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Topic: Did someone tell you they love you today? - part 6
MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 10/18/09 07:53 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 10/18/09 07:57 PM
explode Not yet explode

alicat4213's photo
Sun 10/18/09 08:01 PM

explode Not yet explode

:heart: you Johnny smooched

PATSFAN's photo
Sun 10/18/09 08:02 PM

explode Not yet explode

:heart: you Johnny smooched

blushing I can't sleep well tonight, Love you too Alismooched

romee's photo
Sun 10/18/09 08:04 PM
no i don't care anymore!grumble

BL4766's photo
Sun 10/18/09 08:06 PM

no i don't care anymore!grumble

:heart: ya know I love ya romee!!!!!:heart:

romee's photo
Sun 10/18/09 08:11 PM

no i don't care anymore!grumble

:heart: ya know I love ya romee!!!!!:heart:
ya i know thank's beckie :heart: you to!

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 10/18/09 11:18 PM

sweetsimplesassy's photo
Sun 10/18/09 11:26 PM
yes, my 5 yr old son and my sister

ArtGurl's photo
Mon 10/19/09 12:01 AM
my mom as I left the hospital :heart:

DTHRomeo's photo
Mon 10/19/09 12:25 AM
Yup , My babies did :heart:

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 10/19/09 12:44 AM
Nope. Same as always.

MelodyGirl's photo
Mon 10/19/09 01:58 AM
My doggies and kitties do every single day! :heart:

BYondLife's photo
Mon 10/19/09 02:55 AM
lol no one's told me that and meant it in 4 yrs.

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 10/19/09 11:06 AM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

BL4766's photo
Mon 10/19/09 11:06 AM

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 10/19/09 07:40 PM

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 10/19/09 07:47 PM


:heart: :heart: :heart:

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 10/19/09 07:48 PM

Not today no

:heart: :heart: :heart:

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 10/19/09 07:48 PM

Nope. Same as always.

:heart: :heart: :heart:

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