The silence,
It finds us.
Just that
"I don't want to
Be..without you"

Raine Les 9/12/2009

Fusion99's photo
Sat 09/12/09 02:06 PM
Not a thing that can be easily lost, but you are right, it's why we all search for each lose that 'lonely thing". drinker drinker flowerforyou

MsTeddyBear2u's photo
Sat 09/12/09 03:32 PM
that thing... *sigh* flowers

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 09/18/09 01:46 PM


It is that..
I don't want to be..
it alone.
We all have it.
Don't we?
Isn't that why
We look for,
Each other?
No matter
How we fill
The silence,
It finds us.
Just that
"I don't want to
Be..without you"

Raine Les 9/12/2009
flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

TxsGal3333's photo
Fri 09/18/09 03:43 PM
Hummmm and sometimes that thing is harder to find then we think.........flowerforyou